Stephan Pomp
Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Applied Nuclear Physics
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Short presentation
Professor in applied nuclear physics and responsible for research and PhD student education in applied nuclear physics.
I am an experimental nuclear physicist with focus on studying nuclear fission and neutron-induced light ion production.
I use experimental facilities in various places in Europe (e.g. IGISOL in Finland, NFS@GANIL in France, EC-JRC in Geel, Belgium, GSI in Darmstadt, Germany, and n_TOF@CERN in Switzerland).
For theoretical work I use the nuclear model codes TALYS and GEF.
- experimental nuclear physics
- light-ion production
- neutron facilities
- neutron-induced reactions
- nuclear fission
Diploma in physics from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany in 1994.
PhD in nuclear and particle physics in 1999 from Uppsala University. The thesis topic was in the field of hyperon production via anti-protons and for this I was part of the PS185 collaboration and did experiments at the LEAR ring of CERN, Switzerland.
In 2006 I became Docent with a lecture titled "Att vara neutral - en neutrons kallelse".
I am professor in applied nuclear physics since 2012.
My main interest is to study nuclear fission. The process is known since more than 80 years but it is, due to its complexity, still far from understood. Fission has been called the "complete nuclear physics lab" and this is one reason why fission is so interesting to study. Furthermore, fission has links to both applications (e.g., energy and medical isotope production) and fundamental research (e.g., hunt for new isotopes and the understanding of cosmic nucleosynthesis).
I am also interested in various types of neutron-induced reactions, e.g., light-ion production. Also here there is a clear link between basic nuclear physics research (reaction dynamics) and a range of applications (nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, radiation effects on electronics and material).
My research is experimental and I use various facilities in Europe for the experiments. Currently my research group and I are involved in several international collaborations. We run or plan experiments at IGISOL/JYFLTRAP in Jyäskylä, Finland, at the Joint research Centre of the European Commission in Geel, Belgium, at NFS@GANIL in Caen, France, at n_TOF@CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and at the FRS of GSI in Darmstadt, Germany.
One of the application related aims of this research is the provision of high-quality evaluated nuclear data libraries. Among the challenges is proper handling of uncertainties. My group and I are therefore also working on uncertainty quantification and uncertainty propagation methods with partners at, e.g., IAEA in Vienna, Austria and PSI in Villingen, Switzerland.
Selection of publications
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- The n_TOF facility at CERN (2024)
- Global comparison between experimentally measured isomeric yield ratios and nuclear model calculations (2023)
- Applying machine learning methods for the analysis of two-dimensional mass spectra (2023)
- New design and simulation of the ion guide for neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility (2023)
- Isomeric yield ratios in proton-induced fission of 238U (2023)
- Determination of the Plasma Delay Time in PIPS detectors for fission fragments at the LOHENGRIN spectrometer (2023)
- Independent isotopic fission yields of Cf-252 spontaneous fission via mass measurements at the FRS Ion Catcher (2023)
- Prompt fission neutron yields in thermal fission of 235U and spontaneous fission of 252Cf (2020)
- Citizen science in radiation research (2020)
- Determining spontaneous fission properties by direct mass measurements with the FRS Ion Catcher (2020)
- Isomeric yield ratio measurements at IGISOL/JYFLTRAP for assessing angular momenta of fission fragments (2019)
- 80 years of nuclear fission studies - Shouldn't we be done by now? (2019)
- Jakten på nya kemiska element - Periodiska systemet 150 år (2019)
- Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique (2019)
- The Neutrons for Science Facility at SPIRAL-2 (2018)
- Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron induced fission of natU (2018)
