Kurt Svärdsudd
Professor emeritus at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; General practice
- E-mail:
- kurt.svardsudd@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
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Recent publications
- Antibiotic Prescribing by Digital Health Care Providers as Compared to Traditional Primary Health Care Providers (2024)
- Neuropeptide Y and measures of stress in a longitudinal study of women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2023)
- Cumulative incidence and risk factors of myocardial infarction during 20 years of follow-up (2023)
- The impact of time-updated resting heart rate on cause-specific mortality in a random middle-aged male population (2021)
- Long-term risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in middle-aged men with a hypertensive response to exercise (2021)
All publications
- Antibiotic Prescribing by Digital Health Care Providers as Compared to Traditional Primary Health Care Providers (2024)
- Neuropeptide Y and measures of stress in a longitudinal study of women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2023)
- Cumulative incidence and risk factors of myocardial infarction during 20 years of follow-up (2023)
- The impact of time-updated resting heart rate on cause-specific mortality in a random middle-aged male population (2021)
- Long-term risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in middle-aged men with a hypertensive response to exercise (2021)
- Prediction of COPD by the single-breath nitrogen test and various respiratory symptoms (2021)
- Comparison of incidence rates and risk factors of heart failure between two male cohorts born 30 years apart (2020)
- Lifetime risk of stroke in the general male population (2020)
- Effects of a vocational rehabilitation programme on return to work among sick-listed primary health care patients (2020)
- Age and sex related self-reported symptoms in a general population across 30 years (2019)
- Decline of substance P levels after stress management with cognitive behaviour therapy in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (2019)
- Although Coronary Mortality Has Decreased, Rates of Cardiovascular Disease Remain High (2018)
- Prediction of COPD and Related Events Improves by Combining Spirometry and the Single Breath Nitrogen Test (2018)
- The effect of group-based cognitive behavioral therapy on inflammatory biomarkers in patients with coronary disease (2018)
- Determinants of Stroke in a General Male Population (2018)
- Natural History of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Functional Abdominal Disorders (2017)
- Possible causes of experiencing problems with sick leave questions in telephone nursing (2017)
- Psychological mediators related to clinical outcome in cognitive behavioural therapy for coronary heart disease (2017)
- Secular changes in cardiovascular risk factors in Swedish 50-year-old men over a 50-year period (2017)
- Mortality and cardiovascular disease outcomes among 740 patients with new-onset Type 2 diabetes detected by screening or clinically diagnosed in general practice. (2016)
- Low aerobic capacity in middle-aged men associated with increased mortality rates during 45 years of follow-up (2016)
- Decreased Brain Neurokinin-1 Receptor Availability in Chronic Tennis Elbow (2016)
- Early detection of type 2 diabetes mellitus and screening for retinopathy are associated with reduced prevalence and severity of retinopathy (2016)
- The single breath nitrogen test and mortality (2016)
- Association of Cardiometabolic Multimorbidity With Mortality (2015)
- Cognitive behaviour therapy in women with fibromyalgia (2015)
- High aerobic capacity is associated with increased survival. A 44 years follow-up of the study of men born in 1913 (2015)
- Life situations and the care burden for stroke patients and their informal caregivers in a prospective cohort study (2015)
- Covariate-adjusted measures of discrimination for survival data (2015)
- Studien 1913 års män visar på konsten att bli 100 år (2015)
- Men born in 1913 followed to age 100 years (2015)
- Effects of fasting blood glucose levels and blood pressure and treatment of diabetes and hypertension on the incidence of cardiovascular disease (2014)
- Atrial natriuretic peptide as a predictor of atrial fibrillation in a male population study. The Study of Men Born in 1913 and 1923 (2014)
- A randomized controlled trial of eccentric vs. concentric graded exercise in chronic tennis elbow (lateral elbow tendinopathy) (2014)
- Predicting return to work among sickness-certified patients in general practice (2014)
- Prevalence and co-occurrence of parentally reported possible asthma and allergic manifestations in pre-school children (2013)
- Effectiveness of screening for diabetes mellitus in dental health care (2013)
