David Iggman
Associated Researcher at Center for Clinical Research Dalarna
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 818 11 82
- E-mail:
- david.iggman@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Centrum för Klinisk Forskning Dalarna
- Postal address:
- Nissers väg 3
791 82 FALUN
Download contact information for David Iggman at Center for Clinical Research Dalarna
Associated Researcher at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 818 11 82
- E-mail:
- david.iggman@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Husargatan 3, BMC
751 22 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Husargatan 3, BMC, Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Jag är distriktsläkare vid Akademisk vårdcentral Norslund Svärdsjö och arbetar utanför Falun i den lilla orten Svärdsjö. Jag forskar på 50% och är associerad till enheten för Klinisk nutrition och metabolism. Min avhandling 2015 rörde fettsyror i kosten och kardiometabol risk. Min nuvarande forskning fokuserar mest på kost och blodfetter, särskilt i primärvårdsmiljö.
Recent publications
- Glycemic variability assessed using continuous glucose monitoring in individuals without diabetes and associations with cardiometabolic risk markers (2024)
- Overfeeding polyunsaturated fat compared to saturated fat does not differentially influence lean tissue accumulation in overweight individuals (2024)
- Contrasting Carbohydrate Quantity and Quality and the Effects on Plasma Saturated and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Healthy Adults (2023)
- Effectiveness of Written Dietary Advice for Improving Blood Lipids in Primary Care Adults-A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (MYDICLIN) (2022)
- Professionals' perspectives on existing practice and conditions for nurse-led gout care based on treatment recommendations (2022)
All publications
- Glycemic variability assessed using continuous glucose monitoring in individuals without diabetes and associations with cardiometabolic risk markers (2024)
- Overfeeding polyunsaturated fat compared to saturated fat does not differentially influence lean tissue accumulation in overweight individuals (2024)
- Contrasting Carbohydrate Quantity and Quality and the Effects on Plasma Saturated and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Healthy Adults (2023)
- Effectiveness of Written Dietary Advice for Improving Blood Lipids in Primary Care Adults-A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (MYDICLIN) (2022)
- Professionals' perspectives on existing practice and conditions for nurse-led gout care based on treatment recommendations (2022)
- Plasma proteomics and lung function in four community-based cohorts (2021)
- The effects of foods on LDL cholesterol levels (2021)
- Response to La Sala and Pontiroli (2021)
- Abdominal Fat and Metabolic Health Markers but Not PNPLA3 Genotype Predicts Liver Fat Accumulation in Response to Excess Intake of Energy and Saturated Fat in Healthy Individuals (2020)
- Overeating saturated fat promotes fatty liver and ceramides compared to polyunsaturated fat (2019)
- Endothelial dysfunction is associated with impaired lung function in two independent community cohorts (2018)
- Endothelial dysfunction is associated with impaired lung function in two independent community cohorts (2018)
- Impact of polyunsaturated and saturated fat overfeeding on the DNA-methylation pattern in human adipose tissue (2017)
- Adipose tissue transcriptomics and epigenomics in low birthweight men and controls (2016)
- Association of Adipose Tissue Fatty Acids With Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality in Elderly Men (2016)
- NMR-based metabolic profiling in healthy individuals overfed different types of fat (2015)
- Adipose tissue fatty acids and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in elderly men (2015)
- Role of Dietary Fats in Modulating Cardiometabolic Risk During Moderate Weight Gain (2014)
- Plasma alkylresorcinols C17:0/C21:0 ratio, a biomarker of relative whole-grain rye intake, is associated to insulin sensitivity (2014)
- Overfeeding Polyunsaturated and Saturated Fat Causes Distinct Effects on Liver and Visceral Fat Accumulation in Humans (2014)
- Serum cathepsin S is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and the development of diabetes type 2 in a community-based cohort of elderly men (2013)
- Effects of an isocaloric healthy Nordic diet on insulin sensitivity, lipid profile and inflammation markers in metabolic syndrome (2013)
- Effects of n-6 PUFAs compared with SFAs on liver fat, lipoproteins, and inflammation in abdominal obesity (2012)
- Should dietary SFA be exchanged for linoleic acid? (2012)
- Replacing dairy fat with rapeseed oil causes rapid improvement of hyperlipidaemia (2011)
- Role of different dietary saturated fatty acids for cardiometabolic risk (2011)
- Adipose tissue fatty acids and insulin sensitivity in elderly men. (2010)
- Dietary fat modification and liver fat content in abdominal obesity
- Adipose tissue fatty acids and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in elderly men