Ola Åberg
Researcher at Department of Medicinal Chemistry; Preclinical PET-MRI Platform
- E-mail:
- ola.aberg@ilk.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Biomedicinskt Centrum BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Dag Hammarskjöldsv 14C, 3 tr
751 83 Uppsala
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
I am working as a researcher/teacher in radiopharmaceutical organic chemistry at the Preclinical PET Platform.
- Radiochemistry with 11C, 18F, 68Ga, 125I
- Transition metal catalysis
- Bioorthogonal chemistry
- Cancer imaging, neuro imaging
I am also working as IT e-coordinator for Research administration, and Handling of research data.
Biovia Notebook, REDCap, iLab, Doktoranddatabasen, Disputationskalendern, Allvis etc.
I am a part of the Research data support group at UU.
2012 - Present Uppsala university, Preclinical PET Platform. Researcher, e-coordinator.
2010 - 2012 Imperial College London, UK. Research Associate.
2005- 2009 Uppsala university, Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. PhD student.
Selection of publications
- Toward molecular imaging of the free fatty acid receptor 1 (2017)
- Synthesis of C-11-labeled Sulfonyl Carbamates through a Multicomponent Reaction Employing Sulfonyl Azides, Alcohols, and [C-11]CO (2016)
- 5-Hydroxy-L-[beta-C-11]-tryptophan Deuterium Isotopologue Shows Increased Retention In Neuro-endocrine Cells Due To Secondary Kinetic Isotope Effect (2014)
- A novel small molecule hydroxamate preferentially inhibits HDAC6 activity and tumour growth. (2013)
- Design of symmetrical and nonsymmetrical N,N-dimethylaminopyridine derivatives as highly potent choline kinase alpha inhibitors (2013)
- Combinatorial synthesis of labelled drugs and PET tracers (2012)
- 18F-labelling of a cyclic pentapeptide inhibitor of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 (2012)
- Synthesis of substituted [C-11]ureas and [C-11]sulphonylureas by Rh(I)-mediated carbonylation (2011)
- Rhodium-mediated [11C]Carbonylation (2009)
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of [Carboxyl-11C]eprosartan (2009)
- Synthesis of [11C]/[13C]acrylamides by palladium-mediated carbonylation (2007)
Recent publications
- Educational challenges for teaching nanotechnology (2023)
- Educational challenges for teaching nanotechnology (2023)
- Heparin-Derived Theranostic Nanoprobes Overcome the Blood-Brain Barrier and Target Glioma in Murine Model (2022)
- 18F-Radiolabeling and Preliminary Evaluation of a HSP90 ligand (2021)
- Discovery, optimization and biodistribution of an Affibody molecule for imaging of CD69 (2021)
All publications
- Heparin-Derived Theranostic Nanoprobes Overcome the Blood-Brain Barrier and Target Glioma in Murine Model (2022)
- 18F-Radiolabeling and Preliminary Evaluation of a HSP90 ligand (2021)
- Discovery, optimization and biodistribution of an Affibody molecule for imaging of CD69 (2021)
- Radiolabelling and positron emission tomography imaging of a high-affinity peptide binder to collagen type 1 (2021)
- Toward molecular imaging of the free fatty acid receptor 1 (2017)
- Synthesis of 11C-labelled Sulfonyl Carbamates via a Multicomponent Reaction Employing Sulfonyl Azides, Alcohols and [11C]CO (2016)
- Synthesis of C-11-labeled Sulfonyl Carbamates through a Multicomponent Reaction Employing Sulfonyl Azides, Alcohols, and [C-11]CO (2016)
- 5-Hydroxy-L-[beta-C-11]-tryptophan Deuterium Isotopologue Shows Increased Retention In Neuro-endocrine Cells Due To Secondary Kinetic Isotope Effect (2014)
- Strategy to develop a MAO-A-resistant 5-hydroxy-L-[beta-C-11]tryptophan isotopologue based on deuterium kinetic isotope effects (2014)
- Automation of the 'xenon method' and comparative study on C-11-carbonylation at ambient pressure versus high solvent pressure (2013)
- Scavenging strategy for specific activity improvement (2013)
- A novel small molecule hydroxamate preferentially inhibits HDAC6 activity and tumour growth. (2013)
- Design of symmetrical and nonsymmetrical N,N-dimethylaminopyridine derivatives as highly potent choline kinase alpha inhibitors (2013)
- GRPR antagonist NOTA-P2-RM26 labeled with fluorine-18 (2013)
- In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of a F-18-Labeled High Affinity NOTA Conjugated Bombesin Antagonist as a PET Ligand for GRPR-Targeted Tumor Imaging (2013)
- (AlF)-F-18-labelling of NOTA-P2-RM26 and its evaluation as a PET ligand for GRPR/BB2 (2013)
- Combinatorial synthesis of labelled drugs and PET tracers (2012)
- 18F-labelling of a cyclic pentapeptide inhibitor of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 (2012)
- Synthesis of substituted [C-11]ureas and [C-11]sulphonylureas by Rh(I)-mediated carbonylation (2011)
- Synthesis and evaluation of a 11C-labelled angiotensin II AT2 receptor ligand (2010)
- Rhodium-mediated [11C]Carbonylation (2009)
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of [Carboxyl-11C]eprosartan (2009)
- Synthesis of [11C]/[13C]acrylamides by palladium-mediated carbonylation (2007)
- A novel polymer-based carbonyl scavenger for the detection of ischemic tissues
- Synthesis of the Aryl Iodide Precursor of [Carboxyl-11C]Candesartan