- Can costs of screening for hypertension and diabetes in dental care and follow-up in primary health care be predicted? (2013)
- Effects of fasting blood glucose, diabetes treatment, blood pressure, and anti-hypertension treatment on cardiovascular disease incidence (2013)
- Sex-differences in quality of life and asthma control in Swedish asthma patients (2013)
- PET-Scan Shows Peripherally Increased Neurokinin 1 Receptor Availability in Chronic Tennis Elbow (2013)
- Seasonal variations of insulin sensitivity from a euglycemic insulin clamp in elderly men (2012)
- A nationwide study of asthma incidence rate and its determinants in Swedish pre-school children (2012)
- Effects of self-rated health on sick leave, disability pension, hospital admissions and mortality (2012)
- A population-based study of nearly 15 000 observations among Swedish women and men during 1973-2003 (2012)
- Determinants for a low health-related quality of life in asthmatics (2012)
- Health problems in elderly patients during the first post-stroke year (2012)
- Determinants for return to work among sickness certified patients in general practice (2012)
- General practitioners' awareness of their own drug prescribing profiles after postal feedback and outreach visits (2012)
- Adult height and the risk of cause-specific death and vascular morbidity in 1 million people (2012)
- Efficacy of screening for high blood pressure in dental health care (2011)
- A randomized controlled trial of the effects of muscle stretching, manual therapy and steroid injections in addition to 'stay-active' care on health-related quality of life in acute and sub-acute low back pain (2011)
- Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Standard Treatment to Prevent Recurrent Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Secondary Prevention in Uppsala Primary Health Care Project (SUPRIM) (2011)
- A randomized controlled trial of exercise versus wait list in chronic tennis elbow (lateral epicondylosis) (2011)
- The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Secondary Prevention in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease—Reply (2011)
- Factors associated with reaching 90 years of age (2011)
- Stress management prolongs life for CHD patients (2010)
- Self-rated health, life-style, and psychoendocrine measures of stress in healthy adult women (2010)
- Mortality Trends in Subjects With and Without Diabetes During 33 Years of Follow-up (2010)
- Primary health care centres with asthma clinics (2010)
- The association of patient's family, leisure time, and work situation with sickness certification in primary care in Sweden (2010)
- Moderate impact of full-term pregnancy on estimated peak oxygen uptake, physical activity and perceived health (2010)
- Effect of mailed feedback on drug prescribing profiles in general practice (2010)
- Do disability pensioners have a higher mortality rate than non-pensioners? Adjusting for potential confounding (2010)
- Age-specific symptom prevalence in women 35-64 years old (2009)
- Early Insulin Response and Insulin Sensitivity are Equally Important as Predictors of Glucose Tolerance after Correction for Measurement Errors (2009)
- General symptom reporting in female fibromyalgia patients and referents (2009)
- Effect of degree of urbanisation on age and sex-specific asthmaprevalence in Swedish preschool children (2009)
- Quantitative PCR analysis of fungal DNA in Swedish day care centers and comparison with building characteristics and allergen levels (2009)
- Hazard Function and Secular Trends in the Risk of Recurrent Acute Myocardial Infarction (2009)
- Survival, hazard function for a new event, and healthcare utilization among stroke patents ≥65 Years (2009)
- Obesity and trends in cardiovascular risk factors over 40 years in Swedish men aged 50 (2009)
- Asthma control in primary care in Sweden (2009)
- Sick leave track record and other potential determinants of a disability pension (2009)
- Predictors and non-predictors of symptom relief in dyspepsia consultations in primary care (2008)
- Functional gastrointestinal disorder is associated with increased non-gastrointestinal healthcare consumption in the general population (2008)
- Maximum likelihood estimation of correction for dilution bias in simple linear regression using replicates from subjects with extreme first measurements (2008)
- Sick leave reductions from a comprehensive manual therapy programme for low back pain (2008)
- How primary health care physicians make sick listing decisions (2008)
- Läget för svensk allmänmedicinsk forskning (2008)
- Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged men and women in Gothenburg, Sweden (2008)
- Secular changes in cardiovascular risk factors and attack rate of myocardial infarction among men aged 50 in Gothenburg, Sweden (2008)