- First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments (2018)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Measurements of isomeric yield ratios of fission products from proton- induced fission on natU and 232Th via direct ion counting (2017)
- The TENDL library (2017)
- Simulations of the stopping efficiencies of fission ion guides (2017)
- Fragment mass-, kinetic energy- and angular distributions for 234U(n, f) at incident neutron energies from En = 0.2 to 5.0 MeV (2016)
- Fission Product Yields Data Current status and perspectives (2016)
- Designing an upgrade of the Medley setup for light-ion production and fission cross-section measurements (2015)
- Accurate FissiOn data for Nuclear Safety (AlFONS) (2015)
- Light-ion production from O, Si, Fe and Bi induced by 175 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron (2014)
- Independent Isotopic Product Yields in 25 MeV and 50 MeV Charged Particle Induced Fission of U-238 and Th-232 (2014)
- High-Energy Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutron Fields (2014)
- Experimental Neutron-induced Fission Fragment Mass Yields of Th-232 and U-238 at Energies from 10 to 33 MeV (2014)
- High-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron fields: existing facilities and future needs (2013)
- Indication of anisotropic TKE and mass emission in 234U(n,f) (2012)
- Nuclear data measurements at the new NFS facility at GANIL (2012)
- Design of a neutron converter for fission studies at the IGISOL facility (2012)
- Light-ion production from a thin silicon target bombarded by 175 MeV quasi mono-energetic neutrons (2011)
- Fragment-mass distributions in neutron-induced fission of 232Th and 238U at 33, 45, and 60 MeV (2011)
- Piezonuclear reactions - do they really exist? (2010)
- C/O Kerma coefficient ratio for 96 MeV neutrons deduced from microscopic measurements (2010)
- Tutorial on neutron physics in dosimetry (2010)
- Double-differential cross sections and kerma coefficients for light-charged particles produced by 96 MeV neutrons on carbon (2010)
- An iterative procedure to obtain inverse response functions for thick-target correction of measured charged-particle spectra (2007)
- Measurement of the Absolute Differential Cross Section for np Elastic Scattering at 194 MeV (2006)
- Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 96 MeV Neutrons with Oxygen (2006)
- Forward-angle neutron-proton scattering at 96 MeV (2004)
- Search for three-body force effects in neutron–deuteron scattering at 95 MeV (2004)
- Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 96 MeV Neutrons with Silicon (2004)
- Measurement of the anti-pp ---> KsKs eta cross section at beam momenta in the regions of 1.45 and 1.7 GeV/c (2001)
Recent publications
- Towards a new generation of solid total-energy detectors for neutron-capture time-of-flight experiments with intense neutron beams (2025)
- A Segmented Total Energy Detector (sTED) optimized for (n,ϒ) cross-section measurements at n_TOF EAR2 (2024)
- Pushing the high count rate limits of scintillation detectors for challenging neutron-capture experiments (2024)
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- Random files for fission fragment evaporation in TALYS (2024)
All publications
- Towards a new generation of solid total-energy detectors for neutron-capture time-of-flight experiments with intense neutron beams (2025)
- A Segmented Total Energy Detector (sTED) optimized for (n,ϒ) cross-section measurements at n_TOF EAR2 (2024)
- Pushing the high count rate limits of scintillation detectors for challenging neutron-capture experiments (2024)
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- Random files for fission fragment evaporation in TALYS (2024)
- Multi-section fission ionization chamber for measurement of 239Pu(n, γ) reaction in fission tagging method (2024)
- First measurement of the 94Nb(n,γ) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility (2023)
- Global comparison between experimentally measured isomeric yield ratios and nuclear model calculations (2023)
- The neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN Recent facility upgrades and detector developments (2023)
- Advances and new ideas for neutron-capture astrophysics experiments at CERN n_TOF (2023)
- Applying machine learning methods for the analysis of two-dimensional mass spectra (2023)
