Linda Forssman

Researcher at Department of Psychology; Developmental Psychology

+46 18 471 57 51
Visiting address:
Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala
Postal address:
Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA

Short presentation

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, and part of the Uppsala Child & Baby Lab research group.

In my research, my primary focus revolves around understanding how young children perceive and engage with their world, and how various experiences shape the development of their cognitive, social and language skills in early childhood.


Professional Appointments and Experience

2016 - Present, Senior Researcher and Project Leader, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Sweden. *Includes parental leave equivalent to 16 months

2019, Associate professor (Docent) at Uppsala University

2018 - 2019, Lecturer (50%), Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden

2012 - 2015, Post-doctoral researcher, School of Medicine, University of Tampere, Finland

2012, Phd in Psychology, Uppsala University, Sweden

Teaching Experience

Currently main supervisor to 1 PhD student and second supervisor to 1 PhD student.

Second supervisor to 1 completed PhD.

Supervised more than 30 master and BA thesis students.

Example of other previous teaching experiences:

Course leader for Developmental Psychology, International Master's Program, Developmental Psychology I & II (Department of Psychology, Stockholm University), Developmental Psychology II, Sex, Gender & Ethnicity, The Social Brain and Language Development (Department of Psychology, Uppsala University)

University teacher training courses

2023 Workshop: Sharing good practices for ethical thesis supervision (1 day, Uppsala University)

2021 Active students in team work (1 week, Uppsala University)

2019 Supervision of undergraduate students (2 weeks, Uppsala University)

2019 Supervision of PhD students (3 weeks, Uppsala University)

2009 Academic teacher training course (5 weeks, Uppsala University)

2007 Gender aware pedagogy (1 week, Uppsala University)


Grant Founding

En förebyggande föräldrainsats för att främja tidig språkutveckling hos barn som växer upp i socioekonomiskt missgynnade områden. (A preventive parenting intervention to promote early language development in children growing up in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas). Principal Investigator, Founded by the Jane and Dan Olsson Foundation, €44, 300 (2024).

Nordiskt forskningsnätverk för evidensbaserad förskola av hög kvalitet för social rättvisa. (Nordic evidence based high quality early childhood education and care research network for social justice). Co-Investigator, Founded by the Swedish Research Council. (2023-03877). €102,500 (2023-2026).

Proportionell universalism i praktiken – ett program för studier av universella, selektiva och indikerade insatser för att stärka barns välbefinnande och psykisk hälsa under de första fem åren. (Proportionate universalism in action-an early life program to explore a mix of universal, selected and indicated approaches to child wellbeing and mental health). Co-Investigator, Founded by Forte: Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd (Program: 2023-01144), €1,683,000. (2023-2029)

Vilken betydelse har förskolans kvalitet för barns kunskapsutveckling i förskoleklass? (How preschool quality relates to children’s learning outcomes). Principal Investigator, Founded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research, €454,000. (2022-2024)

Arbetsmarknadsintegration i föränderliga tider (Understanding and advancing labor market integration in transitional times). Co-Investigator, Founded by Forte: Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd (Program: 2021-01570), €1,632,000. (2021-2027)

Quality indicators for Uppsala preschools. Co-Investigator, Founded by Uppsala municipality. €400, 000. (2021-2023)

Förskola för barnets bästa: Ett centrum för förskoleforskning. Co-Investigator, Founded by Skandia, Idéer för livet, €149,000. (2020-2021)

The Impact of Book-Sharing on Infant Language and Cognition: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Principal investigator, Founded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond – the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences. Project P18-0300:1, €362,000. (2019-2022)

The Impact of Book-Sharing on Infant Language and Cognition: A randomized-controlled pilot study. Principal investigator, Founded by Majblommans Riksförbund & Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne. €11,900. (2018-2019)

Assessing cognitive and social development of young infants in low-income settings: feasibility and validity of a novel eye-tracking method (MiTrack). Co-investigator, Funded by Food and Nutritional Technical Assistance III (FANTA) Project (AID-OAA-A-12-00005), €321,000. (2014-2016)

Early development of cognitive processes involved in goal-directed behaviors. Principal Investigator, Sven Jerring Foundation, Alrutz´& Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Total €8,900. (2010)


Recent publications

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Linda Forssman

