Björn Lund
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Seismology at Department of Earth Sciences; Geophysics; Svenska nationella seismiska nätet
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 23 90
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 083 87 55
- Fax:
- +46 18 50 11 10
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- Visiting address:
- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA - Available:
- Seismologi
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Seismology at Department of Earth Sciences; Geophysics
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 23 90
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 083 87 55
- Fax:
- +46 18 50 11 10
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Björn Lund at Department of Earth Sciences; Geophysics
- Academic merits:
- Docent
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Short presentation
I am interested in earthquake source processes and what we can learn about why and how earthquakes occur. I also have a keen interest in the effects of deglaciation on the crust and mantle, how earthquake and volcanic activity is affected and what glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) can teach us about the properties of the mantle. In my work for the Swedish seismic network (SNSN) I build stations, develop software and analyze earthquakes.
Please contact me for a copy of the software for the calculation of the direction of maximum horizontal stress from full or partial knowledge of the stress tensor.
More information about the Swedish National Seismic Network can be found at
Selection of publications
- Revealing the deeper structure of the end-glacial Parvie fault system in northern Sweden by seismic reflection profiling (2015)
- Simulating earthquake rupture and off-fault fracture response (2015)
- Microearthquakes illuminate the deep structure of the endglacial Parvie fault, northern Sweden (2015)
- Palaeoseismology of glaciated terrain (2015)
- LiDAR-derived inventory of post-glacial fault scarps in Sweden (2015)
- Comparing a thermo-mechanical Weichselian Ice Sheet reconstruction to reconstructions based on the sea level equation (2014)
- Effects of present day deglaciation on melt production rates beneath Iceland (2013)
- Glacial isostatic adjustment constrains dehydration stiffening beneath Iceland (2012)
- Increased capture of magma in the crust promoted by ice cap retreat in Iceland (2011)
- Reflection seismic studies over the end-glacial Burträsk fault, Skellefteå, Sweden (2011)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the end-glacial Pärvie Fault system, northern Sweden (2010)
- Glacial rebound and plate spreading (2009)
- Calculating horizontal stress orientations with full or partial knowledge of the tectonic stress tensor (2007)
Recent publications
- Earthquake or blast? (2024)
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Sweden (2024)
- Earthquake disaster fatality data: Temporally stable power-law behavior and effects of underreporting (2024)
- Testing the P/S Amplitude Seismic Source Discriminant at Local Distances Using Seismic Events Within and Surrounding the Kloof Gold Mine, South Africa, and the Kiruna Iron Ore Mine, Northern Sweden (2024)
- Testing the P/S Amplitude Seismic Source Discriminant at Local Distances Using Seismic Events Within and Surrounding the Kloof Gold Mine, South Africa, and the Kiruna Iron Ore Mine, Northern Sweden (2024)
All publications
- Earthquake or blast? (2024)
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Sweden (2024)
- Earthquake disaster fatality data: Temporally stable power-law behavior and effects of underreporting (2024)
- Testing the P/S Amplitude Seismic Source Discriminant at Local Distances Using Seismic Events Within and Surrounding the Kloof Gold Mine, South Africa, and the Kiruna Iron Ore Mine, Northern Sweden (2024)
- Testing the P/S Amplitude Seismic Source Discriminant at Local Distances Using Seismic Events Within and Surrounding the Kloof Gold Mine, South Africa, and the Kiruna Iron Ore Mine, Northern Sweden (2024)
- A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days (2024)
- The Fagradalsfjall and Sundhnúkur Fires of 2021–2024: A single magma reservoir under the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland? (2024)
- Comparing the performance of stacking-based methods for microearthquake location (2022)
- Seismic reflectivity, fracturing and stress field data from the FFC-1 exploratory geothermal project in SW Skåne, Sweden (2022)
