Igor Di Marco
Researcher at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Materials Theory
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 58 56
- E-mail:
- igor.dimarco@physics.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
Researcher at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Materials Theory; Materials Theory
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 58 56
- E-mail:
- igor.dimarco@physics.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- 0000-0003-1714-0942
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Short presentation
I am a researcher in computational physics and condensed matter theory. In particular, I work on computational methods to determine electronic and magnetic properties of strongly correlated materials.
I received my PhD in condensed matter theory in 2009 from the Radboud University of Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. Since 2009 I have been working at Uppsala University, first as a postdoctoral fellow and then as a researcher. In 2017, I took a temporary leave to lead a small group at the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, in South Korea. My research interests are focused on understanding systems with strongly correlated electrons, and in particular on developing computational tools to describe them. I have devoted several years of research to investigate how the many-body effects associated to the strong Coulomb repulsion between localised electrons can be treated in solids or smaller systems. My final goal is to contribute to the development of electronic structure methods with real predictive abilities.
My research interests include the development of computational methods to describe the electronic structure of solids. My favorite techniques are density-functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). I am one of the main developers of the all-electron DFT code RSPt, which is a joint project across Sweden, USA and France. RSPt is based on the full-potential linearized muffin-tin orbitals (FP-LMTO) method and has proven to be among the most accurate codes to solve the Kohn-Sham problem in solids [1]. I gave a major contribution to the development of the DFT+DMFT part of RSPt, including:
the main computational scheme, with full self-consistence over electron density and self-energy and tools for extracting total energies and interatomic exchange parameters [2, 3, 4, 5];
various impurity solvers (SPTF, Hubbard I approximation, exact diagonalization) [6, 7];
various methods for the analytical continuation of Green's functions and susceptibilities [8, 9].
Among materials, my interest are focused mainly on magnetic materials or systems with strongly correlated electrons. My most important projects include:
the study of the role of electronic correlations on the magnetic properties and the photoemission spectra of the late transition metals, Fe, Co and Ni (bulk and surfaces) [2, 5, 10, 11, 12] ;
the analysis of the nature of the excitation spectra of the late transition metals monoxides [7, 16] and of the prototypical dilute magnetic semiconductor (Mn,Ga)As, including its consequences on the mechanisms leading to the magnetic order [13];
the formulation of a unified theoretical framework for describing the physics of the elemental lanthanides, ranging from cohesive and magnetic properties to magnon spectra and photoemission spectra [14];
the prediction of a new family of 2-dimensional materials forming from layered transition metals carbides [15].
I am currently working on X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS).
Recent publications
- Analytical treatment of the Yukawa screened Coulomb interaction in a plane-wave basis (2025)
- Stacking of charge-density waves in 2H-NbSe2 bilayers (2024)
- Emergent half-metal with mixed structural order in (111)-oriented (LaMnO3)2n|(SrMnO3)n superlattices (2024)
- Interplay between disorder and electronic correlations in compositionally complex alloys (2024)
- Understanding the nature of the magnetic coupling in transition metal doped Bi2Se3 (2024)
All publications
- Analytical treatment of the Yukawa screened Coulomb interaction in a plane-wave basis (2025)
- Stacking of charge-density waves in 2H-NbSe2 bilayers (2024)
- Emergent half-metal with mixed structural order in (111)-oriented (LaMnO3)2n|(SrMnO3)n superlattices (2024)
- Interplay between disorder and electronic correlations in compositionally complex alloys (2024)
- Understanding the nature of the magnetic coupling in transition metal doped Bi2Se3 (2024)
- Exploring novel transition metal ceramics M2X (M = Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Os; X = B, C,N) via ab-initio calculations (2024)
- Magnetism in AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, Rb, and K) (2023)
- Magnetism in AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, Rb, K) (2023)
- Enabling the transition to ductile MAX phases and the exfoliation to MXenes via tuning the A element (2023)
- Electronic structure of Bi nanolines on InAs(100) (2023)
- Role of volume change on the physics of thermoelectric half-Heusler compounds (2023)
- Pushing the limit of thermal conductivity of MAX borides and MABs (2022)
- Magnetism between magnetic adatoms on monolayer NbSe2 (2022)
- Structural and electronic properties of the random alloy ZnSexS1-x (2022)
- Local structural evolution in the anionic solid solution ZnSexS1-x (2021)
