Jonas Fransson

Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Materials Theory

Mobile phone:
+46 70 167 92 64
Visiting address:
Lägerhyddsvägen 5
SE-75237 Uppsala
Postal address:
Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA

Short presentation

My passion is to construct pictures of physical phenomena by means of the mathematical tools at my disposal. The theoretical comprehension is partly built on mathematical methods but also includes insights and descriptions that goes beyond the mathematical interpretation. In particular, I am interested in magnetic and spin based phenomena out of equilibrium, where vibrations, external forces, and time plays part for the physics.

Chirality and Quantum Spin – a Critical Assessment


Research Interests

Non-equilibrium condensed matter physics with special attention to the modeling of nanostructures systems and local probing techniques. Particular focus is directed on impurity scattering in two-dimensional systems, where the impurities possess bosonic (vibrational, spin, ...) degrees of freedom which give rise to inelastic scattering processes. Interactions between local defects adsorbed onto surface of modern materials e.g. superconductors, graphene, topological insulators, strongly spin-orbit coupled surfaces, and hidden order materials.

At the moment my devotion is set to chiral induced spin selectivity, where spatial and spin degrees of freedom cooperate with electron correlations and vibrations to generate a macroscopically measurable spin asymmetry in the charge current.


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Chirality and Quantum Spin – a Critical Assessment

CISS online seminars

Previous seminars can be watched through the CISSors channel.

Spring semester 2025

Seminar schedule:


15 — Hanggai Nuomi, Duke Univ., Duke, NC, USA — The Properties of Current Induced Chiral Phonons Recapitulate the Characteristics of the CISS Effect

29 —


12 — Binghai Yan, Weizmann Inst. Rehovot, Israel –

26 —


12 — Alessandro Chiesa, Univ. Florence, Florence, Italy –

26 — Yael Kapon, Hebrex Univ. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel –


9 — Vit Svoboda, Inst. Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Rep. –

23 — Yu Zhong, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY, USA –


7 —

21 —


4 —

18 —

Fall semester 2024

Seminar schedule:


11 — Dali Sun, North Carolina State Univ. — Interplays of structural chirality and pure spin current in chiral matters

25 — Shuxia Tao, TU Eindhoven —Twisting light and spins by halide perovskites


9 — Peng Xiong — Florida State Univ. – CISS: insulator vs conductor, spin vs orbital

23 — Furkan Ozturk, Harvard University — Towards Homochiral Prebiotic Network: From Magnetic Minerals to a Homochiral Genome


6 — Sytze Tirion, Univ. Groningen — Mechanism for Electrostatically Generated Magnetoresistance in Chiral Systems without Spin-Dependent Transport

27 — Ismael Diez Perez, King's College London — CISS effects in a Single-Peptide Junction: Dipole and Length Effect


2 – 5 — Bad Honnef, Chirality and Quantum Spin – a Critical Assessment

18 — Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem —

Spring semester 2024

Seminar schedule:


17 — Oded Hod, Tel Aviv Univ. — Chirality induced spin selectivity: A classical spin-off

31 — Ron Naaman, Weizmann Inst. & Jonas Fransson, Uppsala Univ. — What can we learn from anisotropic magnetoresistance in CISS?


14 — Discussion — ORR, OER, electrocatalysis

28 — Furkan Ozturk, Harvard University — Origin of Biological Homochirality by Crystallization of an RNA Precursor on a Magnetic Surface


13 — Micheal Verhage, TUE — Local probing of CISS in chiral supramolecular crystals — an experimental discussion

27 — Clarice d'Aiello, UCLA — Quantum Biology: how nature harnesses quantum processes to function optimally, and how might we control such quantum processes to therapeutic and tech advantage -- cancelled


10 — Per Hedegård, Niels Bohr Inst. — Challenges in the theory of CISS

24 — Yuan Ping, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison — Spin-optotronic properties from ab-initio density-matrix dynamics - spin relaxation, circular dichroism, circular photogalvanic effects in solids


8— Sascha Feldman, Harvard University — Time-resolved chiroptical probes to study spin and light polarization

22 — Vincent Rodriguez, Univ. Bordeaux — Second-order NonLinear Chiroptical/Magneto-Optical Techniques: Cascading Inverse and Normal Faraday Effects


5 — Dali Sun, NCS Univ. -- postponed until September 11th.

