Caroline Björck
Director at Centre for Research & Development , Gävleborg
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 840 92 42
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Gävle sjukhus -157-
Ingång 9 A
801 88 Gävle - Postal address:
- Region Gävleborg
801 88 GÄVLE
Download contact information for Caroline Björck at Centre for Research & Development , Gävleborg
Affiliated Adjunct senior lecturer at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 840 92 42
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, MTC-huset
751 85 Uppsala
Director at Centre for Research & Development , Gävleborg
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 840 92 42
- Visiting address:
- Gävle sjukhus -157-
Ingång 9 A
801 88 Gävle - Postal address:
- Region Gävleborg
801 88 GÄVLE
Download contact information for Caroline Björck at Centre for Research & Development , Gävleborg
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Short presentation
Licenced psychologist, PhD in psychiatry, adjunct senior lecturer in medical psychology and director of Uppsala University's Center for Clinical Research in Gävleborg.
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Min pågående forskningsaktivitet handlar om alkoholriskbruk bland patienter som behandlas för hjärtsjukdomar, effekt av träning under akut sjukhusvistelse på funktionell förmåga för patienter 75 år och äldre, samt minnesproblem bland patienter som drabbats av förvärvad hjärnskada. Min vetenskapliga produktion spänner över flera olika kliniska grupper inom hälso- och sjukvården (ex patienter med ätstörningar samt barn och ungdomar inom barnpsykiatrisk öppenvård) samt inom socialtjänstområdet (ungdomar med antisocial problematik samt vuxna med allvarliga missbruksproblem). Studierna har varit kvantitativa och prospektiva. Majoriteten av studierna har varit longitudinella. I flertalet studier har effekter av evidensbaserad behandling utvärderats i randomiserade studier. En röd tråd har varit psykiatriska tillstånd enligt DSM och personlighetsfaktorer utifrån interpersonell teori och dess samband med prognos och behandlingsutfall. Några studier har fokuserat orsaker till avbruten behandling (drop-out) och några på metodutveckling ex. validering av kliniska bedömningsmetoder samt uppbyggnad av kliniska databaser inom hälso- och sjukvården.
Recent publications
- Feasibility of alcohol interventions in cardiology (2024)
- Mixed messages? Exposure to reports about alcohol's suggested cardiovascular effects and hazardous alcohol use (2024)
- Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimic eating disorders in a clinical setting (2023)
- Study protocol for the 'preventing functional decline in acutely hospitalised older patients (PREV_FUNC)' study (2023)
- Initial self-blame predicts eating disorder remission after 9 years. (2021)
All publications
- Feasibility of alcohol interventions in cardiology (2024)
- Mixed messages? Exposure to reports about alcohol's suggested cardiovascular effects and hazardous alcohol use (2024)
- Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimic eating disorders in a clinical setting (2023)
- Study protocol for the 'preventing functional decline in acutely hospitalised older patients (PREV_FUNC)' study (2023)
- Initial self-blame predicts eating disorder remission after 9 years. (2021)
- A quasi-experimental, multicenter study of acceptance and commitment therapy for antisocial youth in residential care (2020)
- Diagnostic validity of the MINI-KID disorder classifications in specialized child and adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinics in Sweden. (2019)
- Personality predicts drop-out from therapist-guided internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders. Results from a randomized controlled trial. (2016)
- How effective is bibliotherapy-based self-help cognitive behavioral therapy with Internet support in clinical settings? Results from a pilot study. (2013)
- How do eating disorder patients eat after treatment? Dietary habits and eating behaviour three years after entering treatment. (2011)
- Quality assurance of specialised treatment of eating disorders using large-scale Internet-based collection systems (2010)
- [Stepwise (2009)
- Anorexic self-control and bulimic self-hate (2009)
- What happened to the ones who dropped out? Outcome in eating disorder patients who complete or prematurely terminate treatment (2009)
- Familjeterapi effektiv vid bulimi i ungdomsåren (2008)
- Self-image and treatment drop-out in eating disorders (2008)
- Negative self-image and outcome in eating disorders (2007)
- Självhat ger dålig prognos vid ätstörningar (2006)
- Patient satisfaction with treatment in eating disorders: cause for complacency or concern? (2004)
- Interpersonal profiles in eating disorders (2003)
- Caveat medicus--let the subliminal healer beware: Two experiments suggesting conditions when the effects of Silverman's Mommy and I Are One phrase are negative. (1998)
- Caveat medicus--let the subliminal healer beware: Two experiments suggesting conditions when the effects of Silverman's Mommy and I Are One phrase are negative. (1998)
- PRISM: A Paradigm for Understanding Violence in Institutions (2016)
- Staff training and violence prevention in coercive care institutions: (2015)
- Anorexic self-control and bulimic self-hate: Differential outcome prediction from initial self-image. (2007)
- Stepwise BUP (2015)
- Tillämpningen av avskiljningar inom statlig ungdomsvård med fokus på skillnader mellan flickor och pojkar (2012)
- Missbruk och ätstörning (2012)
- Traumatisering bland ungdomar med antisocial problematik (2012)
- En systematisk översikt av insatser i syfte att minska avskiljningar och andra tvångsingripande åtgärder inom ungdomsvården (2012)
- Används tvångsåtgärder oftare för pojkar än för flickor inom den statliga ungdomsvården? (2011)
- STEPWISE (2007)