- New design and simulation of the ion guide for neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility (2023)
- Isomeric yield ratios in proton-induced fission of 238U (2023)
- New detection systems for an enhanced sensitivity in key stellar (n,γ) measurements (2023)
- Neutron-induced cross section measurements (2023)
- Status report of the n_TOF facility after the 2nd CERN long shutdown period (2023)
- Benchmark of a multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation of an ionguide for neutron-induced fission products (2022)
- Isomer yields in nuclear fission (2021)
- Prompt fission neutron yields in thermal fission of 235U and spontaneous fission of 252Cf (2020)
- Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique (2019)
- The impact of neutron emission on correlated fission data from the 2E-2v method (2018)
- The Neutrons for Science Facility at SPIRAL-2 (2018)
- Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron induced fission of natU (2018)
- First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments (2018)
- Combining Total Monte Carlo and Unified Monte Carlo (2017)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Fragment mass-, kinetic energy- and angular distributions for 234U(n, f) at incident neutron energies from En = 0.2 to 5.0 MeV (2016)
- Selecting benchmarks for reactor simulations (2016)
- On the use of integral experiments for uncertainty reduction of reactor macroscopic parameters within the TMC methodology (2016)
- Developments for neutron-induced fission at IGISOL-4 (2016)
- Sampling of systematic errors to estimate likelihood weights in nuclear data uncertainty propagation (2016)
- Measurement of the 6Li(n,α) neutron standard cross-section at the GELINA facility (2016)
- Simulations of the fission-product stopping efficiency in IGISOL (2015)
- Uncertainty and correlation analysis of lead nuclear data on reactor parameters for the European Lead Cooled Training Reactor (2015)
- Benchmark selection methodology for reactor calculations and nuclear data uncertainty reduction (2015)
- Measuring independent yields of fission products using a penning trap (2015)
- Incorporating Experimental Information in the Total Monte Carlo Methodology Using File Weights (2015)
- Designing an upgrade of the Medley setup for light-ion production and fission cross-section measurements (2015)
- Experiments and Theoretical Data for Studying the Impact of Fission Yield Uncertainties on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle with TALYS/GEF and the Total Monte Carlo Method (2015)
- Sensitivity of Measured Fission Yields on Prompt-neutron Corrections (2014)
- Combining Total Monte Carlo and Benchmarks for Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation on a Lead Fast Reactor's Safety Parameters (2014)
- Light-ion Production from O, Si, Fe and Bi Induced by 175 MeV Quasi-monoenergetic Neutrons (2014)
- Uncertainty Study of Nuclear Model Parameters for the n+Fe-56 Reactions in the Fast Neutron Region below 20 MeV (2014)
- Isomeric Yield Ratios of Fission Products Measured with the Jyfltrap (2014)
- Independent fission yield measurements with jyfltrap (2014)
- Status Report on the Analysis of Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Carbon, Iron, Yttrium and Lead at 96 MeV (2014)
- IPCC förordar kärnkraft för att minska utsläppen (2014)
- Measuring Light-ion Production and Fission Cross Sections Normalised to H(n,p) Scattering at the Upcoming NFS Facility (2014)
- Development of a neutron converter for studies of neutron-induced fission fragments at the IGISOL facility (2014)
- The Neutrons for Science Facility at SPIRAL-2 (2014)
- Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Independent Isotopic Product Yields in 25 MeV and 50 MeV Charged Particle Induced Fission of U-238 and Th-232 (2014)
- High-Energy Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutron Fields (2014)
- Experimental Neutron-induced Fission Fragment Mass Yields of Th-232 and U-238 at Energies from 10 to 33 MeV (2014)
- Total Monte Carlo evaluation for dose calculations (2014)
- Propagation of nuclear data uncertainties for ELECTRA burn-up calculations (2014)
- Accurate Fission Data for Nuclear Safety (2014)
- Light-ion Production in 175 MeV Neutron-induced Reactions on Oxygen (2014)