- Glacially Induced Stress Across the Arctic From the Eemian Interglacial to the Present-Implications for Faulting and Methane Seepage (2022)
- Application of a Hybrid Modeling Method for Generating Synthetic Ground Motions in Fennoscandia, Northern Europe (2021)
- The Modern Swedish National Seismic Network (2021)
- Shear wave structure of southern Sweden from precise phase-velocity measurements of ambient-noise data (2021)
- Extrapolated supervirtual refraction interferometry (2021)
- Directivity analysis of the 2017 December Kerman earthquakes in Eastern Iran (2020)
- Injection-induced surface deformation and seismicity at the Hellisheidi geothermal field, Iceland (2020)
- A Reappraisal of the Luroy, Norway, Earthquake of 31 August 1819 (2020)
- The influence of inherited continental margin structures on the stress and strain fields of the south-central Taiwan fold-and-thrust belt (2019)
- Fault slip and identification of the second fault plane in the Varzeghan earthquake doublet (2018)
- Weakened Lithosphere Beneath Greenland Inferred From Effective Elastic Thickness (2018)
- A peculiar cluster of microearthquakes on the eastern flank of Katla volcano, southern Iceland (2017)
- Decreasing uncertainty in seismic hazard estimates in Fennoscandia by use of seismic source modeling (2017)
- High-resolution Moho model for Greenland from EIGEN-6C4 gravity data (2017)
- Automatic seismic event detection using migration and stacking (2017)
- Numerical Analyses of Earthquake Induced Liquefaction and Deformation Behaviour of an Upstream Tailings Dam (2017)
- Simulation of co-seismic secondary fracture displacements for different earthquake rupture scenarios at the proposed nuclear waste repository site in Forsmark (2016)
- Temporal stress changes associated with the 2008 May 29 Mw 6 earthquake doublet in the western South Iceland Seismic Zone (2016)
- Post-glacial reactivation of the Bollnas fault, central Sweden (2016)
- Long-period seismic events with strikingly regular temporal patterns on Katla volcano’s south flank (Iceland) (2016)
- Revealing the deeper structure of the end-glacial Parvie fault system in northern Sweden by seismic reflection profiling (2015)
- Numerical and computational aspects of some block-preconditioners for saddle point systems (2015)
- Simulating earthquake rupture and off-fault fracture response (2015)
- Microearthquakes illuminate the deep structure of the endglacial Parvie fault, northern Sweden (2015)
- LiDAR-derived inventory of post-glacial fault scarps in Sweden (2015)
- Comparing a thermo-mechanical Weichselian Ice Sheet reconstruction to reconstructions based on the sea level equation (2014)
- Iceland rising (2013)
- Effects of present day deglaciation on melt production rates beneath Iceland (2013)
- Seismic analysis of aircraft accidents (2013)
- Volcano deformation at active plate boundaries (2012)
- Volcano deformation at active plate boundaries: Deep magma accumulation at Hekla volcano and plate boundary deformation in south Iceland (2012)
- Implementation of the glacial rebound pre-stress advection correction in general-purpose finite element analysis software (2012)
- Glacial isostatic adjustment constrains dehydration stiffening beneath Iceland (2012)
- Increased capture of magma in the crust promoted by ice cap retreat in Iceland (2011)
- Reflection seismic studies over the end-glacial Burträsk fault, Skellefteå, Sweden (2011)
- A benchmark study for glacial isostatic adjustment codes (2011)
- A benchmark study for glacial isostatic adjustment codes (2011)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the end-glacial Pärvie Fault system, northern Sweden (2010)
- Reflection seismic studies over the end-glacial Burträsk fault, Skellefteå, Sweden (2010)
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of aftershock sequences in the south Iceland seismic zone: interpretation in terms of pore pressure diffusion and poroelasticity (2010)
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of aftershock sequences in the south Iceland seismic zone (2010)
- Climate effects on volcanism (2010)
- Glacial long period seismic events at Katla volcano, Iceland (2009)
- Earthquakes, stress and strain along an obliquely divergent plate boundary: the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwest Iceland (2009)
- Glacial rebound and plate spreading (2009)
- A comparison between two solution techniques to solve the equations of glacially induced deformation of an elastic Earth (2008)
