Lars Berglund
Professor at Department of Musicology
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 15 66
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- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3H
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- Box 633
751 26 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
I am Professor of Musicology and I teach and supervise in most areas of the discipline even if my own research is mostly focused on historical perspectives and music analysis.
Presently, I work on the circulation, reception and use if Italian music in Northern Europe in the seventeenth century, on Queen Christina as a patron of music, and with a digitization project concerned with eighteenth-century manuscripts in Swedish collections
I received my PhD in Uppsala 2002 on a dissertation about Christian Geist (c1650-1711), a German musician active in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Copenhagen. I was research fellow (2003-2006), Assistant Professor (2006-2010), and Senior Lecturer (2010-2015) at the Department of Musicology. 2011 I became Docent and 2015 I was recruited as a full Professor. I was head of department 2012-2018.
I am member and vice-chair of the Scientific Council for Humanities and Social Sciences at the Swedish Research Council (2022-2024) and board member of HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area).
I am member of the Royal Academy of Letters (Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien) and the Royal Academy of Music (Kungl. Musikaliska Akademien).
2014-2018 I was chair of the Swedish Society for Music Research
In my research I work specifically with seventeenth-century music history. I try to combine music analysis in the hermeneutic tradition with philology, historical anthropology and the history of ideas. I also take interest in reception history.
I am PI for the following research projects:
"Translatio musicae: French and Italian Music in Northern Europe, c. 1650–1730" (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2019-2022), in collaboration with Maria Schildt.
Music at Court and University During Sweden’s Age of Liberty (1718-1772): a digitization and database project (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2020-2022), in collaboration with Maria Schildt and Jonas Lundblad.
Kyrkomusik i Sverige, från medeltid till nutid (Church Music in Sweden, from the Middle Ages to Present Day), a book project supported by Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien, the Swedish Church, Birgit and Sven Håkan Ohlsson's foundation and Riksantikvarieämbetet.
2012-2017 I was the PI of a research network financed by STINT, "Musical-cultural exchange in Early Modern Europe 1550-1750", together with Royal Holloway, London University and Bach Archiv, Universität Leipzig. 2014-17 i was PI for the project "The Royal Swedish court collection of French music from 1690-1726".
I am also a member of the following research networks:
- TraDiMus (Tracking the Dissemination of Italian Music; Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Venice)
- "Shared Histories of Italian Opera in the Nordic Countries", NOS-HS
- "The Mandolin in Naples in the second half of 18th Century" (Bologna, Uppsala, Naples)
Apart from the early modern period I have also worked on art music and aesthetic debates in Sweden after the 2nd world war. I am also interested in the human voice, vocal performances and performativity.
Recent publications
- Prelude to an abdication: Italian music and musicians at the Swedish court of Queen Christina, 1652–1654 (2024)
- La collezione Gimo (2022)
- Magnus Tessing Schneider, 2022. The original portrayal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni. (2022)
- Il mandolino a Napoli nel Settecento (2022)
- Fra Danzig og Lübeck til Düben (2021)
All publications
- Prelude to an abdication: Italian music and musicians at the Swedish court of Queen Christina, 1652–1654 (2024)
- Magnus Tessing Schneider, 2022. The original portrayal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni. (2022)
- Fra Danzig og Lübeck til Düben (2021)
- Roms underverk: förgängliga klanger i den eviga staden (2020)
- Det progressiva Rom (2020)
- I centrum av Roms musikliv (2020)
- Popularisering av musikhistoria och ”klassisk musik”: tre aktuella böcker (2019)
- Vad betyder egentligen ”svensk musikforskning”? (2019)
- Musik och pyroteknik i det tidigmoderna Europa (2018)
- Det musikaliska uttryckets historicitet (2017)
- The Gabrielis transferred to the North. On the reception of Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli in Scandinavia during the seventeenth century (2017)
- Italian Music in the Düben Collection (2017)
- Routes to the Düben Collection: The Acquisition of Music by Gustav Düben and his Sons (2015)
- Musical patronage theorized (2014)
- Traditionalister och radikala i efterkrigstidstidens svenska musikliv (2009)
- Monteverdi seglade operan i hamn (2008)
- Amor in Deum. Representationen av eros i Christian Geists gudstjänstmusik för Karl XI:s hov (2007)
- Monteverdis L'Orfeo 400 år (2007)
- Kampen om Euridice (2006)
- Sorge-Musique för en död drottning (2004)
- Christian Geist’s 'Vide, pater mi, dolores' and his application for the Johanneumskantorat in Hamburg (2002)
- Music and the Wor(l)d - Musicology and Mankind. How we Got Out of Analysis, and How to Get Back In (2001)
- Il mandolino a Napoli nel Settecento (2022)
- Kaspar Förster Jun. (1616-1673). Sacrae cantiones 3, 4, & 5 vocuum (2021)
- Kaspar Förster Jun. (1616–1673): Sacrae cantiones 1, 2, & 3 vocuum (2021)
- Bonifazio Graziani (2011)
- Studier i Christian Geists vokalmusik (2002)
- La collezione Gimo (2022)
- Mourning a dead Queen. The music at the funeral of Ulrika Eleonora the Elderin Stockholm (1693) (2020)
- Arde Fillis / Isti sunt (2020)
- Northern Travellers in Southern Soundscapes (2020)
- The Establishment of Swedish Musicology (2019)
- Music and mission in the Roman Jesuit Circles in the mid-17th Century (2018)
- Hur franskt blev svenskt (2018)
- Ämnesidentiteter och deldiscipliner inom svensk musikforskning (2017)
- Düben versus Österreich/Bokemeyer: A comparison between two great music collections (2015)
- French Stage Music in the Düben Collection, Uppsala (2015)
- Travelling and the Formation of Taste (2013)
- Musik på metervara. (2013)
- Angels or Sirens? (2012)
- Musiken och passionerna (2012)
- Marvels of the Holy City. (2011)
- The Roman Connection (2010)
- Att förstå musik, att uppleva historia (2010)
- De musica pathetica (2008)
- Om konsten att förstå en mycket gammal opera (2006)
- Femte stråkkvartetten (2005)
- Swedish Monuments of Music and Questions of National Profiling (2018)
- Kantor, Director Musices oder Organist? (2007)
- The Aria, the Stylus Melismaticus and the Holy Communion (2005)
- The Concerto Principle in Kaspar Förster's Psalm Compositions : Confitebor tibi Domine in C (2004)
- On Style and Tradition in the Sonatas by Kaspar Förster (1996)