- Ambiguities in the grid-inefficiency correction for Frisch-Grid Ionization Chambers (2012)
- On the Frisch–Grid signal in ionization chambers (2012)
- Impact of prompt-neutron corrections on final fission-fragment distributions (2012)
- Nuclear data measurements at the new NFS facility at GANIL (2012)
- Design of a neutron converter for fission studies at the IGISOL facility (2012)
- A ROOT-based analysis tool for measurements of neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility (2012)
- The Medley facilities past and future (2012)
- Medley spectrometer for ligh ions in neutron induced reactions at 175 MeV (2011)
- Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 175 MeV Neutrons with Iron and Bismuth (2011)
- Light-ion Production from a Thin Silicon Target Bombarded by 175 MeV Quasi Mono-energetic Neutrons (2011)
- Characterization of ANITA and QMN Neutron Beams at TSL Using Proton Recoil Techniques (2011)
- Measurement of Fragment Mass Yields in Neutron-induced Fission of (232)Th and (238)U at 33, 45 and 60 MeV (2011)
- Fragment-mass distributions in neutron-induced fission of 232Th and 238U at 33, 45, and 60 MeV (2011)
- Neutron production in neutron-induced reactions at 96 MeV on (56)Fe and (208)Pb (2011)
- Neutron Elastic Scattering Cross-Section Measurements at 175 MeV (2011)
- Light-ion Production in 175 MeV Neutron-induced Reactions on Oxygen (2011)
- Measurements of Inelastic Neutron Scattering at 96 MeV from Carbon, Iron, Yttrium and Lead (2011)
- Comparison of digital and analogue data acquisition systems for nuclear spectroscopy (2010)
- An upgrade of the SCANDAL setup for measurements of elastic neutron scattering at 175 MeV (2010)
- Neutron induced light-ion production from iron and bismuth at 175 MeV (2010)
- Piezonuclear reactions - do they really exist? (2010)
- C/O Kerma coefficient ratio for 96 MeV neutrons deduced from microscopic measurements (2010)
- Exploring the potential of antilambdas in nuclei with antiprotons (2010)
- Tutorial on neutron physics in dosimetry (2010)
- MCNPX simulations of the SCANDAL setup for measurement of neutron scattering cross section at 175MeV (2010)
- Double-differential cross sections and kerma coefficients for light-charged particles produced by 96 MeV neutrons on carbon (2010)
- Comment on "Piezonuclear decay of thorium" [Phys. Lett. A 373 (2009) 1956] (2009)
- Light-ion production in the interaction of 96 MeV neutrons with carbon (2009)
- Elastic scattering of 96 MeV neutrons from iron, yttrium, and lead (2008)
- Kerma coefficients for neutron scattering on (12)c and O-16 at 96 mev (2007)
- Precision measurements of the np scattering differential cross section in the intermediate energy region (2007)
- Neutron-induced light-ion production from Fe, Pb and U at 96 MeV (2007)
- An iterative procedure to obtain inverse response functions for thick-target correction of measured charged-particle spectra (2007)
- The TSL neutron beam facility (2007)
- Light charged-particle production in 96 MeV neutron-induced reactions on carbon and oxygen (2007)
- Elastic neutron scattering studies at 96 MeV for transmutation (2007)
- 95 MeV neutron scattering on hydrogen, deuterium, carbon and oxygen (2006)
- Experimental determination of the complete spin structure for (p)over-barp ->(Lambda)over-bar Lambda at p((p)over-bar)=1.637 GeV/c (2006)
- An iterative procedure to obatin inverse response functions for thick-target correction of measured charged-particle spectra of (2006)
- Measurement of the Absolute Differential Cross Section for np Elastic Scattering at 194 MeV (2006)
- Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 96 MeV Neutrons with Oxygen (2006)
- Evidence for three-body force effects in neutron-deuteron scattering at 95 MeV (2005)
- A new high-energy neutron beam facility in Uppsala (2005)
- Measurements of the Absolute np Scattering Differential cross section at 194 MeV (2005)
- Depolarization and spin transfer in anti_p+p->anti_Lambda+Lambda with a polarized target (2004)
- Nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies (2004)
- Forward-angle neutron-proton scattering at 96 MeV (2004)
- Search for three-body force effects in neutron–deuteron scattering at 95 MeV (2004)
- Development of a Tagged Neutron Facility (2004)
- Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 96 MeV Neutrons with Silicon (2004)
- Elastic Neutron Scattering at 96 MeV from C-12 and Pb-208 (2003)
- Elastic neutron scattering at 96 MeV from 12C and 208Pb (2003)
- Measurement of Spin Transfer Observables in anti-p p -> anti-Lambda Lambda at 1.637 GeV/c (2002)
- SCANDAL - A facility for elastic neutron scattering studies in the 50--130 MeV range (2002)
- Measurement of the anti-pp ---> KsKs eta cross section at beam momenta in the regions of 1.45 and 1.7 GeV/c (2001)
- A measurement of the (p)over-bar-p -> KsKs eta cross section at beam momenta around 1.6 GeV/c (2001)
- Hyperon polarisation in the reaction (p)over-bar12C -> (Lambda)over-bar Lambda X (2000)
- Study of the reaction (p)over-bar-p->phiphi from 1.0 to 2.0 GeV/c (1998)
- Study of the reaction (p)over-bar-p ->phi phi from 1.1 to 2.0 GeV/c (1998)
- Measurement of the (p)over-barp->KsKs reaction for 0.6 to 1.9 GeV/c (1997)
- Comments on the report" Indications of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder"[arXiv: 1305.3913] by G. Levi, E. Foschi, T. Hartman, B. Höistad, R. Pettersson, L. Tegner, H. Essen
- Comparison of Fission Models with the DElFIN code
- Inelastic neutron scattering cross sections at 96 MeV for iron
- Applied Nuclear Physics (2024)
- Nuclear Energy (2024)
- The n_TOF facility at CERN (2024)
- A segmented total energy detector (sTED) for (n, gamma) cross section measurements at n_TOF EAR2 (2023)
- Compton imaging for enhanced sensitivity (n,gamma) cross section TOF experiments (2023)
- Overview of the dissemination of n_TOF experimental data and resonance parameters (2023)
- First high resolution measurement of neutron capture resonances in Yb-176 at the n_TOF CERN facility. (2023)
- Determination of the Plasma Delay Time in PIPS detectors for fission fragments at the LOHENGRIN spectrometer (2023)
- New perspectives for neutron capture measurements in the upgraded CERN-n_TOF Facility (2023)
- Measurement of the Gd-160(n, gamma) cross section at n_TOF and its medical implications (2023)
- Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements on Mo-94'95'96 at n_TOF and GELINA (2023)
- Characterisation of the n_TOF 20 m beam line at CERN with the new spallation target (2023)
- The n_TOF NEAR Station Commissioning and first physics case (2023)
- Independent isotopic fission yields of Cf-252 spontaneous fission via mass measurements at the FRS Ion Catcher (2023)
- Fission studies at IGISOL/JYFLTRAP (2020)
- Citizen science in radiation research (2020)
- Gamma spectroscopy methodology for large amounts of environmental samples in Sweden 30 years after the Chernobyl accident (2020)
- Determining spontaneous fission properties by direct mass measurements with the FRS Ion Catcher (2020)
- Characterization of PPACs' time resolution for fission studies (2020)
- 80 years of nuclear fission studies - Shouldn't we be done by now? (2019)
- Nuclear reaction studies for improved nuclear data for science and technology (2019)
- Studying fission neutrons with 2E-2v and 2E (2018)
- Prompt Neutron Emission Correlations with Fission Fragment Properties (2018)
- Measurement of fission yields and isomeric yield ratios at IGISOL (2018)
- Neutron-multiplicity experiments for enhanced fission modelling (2017)
- Measurement of the 6Li(n,α)t neutron standard cross-section at the GELINA facility (2017)
- The new double energy-velocity spectrometer VERDI (2017)
- The neutrons for science facility at SPIRAL-2 (2017)
- A methodology for the intercomparison of nuclear fission codes using TALYS (2017)
- Measurements of isomeric yield ratios of fission products from proton- induced fission on natU and 232Th via direct ion counting (2017)
- The TENDL library (2017)
- Propagation of nuclear data uncertainties for fusion power measurements (2017)
- Simulations of the stopping efficiencies of fission ion guides (2017)
- Characterization of the Medley setup for measurements of neutron-induced fission cross sections at the GANIL-NFS facility (2017)
- Analysis of prompt fission neutrons in U-235(nth,f) and fission fragment distributions for the thermal neutron induced fission of U-234 (2016)
- Uncertainty analysis of Lead cross sections on reactor safety for ELECTRA (2016)
- Fission yield measurements at IGISOL (2016)
- Comparing Nuclear Fission Codes (2016)