- Abuse in Women and Men with and without Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (2008)
- Factors associated with adherence to drug therapy (2007)
- Diagnostic differences between general practitioners and orthopaedic surgeons in low back pain patients (2007)
- Association between high blood pressure and deep periodontal pockets (2007)
- The impact of birth weight on prostate cancer incidence and mortality in a population-based study of men born in 1913 and followed up from 50 to 85 years of age (2007)
- Psychosocial factors during the first year after a coronary heart disease event in cases and referents (2007)
- Prevalence and incidence rate of diabetes mellitus in a Swedish community during 30 years of follow-up (2007)
- To what extent do patients in general practice reach guideline lipid-lowering treatment goals? (2007)
- Quality of life and measures of asthma control in primary health care (2007)
- Prognosis assessment in stroke patients at discharge from hospital (2007)
- Factors related to the level of severity of asthma in primary care (2007)
- A nationwide study of indoor and outdoor environments in allergen avoidance and conventional daycare centers in Sweden (2006)
- The course of pain drawings during a 10-week treatment period in patients with acute and sub-acute low back pain (2006)
- Qigong har stressdämpande effekt [Qigong has a relieving effect on stress] (2006)
- Impact of physician-related factors on sickness certification in primary health care (2006)
- Asymptomatic bacteriuria in a population of elderly residents living in a community setting (2006)
- The prognosis for individuals on disability retirement (2006)
- Low back pain comorbidity among male farmers and rural referents (2005)
- Treatment practice in chronic epicondylitis (2005)
- Psychological illness is commonly associated with functional gastrointestinal disorders and is important to consider during patient consultation (2005)
- The Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on health care utilisation in a Swedish municipality (2004)
- Determinants of utilisation in a Swedish municipality (2004)
- Validation of the translation and cross-cultural adaptation into Finnish of the Abdominal Symptom Questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Complaint Score Questionnaire (2004)
- A population-based intervention study on elevated serum levels of methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine in elderly people (2004)
- A comparison of patient attitudes towards the use lf computerised medical records and unique identifiers in Australia and Sweden (2004)
- The impact of birth weight on coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality in a birth cohort followed up for 85 years (2004)
- Birth weight and cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort followed until 80 years of age (2004)
- A randomized controlled clinical trial of stay-active care versus manual therapy in addition to stay-active care (2004)
- Psychosocial factors and low back pain, consultations, and sick leave among farmers and rural referents (2004)
- Association between captopril, other antihypertensive drugs and risk of prostate cancer (2004)
- Health care utilisation before and after retirement due to illness - A 13-year population-based follow-up study of prematurely retired men and referents from the general population (2004)
- The influence of change of legislation concerning sickness absence onphysicians' performance as certifiers. A population-based study. (2003)
- Reported symptoms and clinical findings in relation to serum cobalamin,folate, methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine among elderly Swedes: apopulation-based study. (2003)
- Reported symptoms and clinical findings in relation to serum cobalamin, folate, methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine among elderly Swedes (2003)
- The impact of physical work exposure on musculoskeletal symptoms among farmers and rural non-farmers (2003)
- The influence of perceived well-being and reported symptoms om health care utilization: A population-based study (2002)
- Hormone replacement therapy and symptom reporting in menopausal women (2002)
- Comparison of Individuals With and Withtout Specific IgA Antibodies to Chlamydia Pneumoniae* (2002)
- Musculoskeletal symptoms among farmers and non-farmers (2002)
- Mortality rates among Swedish physicians: a population-based nationwidestudy with special reference to anesthesiologists. (2002)
- Serum cobalamin, folate, methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine as vitamin B12 and folate tissue deficiency markers amongst elderly Swedes (2001)
- Prescription drug use, diagnoses, and healthcare utilization among the elderly (2001)