- Magnetic exchange interactions in yttrium iron garnet (2021)
- Lattice dynamics of palladium in the presence of electronic correlations (2020)
- Strain-induced stripe phase in charge-ordered single layer NbSe2 (2020)
- Localized versus itinerant character of 4f-states in cerium oxides (2020)
- Analysis of the linear relationship between asymmetry and magnetic moment at the M edge of 3d transition metals (2020)
- Magnetic two-dimensional electron liquid at the surface of Heusler semiconductors (2020)
- Measuring the Intra-Atomic Exchange Energy in Rare-Earth Adatoms (2020)
- A combined machine learning and density functional theory study of binary Ti-Nb and Ti-Zr alloys (2020)
- Unveiling hidden charge density waves in single-layer NbSe2 by impurities (2018)
- Half-metallicity and magnetism in the Co2MnAl/CoMnVAl heterostructure (2018)
- Element- and momentum-resolved electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor manganese doped gallium arsenide (2018)
- The Bethe-Slater curve revisited; new insights from electronic structure theory (2017)
- Combining electronic structure and many-body theory with large databases (2017)
- Evolution of the structural and multiferroic properties of PbFe2/3W1/3O3 ceramics upon Mn-doping (2017)
- Electronic structure of (Ga, Mn) As revisited (2017)
- Exchange interactions of CaMnO3 in the bulk and at the surface (2017)
- Theory of L-edge spectroscopy of strongly correlated systems (2017)
- Correlated electron behavior of metal-organic molecules (2016)
- First principles studies of the Gilbert damping and exchange interactions for half-metallic Heuslers alloys (2016)
- Polar Order and Frustrated Antiferromagnetism in Perovskite Pb2MnWO6 Single Crystals. (2016)
- Microscopic Origin of Heisenberg and Non-Heisenberg Exchange Interactions in Ferromagnetic bcc Fe (2016)
- Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids. (2016)
- Understanding the electrochemical properties of A(2)MSiO(4) (A = Li and Na; M = Fe, Mn, Co and Ni) and the Na doping effect on Li2MSiO4 from first-principles calculations (2016)
- Standard model of the rare earths analyzed from the Hubbard I approximation (2016)
- A GPU code for analytic continuation through a sampling method (2016)
- Electronic structure of palladium in the presence of many-body effects (2016)
- Correlated electronic structure of CeN (2016)
- Electronic and magnetic properties of single Fe atoms on a CuN surface (2016)
- High photon energy spectroscopy of NiO (2016)
- Correlation effects and orbital magnetism of Co clusters (2016)
- Magnetism and exchange interaction of small rare-earth clusters (2016)
- Analytic continuation by averaging Pade approximants (2016)
- Comparison between methods of analytical continuation for bosonic functions (2016)
- A new 2D monolayer BiXene, M2C (M = Mo, Tc, Os) (2016)
- Stacking fault energetics of alpha- and gamma-cerium investigated with ab initio calculations (2016)
- Layer-resolved magnetic exchange interactions of surfaces of late 3d elements (2015)
- Exchange parameters of strongly correlated materials (2015)
- Electronic topological transition and noncollinear magnetism in compressed hcp Co (2015)
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics (2015)
- Magnetism and electronic structure calculation of SmN (2015)
- Valence and spectral properties of rare-earth clusters (2015)
- Gluing together metallic and covalent layers to form Ru2C under ambient conditions (2015)
- Momentum space anisotropy of electronic correlations in Fe and Ni (2014)
- Origin of the magnetostructural coupling in FeMnP0.75Si0.25 (2014)
- Electronic structure, cohesive properties, and magnetism of SrRuO3 (2014)
- A charge self-consistent LDA plus DMFT study of the spectral properties of hexagonal NiS (2014)
- Treatment of 4 f states of the rare earths (2014)
- Electronic structure and phase stability of plutonium hydrides (2014)
- Correlated electronic structure of Fe in bulk Cs and on a Cs surface (2013)
- Electron correlations in MnxGa1-xAs as seen by resonant electron spectroscopy and dynamical mean field theory (2013)
- Identifying the Electronic Character and Role of the Mn States in the Valence Band of (Ga,Mn)As (2013)
- Phonon spectrum, thermodynamic properties, and pressure-temperature phase diagram of uranium dioxide (2013)
- Charge self-consistent dynamical mean-field theory based on the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method (2012)
- Correlated electronic structure and chemical bonding of cerium pnictides and γ-Ce (2012)
- Effects of spin-dependent quasiparticle renormalization in Fe, Co, and Ni photoemission spectra (2012)
- Electronic entanglement in late transition metal oxides (2012)
- Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and uniaxiality of MnAs/GaAs(100) films (2011)
- Quantitative determination of spin-dependent quasiparticle lifetimes and electronic correlations in hcp cobalt (2010)
- gamma-Mn at the border between weak and strong correlations (2009)
- Strength of Correlation Effects in the Electronic Structure of Iron (2009)
- Multiplet effects in the electronic structure of intermediate-valence compounds (2009)
- Theory of bulk and surface quasiparticle spectra for Fe, Co, and Ni (2007)
- Magnetic asymmetry around the 3p absorption edge in Fe and Ni
- The standard model of the rare-earths, analyzed from the Hubbard-Iapproximation