Fall semester 2023

Seminar schedule:


27 —Ken Caster, AFOSR, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR -- Funding opportunities


11 —Geert Rikken, CNRS Toulouse/Grenoble: Comparing magnetochiral anisotropy and chirality induced spin selectivity

25 —Matthias Geilhufe, Chalmers Inst. Tech. Göteborg: Chiral phono-magnetism


8 —Yael Kapon, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem: Pinning and manipulating local magnetic structures using chiral molecules

22 —Yiyang Lu, Univ. Pittsburg: Studies of Enantiospecific Interaction Between Chiral Molecules and Magnetized Surfaces


6 —Pius Theiler, ETH Zürich: Chirality-induced spin selective quantum capacitance

20 —vacant, some inst.:

Spring semester 2023

Seminar schedule:


18 —Daniel Bürgler, Forschungszentrum Jülich: Enantiospecific adsorption on a ferromagnetic surface at the single-molecule scale: Heptahelicene on Co nanoislands


1 —Shinji Miwa, Univ. Tokyo: CISS with no net current

15 —Christoph Tegenkamp, Tech. Univ. Chemnitz: Electronic transport along chiral nanostructures


1 —Milos Baljosovic, Swansea Univ.: Chirality induced spin selectivity in layers of helicenes

15 —Yinong Zhou, UC Irvine: High spin coherency in 1D van der Waals material; The interplay of spin-orbit coupling and chiral induced spin selectivity

29 —Furkan Ozturk, Harvard Univ.: Origin of biological homochirality by crystallization of and RNA precursor on a magnetic surface


12 —Artem Volosniev, Inst. Science and Tech. Austria: Dissipative processes in the presence of spin-orbit coupling

26 —Discussion: Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Israel, introduces chirality induced spin-polarization


10 —nothing

24 —Martin Volpi, ULB, Belgium: Enantiopure dinaphtho[2,3-b:2,3-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophenes: Organic semiconductors reaching high magnetoresistance effect in OFETs


7 —Neeraj Bangruwa, Univ. Dehli, India: Role of the CISS effect in DNA-sensing applications

21 —Yu Zhang, Beijing Univ. Tech. P. R. China: Biological chirality detection and spin logic device through the CISS effect

Fall semester 2022

Seminar schedule:


31 — open discussions around two different themes with short introductory notes lead by

Clarice D. Aiello, UCLA: How does CISS predict that an arbitrary spin superposition will evolve during electron transport?

Vladimiro Mujica, ASU: TBD


14 — Vit Svoboda, JILA: Ultrafast time-resolved probes of chirality during photochemical reactions

28 — Sukru Furkan Ozturk, Harvard Univ.: On the origin of homochirality in nature: A new spin


12 — Jonas Fransson, Uppsala Univ.: Chiral phonon induced spin-polarization

26 — Alberto Privitera, Univ. Florence and Alessandro Chiesa, Univ. Parma: First step toward the direct detection of photoinduced CISS effect


9 — Aisha Kermishe and Yan Xi Foo, UCLA: A Review of CISS at the Limits: Towards Quantum Spintronics

23 — Shuichi Murakami, Tokyo Inst. Tech.: Theory of current-induced orbital magnetization in chiral metals and topological insulators


5 — 8 Bad Honnef — Towards Comprehension of Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity

21 — Jan van Ruitenbeek, Leiden Univ.: Chirality-controlled spin scattering through quantum interference

Spring semester 2022

Seminar schedule:


19 — open discussions around three different main themes with short introductory notes lead by

- CISS phenomena: Per Hedegård, Lorenzo Gomez

- CISS theoretical models: Amnon Aharony, Carmen Herrmann

- CISS applications: Yossi Paltiel, Amparo Ruiz-Carretero, Jean-Philippe Ansermet


2 — Ron Naaman, Weizmann Inst. - Explanation of the CISS effect

16 — Joseph Subotnik, Univ. Pittsburg - Spin Orbit Coupling and Nuclear Motion within a Born-Oppenheimer Treatment: Are Berry Forces Connected to Chiral Induced Spin Selection?