- Reproductive hormones and stress urinary incontinence in pregnancy. (2001)
- Minskning av sjukfrånvaron utan formella regeländringar (2001)
- A prospective study of morbidity and mortality rates among farmers and rural and urban nonfarmers (2001)
- Reported current use of prescription drugs and some of its determinants among 35-65-year-old women in mid-Sweden (2000)
- Does hypertension or a previous myocardial infarction influence the bloodpressure and heart rate responses to changes in body position? (2000)
- Hur kan problemen med den ökande sjukfrånvaron minskas? (2000)
- Elevated serum levels of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine in elderly people (1999)
- Age-related differences in blood pressure and heart rate responses to changes in body position (1999)
- Reproductive hormones and aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen in serum as early markers of pelvic pain during late pregnancy (1999)
- Reproductive hormones and aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen in serum as early markers of pelvic pain during late pregnancy (1999)
- Varför ökar sjukfrånvaron? (1999)
- Back pain in in-vitro fertilized and spontaneous pregnancies. (1998)
- Back pain in in-vitro fertilized and spontaneous pregnancies (1998)
- The introduction of H2-receptor antagonists to Scandinavia (1998)
- Reported health status among farmers and nonfarmers in nine rural districts (1998)
- Factors associated with birth weight in Sweden (1997)
- Discriminatory power of tests applied in back pain during pregnancy (1996)
- Serum relaxin, symphyseal pain, and back pain during pregnancy (1996)
- Back pain during pregnancy (1996)
- Supraphysiological serum relaxin levels during IVF pregnancy is strong correlated to the number of growing follicles in the treatment cycle (1996)
- Age and time trends in back pain prevalence among men and women sampled from the general population
- Medical and social consequences of back pain
- A nationwide study of asthma incidence and its determinants in preschool children during five years of follow up
- Prevalence and co-occurrence of asthma and allergic manifestations in preschool children
- Cost of screening for hypertension and diabetes in dental care and follow up in primary health care
- The contribution of pain drawings in the prediction of return to work in patients with acute or sub-acute low back pain
- A randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy versus standard treatment on recurrent cardiovascular events in coronary heart disease
- Effects of degree of urbanisation in the risk of recurrent acute myocardial infarction
- Effects of self-rated health on sick-leave, disability-pension, hospital admissions and mortality
- Sex-related differences regarding quality of life and asthma control in Swedish asthma patients
- Influence on sickness certification of opinions and attitudes towards health related and insurance system related matters among general practitioners and their patients
- A follow up of adolescents and young adults with asthma
- Reducing the prescribing of antibiotics in general practices through outreach visits.
- Effect of outreach visits on the prescribing of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in general practice
- Quality of life measures among disability pensioners and referents in a longitudinal population-based study
- Affective Outcomes in the SUPRIM Stress Management Program for Post-Myocardial Infarction Patients (2014)
- Neuropeptide Y levels are reduced after cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in women with fibromyalgia (FMS) (2014)
- Substance P (SP) levels are reduced after distress management with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) (2012)
- A randomised clinical trial of stress management in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) (2010)
- Factors associated with adherence to drug theraphy (2006)
- Skillnader i socioekonomiska faktorer och rapporterade symtom mellan fibromyalgipatienter och kontroller (2006)
- Allergibarns hälsa i allergiförskolor och konventionella förskolor (2006)
- Kvinnor har sämre astmakontroll (2006)
- Organisation of asthma and COPD care in primary health care in Mid-Sweden (2006)
- Gender differences and asthma control in asthma patients (2006)
- Organisation av astma- och KOL-vård i primärvården i Mellansverige (2005)
- Vad kännetecknar en allergiförskola? (2003)
- Indoor environment in Swedish allergy daycare centers and ordinary daycare centers (2002)
- Ger otillräckligt astmakontroll sämre livskvalitet hos patienter med astma i primärvården? (2002)
- Symtomrapportering hos kvinnor med och utan HRT-behandling (2001)
- Miljöenkät (2001)
- Några prediktoter för läkemedelsanvändning hos 35-65-åriga kvinnor i Mellansverige (1999)