- A methodology for the intercomparison of nuclear fission codes using TALYS (2016)
- Propagation Of Nuclear Data Uncertainties For Fusion Power Measurements (2016)
- Fission Activities of the Nuclear Reactions Group in Uppsala (2015)
- Reducing A Priori 239Pu Nuclear Data Uncertainty In The Keff Using A Set Of Criticality Benchmarks With Different Nuclear Data Libraries (2015)
- Prompt fission neutron emission from 235U(n,f): thermal and resonance region (2015)
- Towards Transparent, Reproducible And Justified Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation For Lwr Applications (2015)
- Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Using the TMC Method (2015)
- Sensitivity of measured fission yields on prompt-neutron corrections (2014)
- Selecting benchmarks for reactor calculations (2014)
- Light-ion production from O, Si, Fe and Bi induced by 175 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron (2014)
- Measurement of Isomeric Yield Ratios of Fission Products with the Jyfltrap (2014)
- Status report on the analysis of inelastic neutron scattering from carbon, iron, yttrium and lead at 96 MeV (2014)
- Measuring light-ion production and fission cross sections versus elastic np-scattering at the upcoming NFS facility (2014)
- Characterization of a Be (p, xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Measurement of the energy spectrum from the neutron source planned for IGISOL (2014)
- Target thickness dependence of the Be(p,xn) neutron energy spectrum (2014)
- Experimental Neutron-Induced Fission Fragment Mass Yields of 232Th and 238U at Energies from 10 to 33 MeV (2014)
- Accurate fission data for nuclear safety (2014)
- Corrections of Prompt-neutron Emission in Fission-fragment Experiments (2013)
- Neutron Facilities for Nuclear Data Measurements (2013)
- Indication of anisotropic TKE and mass emission in 234U(n,f) (2012)
- Possible anisotropy in the emission of fission fragments (2012)
- Inelastic neutron scattering from carbon, iron, yttrium and lead (2012)
- Design of a High Intensity Neutron Source for Neutron-Induced Fission Yield Studies (2012)
- Design of a neutron converter for fission studies at the IGISOL facility (2012)
- A ROOT-based analysis tool formeasurements of neutron-induced fissionproducts at the IGISOL facility (2012)
- Study of pre-equilibrium emission of light complex particles from Fe and Bi induced by intermediate energy neutrons (2011)
- Light-ion production in the interaction of 175 MeV neutrons with iron and bismuth (2011)
- Exciton model and quantum molecular dynamics in inclusive nucleon-induced reactions (2011)
- Light-ion production from a thin silicon target bombarded by 175 MeV quasi mono-energetic neutrons (2011)
- Neutron-induced fission studies at the IGISOL facility (2011)
- Characterization of ANITA and QMN neutron beams at TSL using proton recoil techniques (2011)
- Neutron elastic scattering cross-section measurements at 175 MeV (2011)
- Light-ion production in 175 MeV neutron-induced reactions on oxygen (2011)
- A Medley with over ten years of (mostly) light-ion production measurements at The Svedberg Laboratory (2010)
- Measurement of Fragment Mass Yields in Neutron-Induced Fission of 232Th and 238U at 33, 45 and 60 MeV (2010)
- TALYS calculation of neutron-induced fission fragment mass yields of 238U and 232Th in the energy range 10-60 MeV (2010)
- Perspectives on mono-energy neutron testing of single-event effects (2007)
- Measurements of light-ion production at the new Uppsala neutron beam facility (2007)
- Three-body force effects in neutron-deuteron scattering at 95 MeV (2007)
- Kerma coefficients for neutron scattering on C-12 and O-16 at 96MeV (2007)
- Precision measurement of the np scattering differential cross section in the intermediate energy region (2007)
- 95 MeV neutron scattering on hydrogen, deuterium, carbon and oxygen (2007)
- Neutron-induced light-ion production from Fe, Pb and U at 96 MeV, (2007)
- A New Neutron Beam Facility at TSL (2007)
- Studying neutron-induced light-ion production with the MEDLEY facility: status and future plans (2007)
- Elastic neutron scattering at 96 MeV (2007)
- Elastic neutron scattering studies at 96 MeV (2007)
- SCANDAL - a facility for elastic neutron scattering studies in the 50--130 MeV range (2006)
- fast neutron scattering on carbon and oxygen (2006)