2 — Rafael Gutierrez, TU Dresden - van der Waals interactions between chiral molecules: CISS-related corrections to the dispersion energy?

16 — Jun Liu, NCS Univ. (TBC) - Observation of the chiral phonon activated spin Seebeck effect

30 — Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem - Chiral spintronics; from memristors to superconducting spintronics


13 —Ora Entin-Wohlman, Tel Aviv Univ. - Spin-Active Weak Links

27 —Dimitar Sesselov, Harvard Univ. - CISS & Life's origins: Photons, electrons, and chemistry in muddy waters


11 — Tianhan Liu, UCLA - Halle effect in semiconductor-based two-terminal molecular junctions

25 — Thomas Fay, UC. Berkley - The CISS effect in molecular electron transfer


8 — Patrick Rosa, CNRS Univ. Bordeaux - When molecular junctions try to meet chiral coordination complexes

22 — Yves Geerts, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles - Towards spin-directed enantiomeric excess

Should you be interested to be included on the mailing list, please notify me by e-mail.

Should you be interested to give a contribution to the seminar series, please notify me by e-mail.

Fall semester 2021

Seminar schedule:

September 15 — Oren Ben Dor, Harvard Univ. — Understanding Homochirality with Chiral Induced Spin-Selectivity using a single NV center in diamond

29 — Amparo Ruiz Carretero, Univ. Strasbourg — Guiding charge carriers through chiral assemblies: exploring the CISS effect in hydrogen-bonded chiral semiconductors

October 13 — Hiroshi Yamamoto, Inst. Molecular Science — CISS effects in good conductors

27 — Francesco Tassinari, Weizmann Inst. — Spin-dependent electrochemistry

November 10 — Helmut Zacharias, Univ. Munster — CISS - the photoelectron view

24 — Karen Michaeli, Weizmann Inst. — Chiral induced spin selectivity in the phonon-assisted hopping regime

December 8 — Magali Lingenfelder, EPFL —Interfacial chemistry insights into chiral functionalization and magnetic field effects on electrocatalysis

15 — Kars Hiusman, TU Delft — CISS effect: Magnetoresistance Through Inelastic Scattering

Should you be interested to be included on the mailing list, please notify me by e-mail.

Should you be interested to give a contribution to the seminar series, please notify me by e-mail.

Spring semester 2021

Seminar schedule:

January 27 — Vladimiro Mujica, ASU — CISS Effect: Overview and Open Questions

February 10 — Carmen Hermann, Univ. Hambug — First-principles approaches to chiral induced spin selectivity

24 — Jean-Philippe Ansermet, EPFL — Using Magnetic Resonance to demonstrate a CISS effect at chiral electrodes

March 10 — Per Hedegård, NBI — CISS - magnetic nanoparticles and leads

24 — Jonas Fransson, UU — Charge Redistribution and Spin-Polarization Driven by Correlation Induced Electron Exchange in Chiral Molecules

April 7 — Xu Yang, Univ. Groningen —The electrical detection of CISS in linear and nonlinear response regimes

21 — Binhai Yan, Wiezmann institute — Orbital, Spin and Chirality in CISS

May 5 — Clarice D. Aiello, UCLA —Can CISS be harnessed for quantum information processing?

19 — Yonatan Dubi, BGU —Spinterface interactions as the origin of CISS

June 2 — Shijie Xie, Shandong University — Polaron dominated CISS in organic chiral polymers

16 — David T. Waldeck, Univ. Pittsburg — Recent experimental results from Pittsburgh on CISS: chiral oxide spin filters and more

Should you be interested to be included on the mailing list, please notify me by e-mail.

Should you be interested to give a contribution to the seminar series, please notify me by e-mail.

Regular online meetings on CISS passwd: chirona


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Jonas Fransson