- An application of relative moment tensor inversion to aftershocks of the June 1998 Hengill earthquake in southwest Iceland (2008)
- Strain accumulation along an oblique plate boundary: the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwest Iceland (2008)
- Habits of a glacier-covered volcano (2007)
- Calculating horizontal stress orientations with full or partial knowledge of the tectonic stress tensor (2007)
- Calculating horizontal stress orientations with full or partial knowledge of the tectonic stress tensor (2007)
- Glacio-isostatic deformation around the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, induced by recent climate warming (2007)
- Modelling fundamental waiting time distributions for earthquake sequences (2006)
- Modelling fundamental waiting time distributions for earthquake sequences (2006)
- Lindman et al. reply (2006)
- Comment on Earthquakes descaled: On waiting time distributions and scaling laws - Lindman et al. reply (2006)
- Physics of the Omori law: Inferences from interevent time distributions and pore pressure diffusion modeling (2006)
- Physics of the Omori law (2006)
- Earthquakes Descaled: On Waiting Time Distributions and Scaling Laws (2005)
- Earthquakes descaled (2005)
- Correlation of microearthquake body-wave spectral amplitudes (2002)
- Comment on "Using borehole breakouts to constrain the complete stress tensor: Results from the Sijan Deep Drilling Project and offshore Santa Maria Basin, California" by Blair J. Zajac and Joann M. Stock (2000)
- Stress tensor inversion using detailed microearthquake information and stability constraints: Application to Ölfus in southwest Iceland (1999)
- Orientation and magnitude of in situ stress to 6.5 km depth in the Baltic Shield (1999)
- Influence of Fault Roughness on Co-Seismic Near-Fault Stress Evolution
- How does the Fault Rupture Model affect Simulated Co-Seismic Near-Fault Stress Evolution?
- The state of stress on major tectonic features in the Afar region.
- Proposed Drilling into Postglacial Faults (2021)
- Seismicity and sources of stress in Fennoscandia (2021)
- Geomechanics of glacially triggered faulting (2021)
- Glacial isostatic adjustment models for earthquake triggering (2021)
- Palaeoseismology of glaciated terrain (2015)
- Multiple effects of ice load changes and associated stress change on magmatic systems (2013)
- DynaQlim – Upper Mantle Dynamics and Quaternary Climate in Cratonic Areas (2010)
- Glacial isostatic adjustment: Implications for glacially induced faulting and nuclear waste repositories (2009)
- The SIL Seismological Data Acquisition System -As Operated in Iceland and in Sweden (2003)
- The South Scandinavian Array – Lithospheric Imaging at the Edge of the Baltic Shield (2019)
- CPU and GPU performance of large scale numerical simulations in Geophysics (2014)
- Fault activation dueto glacially induced stresses (2013)
- Investigation of stress state in the Zagros region, linear versus non-linear inversion (2011)
- Geodetic observations of dike intrusions as a probe for crustal stress state (2010)
- Estimates of current Icelandic stress tensors from the inversion of microearthquake fault plane solutions (1996)
- On some block-preconditioners for saddle point systems and their CPU–GPU performance (2015)
- Parallel performance study of block-preconditioned iterative methods on multicore computer systems (2014)
- Stress evolution and fault stability during the Weichselian glacial cycle (2009)
- Glacially induced faulting (2006)
- A comparison between two approaches to solve the equations of linear isostasy (2006)
- A comparison between two solution techniques to solve the equations of linear isostasy (2006)
- Space and time variations in crustal stress using microearthquake source information from South Iceland Seismic zone (2006)
- Stress variations during a glacial cycle at 500 m depth in Forsmark and Oskarshamn: Earth model effects (2006)
- Earthquake activity in Sweden. Study in connection with a proposed nuclear waste repository in Forsmark or Oskarshamn (2006)
- Effects of deglaciation on the crustal stress field and implications for endglacial faulting: A parametric study of simple Earth and ice models (2005)
- Large earthquakes during a glacial cycle (2005)
- A preliminary study regarding measures of earthquake risk in Sweden (2004)
- Numerical solution methods for glacial rebound models (2004)
- Seismologisk studie relaterad till Citybanan i Stockholm (2004)
- Development of routine multi-event evaluation and interpret improved locations in terms of earthquake foci migration and other detailed behaviour. (2003)