- Neutron-induced light ion production from Fe, Pb and U at 96 MeV (2006)
- Light-ion production and fission studies using the MEDLEY facility at TSL, (2006)
- A new neutron beam facility at TSL (2006)
- A Novel Fast Neutron Detector for Nuclear Data Measurements, (2006)
- Light charged particle production in 96 MeV neutron-induced reactions on oxygen (2006)
- Tomography of canisters for spent nuclear fuel (2006)
- Elastic neutron scattering studies at 96 MeV for transmutation (2006)
- Elastic neutron scattering at 96 MeV (2005)
- Forward-angle np scattering at 96 MeV and normalization of neutron-induced nuclear reactions (2005)
- Neutron and Light Charged Particle Production in Neutron or Proton-Induced Reactions on Iron, Lead and Uranium at Intermediate Energy (20 to 200 MeV) (2005)
- Investigation of three-body force effects in neutron-deuteron scattering at 95 MeV (2005)
- The new Uppsala neutron beam facility (2005)
- A new neutron facility for single-event testing (2005)
- A new neutron facility for single-event effect testing (2005)
- A new neutron facility for SEE testing (2005)
- A new facility for high-energy neutron-induced fission studies (2005)
- Experimental Double-Differential Light-Ion Production Cross Sections for Silicon at 95 MeV Neutrons (2005)
- The Uppsala neutron beam facility for electronics testing (2005)
- A new neutron beam facility (2004)
- Depolarization and spin transfer in anti-p p -> anti-Lambda Lambda with a polarized target (2004)
- (n,Xn) measurements at 100 MeV (2004)
- Light charged-particle production in 96 MeV neutron-induced reactions on iron, lead and uranium (2004)
- How Strong is the Strong Interaction? (2004)
- Elastic Neutron Scattering at 96 MeV (2004)
- Forward-angle neutron-proton scattering at 96 MeV (2004)
- Investigation of three-body force effects in neutron-deuteron scattering at 95 MeV (2004)
- Nuclear Data for Medicine and Electronics (2004)
- The New Uppsala Neutron Beam Facility (2004)
- A New Neutron Facility for Single-Event Effect Testing (2004)
- A New Neutron Facility for Single-Event Effect Testing (2004)
- Measurement of the Absolute Differential Cross Section for np Elastic Scattering Near 190 MeV (2004)
- Light-Ion Production in the Interaction of 96 MeV Neutrons with Silicon (2004)
- Light-Ion Production on Silicon and Electronics Reliability (2004)
- A New Mono-energetic Neutron Beam Facility in the 20-180 MeV Range (2004)
- A New Facility for Neutron-Induced Fission Studies (2003)
- Measurements of the Absolute Differential Cross Section for np Elastic Scattering Near 190 MeV (2003)
- Neutron-proton scattering at intermediate energies - recent, new and future measurements (2002)
- SCANDAL - A facility for elastic neutron scattering studies in the 50-130 MeV range (2002)
- HINDAS - a European Nuclear Data Programme for Accelerator driven Systems (2002)
- Experimental double-differential light-ion production cross sections for silicon at 95 MeV neutrons (2002)
- MEDLEY – a Facility for Measurements of Neutron-Induced Double-Differential Light-Ion Production Cross Sections (2002)
- Experimental Double-Differential Cross Sections and Kerma Coefficients for Carbon and Oxygen at 95 MeV (2001)
- Neutrons for science and industry - the Uppsala neutron beam facility (2001)
- Neutron-Proton Scattering at Intermediate Energies (2001)
- SCANDAL – A Facility for Elastic Neutron Scattering Studies in the 50-130 MeV Range (2001)
- SCANDAL – A Facility for Elastic Neutron Scattering Studies in the 50-130 MeV Range (2001)
- Experimental Double-Differential Light-Ion Production Cross Sections for Silicon at 95 MeV (2001)
- Phi-phi excitation function at LEAR (1997)
- Antihyperon-hyperon production in the threshold region at LEAR (1996)
- Exclusive phiphi production in p(over)p annihilations at PS202 (1995)
- Proton-antiproton annihilation into neutral strange mesons (1995)
- Search for f4(2230)/xsi(2230) in p(over)p annihilations at PS202 (1995)
- Accurate FissiOn data for Nuclear Safety (AlFONS) (2015)
- Ion counting efficiencies at the IGISOL facility (2014)
- Svensk elförsörjning i framtiden – en fråga med globala dimensioner (2014)
- High-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron fields: existing facilities and future needs (2013)
- Elastic Neutron Scattering at 96 MeV from C-12 and Pb-208 (2003)