Jacob Bull

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Centre for Gender Research

Mobile phone:
+46 72 999 98 06
Visiting address:
Villavägen 6A
752 36 UPPSALA
Postal address:
Box 527
751 20 Uppsala

Short presentation

JACOB BULL is a social and cultural geographer. Based at the centre since 2009, Jacob is Director of Studies for the Masters programme, coordinator of the Humanimal Group and Editor of the centre’s book series Crossroads of Knowledge. Jacob’s research is positioned at the intersections of Animal Studies, Gender Studies and Geography, with a focus on the role of animals in understandings of space, place and identity.


  • animal studies
  • environmental humanities
  • gender studies
  • geography
  • post-humanism


JACOB BULL is a social and cultural geographer. Based at the centre since 2009, Jacob is Director of Studies for the Masters programme, coordinator of the Humanimal Group and Editor of the centre’s book series Crossroads of Knowledge. Jacob’s research is positioned at the intersections of Animal Studies, Gender Studies and Geography, with a focus on the role of animals in understandings of space, place and identity. He is lead applicant on the VR-funded project ‘Becoming human: gender theory and animals in a more-than-human world’ and the FORMAS-funded project ‘Changing animal bodies: breeding responses to environmental, economic and social pressures’. Jacob is part of the editorial collective for Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies and part of the editorial advisory board of Trace - Finnish journal for human-animal studies

Research Grants

Changing Animal Bodies: Breeding Responses to Changing Environmental Economic and Social Pressures (2015 – 2017)

Principle Investigator

This 5 Million SEK FORMAS funded project departs from the position that animals are not a product of agriculture but rather operate as indicators of how farmers and farming are responding to changing environmental, economic and social pressures.

Becoming Human: Gender Theory and Animals in a More-than-Human Worlds (2012-2017)

Principle Investigator

This 6 million SEK Vetenskapsrådet Grant is a multidisciplinary project bringing together 3 scholars from Geography, Philosophy and Literature. Beginning from a position that suggests we shape our humanity not in spite of animals but rather through encounters with the more-than-human world, the project investigates the theoretical, ethical and practical questions that arise in the meeting of Gender Theory and Animal Studies.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • Bull, J. (Forthcoming 2018) Humanimal movements: mapping multispecies mobilities in response to TBEv. Invited contribution to the anthology Butz, D. and Cook, N. Mobilities, Mobility Justice & Social Justice(Routledge, expected 2018
  • Erikson, C. and Bull J. (2017) Place-making with goats and microbes: The more-than-human geographies of local cheese in Jämtland, Sweden Journal of Rural Studies 50:209-217
  • Bull, J. and Holmberg, T. Introducing Animals Places and Lively cartographies. in Bull, J. Holmberg, T., and Åsberg, C. (2017) Animal Places: Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations.
  • Bull, J. (2017) A foray into the geographies of Ticks and people. In Bull, J. Holmberg, T., and Åsberg, C. (2017) Animal Places: Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations.
  • Bull, J. (2015) Toxic Skin and Animal Mops: Ticks and Humanimal Vulnerabilities In Folkmarson Käll, Lisa and Grenell, Ann (2015) Bodily Boundaries and embodied vulnerabilities(Springer)
  • Bull, J. (2014) Images of Cows, Stories of Gender. In Illdisciplined Gender: Nature/culture and transgressive encounters. ed. Jacob Bull (Springer)
  • Bull J. (2014) Between Ticks and People: responding to nearbys and contentments. Emotion Space and Society.
  • Bear, C. and Bull (2011) ‘Water matters: agency, flows, and frictions – Guest Editorial” Environment and Planning A 43: 2261 – 2266
  • Bull, J. (2011) ‘Encountering fish, flows and waterscapes through angling’: Environment and Planning A43: 2267-2284.
  • Roe, E., Buller, H. and Bull, J. (2011) The performance of farm animal assessment. Animal Welfare, 20, (1), 69-78.
  • Leyshon, M. and Bull, J. (2011) ‘The Bricolage of the Here: Young People’s Narratives of Identity in the Countryside’: Social and Cultural Geography 12(2) 159-180
  • Bull, J. (2011) ‘The Imaginative Geographies of the Aquatic: Piscatorial Encounters with Landscape Geography’. In Segerdahl, P. (ed) Undisciplined Animals (Cambridge Scholars Press)
  • Bull, J. (2011) ‘Introducing movement and animals’’ in Bull, J. (ed) Animal Movements •Moving Animals: essays in direction, velocity and agency in humanimal encounters Crossroad of Knowledge Series Centre for Gender Research: Uppsala University
  • Bull, J. and Leyshon, M. (2010) ‘Writing the Moment: Landscape and the Memory-Image’ In Brace, C. and Johns-Putra, A. (eds) Process: Landscape and Text, (Rodopi, New York)
  • Bull, J. (2009) ‘Watery Masculinities: Fly Fishing and the Angling Male’: Gender Place and Culture 16(4) 445-465


  • Bull, J. Holmberg, T., and Åsberg, C. (2017) Animal Places: Lively Cartographies of Human-Animal Relations.
  • Bull, J.. Ed. (2016). Illdisciplined Gender: Nature/culture and transgressive encounters. (Springer)
  • Bull, J. (ed) (2011) Animal Movements •Moving Animals: essays in direction, velocity and agency in humanimal encounters Crossroad of Knowledge Series Centre for Gender Research: Uppsala University


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Jacob Bull

