Pia Tham
Professor at Department of social work; Faculty
- E-mail:
- pia.tham@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
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Min forskning rör organisation, ledarskap och arbetsvillkor inom socialtjänsten. Senare studier har rört övergången från utbildningen till yrkesliv och förberedelsen för yrkeslivet. Ett annat spår rör hur yrkesrollen har utvecklats och ledarrollen. De senaste externfinansierade projekten har haft fokus på vad som bidrar till arbetstillfredsställelse samt till friska arbetsplatser, samtalsträning för socionomer med hjälp av AI och arbetsvillkor för socionomer i de nordiska länderna.
- arbetsmiljö
- ledarskap
- socialt arbete
- socionom
- socionomers professionsidentitet
- yrkesverksamma
Selection of publications
Recent publications
- Building professional identity during social work education (2024)
- Individual, family, job, and organizational factors associated with retirement intentions among older long-term care workers (2024)
- The specialization/collaboration paradox (2024)
- Dialogue with Avatars in Simulation-Based Social Work Education (2024)
- Staff quality of working life and turnover intentions in municipal nursing care and social welfare (2023)
All publications
- Building professional identity during social work education (2024)
- Individual, family, job, and organizational factors associated with retirement intentions among older long-term care workers (2024)
- The specialization/collaboration paradox (2024)
- Dialogue with Avatars in Simulation-Based Social Work Education (2024)
- Staff quality of working life and turnover intentions in municipal nursing care and social welfare (2023)
- Social work in an assembly line (2023)
- Lower demands but less meaningful work? (2023)
- How do we prepare students for the challenges of social work? Examples from six countries around the world (2023)
- Not rocket science (2022)
- ‘Perhaps I should be working with potted plants or standing in the fish counter instead?’ (2021)
- COVID-19 impact on social work admissions and education in seven international universities (2020)
- The Iron Cage of Leadership (2020)
- Under the delusive wings of the welfare state (2020)
- A professional role in transition (2018)
- Where the need is greatest (2018)
- Prepared for Practice? (2014)
- Working in human services (2009)
- Ny i yrket men redan gammal i gården? (2007)
- Why are they leaving? (2007)