Mats Rosengren
Professor at Department of Literature and Rhetoric
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 29 40
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- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 P
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- Box 632
751 26 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Since October 1, 2014, I hold the chair of Rhetoric at the Department of Literature, Uppsala University.
I am founder member of the board of the Swedish Ernst Cassirer Society (since 2004) and, since 2016, responsible for the scientific side of Uppsala University's exchange with Collège de France.
Listen to me talking about rhetoric (in Swedish).
Check the latest publications in our series Uppsala Rhetorical Studies URS/SRU Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia.
Please find all my publications at ORCID.
My main interests lie in the fields of theory and history of rhetoric, epistemology and theory of science, French philosophy, cave art and artistic research. I have written on Plato, Montaigne, Chaim Perelman, Cornelius Castoriadis, Ernst Cassirer and Gilles Deleuze.
One of my latest major work is a study focusing on the discovery of paleolithic cave art and the development of the discipline cave ‘art studies’, seen from a doxological perspective: Cave Art, Perception and Knowledge (Palgrave Macmillan 2012).
I am also a translator, mainly of French philosophy, and an editor, most notably of the now completed Logos/Pathos series at Glänta Produktion.
I am currently working on broad project, adressing issues related to what I call social meaning. This project currently includes two books, one in Swedish tracing the construction, meaning and political and epistemic use of the social imaginary signification prehistory; one in English dealing with Ernst Cassirer and Cornelius Castoriadis as theoricians of social meaning.
Doxology – a rhetorical approach to epistemology
Since 2002 I have been working on developing an ‘other’ take on epistemology. I have chosen to call his epistemic stance doxological in order to emphasise that all knowledge is doxic knowledge, thus turning the seminal Platonic distinction between doxa (beliefs, opinions) and episteme (objective, eternal knowledge) upside down.
Protagoras dictum advocating man as the measure of all things is, perhaps, the most poignant expression of a doxological position, stating explicitly that no apprehension escapes the human-related conditions of knowledge alluded to in Protagoras’s fragment. Departing from the pivotal question “What would a Protagorean position imply for epistemology today?”, I develop a critique of the purely discursive notion of knowledge, still central in Anglo-Saxon epistemology. I emphasize the fact that our knowledge is always embodied, in ourselves as biological beings as well as formulated and/or preserved in some language, institution or ritual; practiced and upheld by one or many individuals, always in one historical moment or other and within the admittedly diffuse framework of an ever changing but still specific social situation. Doxology is not a relativism abandoning all claims to objectivity or science – far from it – but an attempt, in the wake of the serious and fundamental criticisms of the late 20th century, to readdress and reconsider what knowledge, science and objectivity could be today. Nor is doxology a teaching about apparent or illusory knowledge, but about situated, variable and interested knowledge. In short it is a teaching about how we actually do create the knowledge that we need – in science as well as in life. In my publications on doxology I have tried to formulate and develop a concept of knowledge taking heed of all these factors. First introduced in 2002, this concept, doxology, has now become wildly used within the social and human sciences in Scandinavia.
Recent publications
- Can we be democratic? (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- A breach in the social imaginary (2023)
- Pandemiska reflektioner (2022)
- De pandemiska reflektionernas kranka blekhet (2022)
All publications
- A breach in the social imaginary (2023)
- ¿Sujetos autónomos? (2022)
- Cornelius Castoriadis, an Unconsious follower of Cassirer? (2021)
- The Need for an Imaginative Politics (2020)
- Kan vi vara demokratiska? (2019)
- Doxa (2019)
- On Creation, Cave Art and Perception (2019)
- A Philosophical-Anthropological Case for Cassirer in Rhetoric (2017)
- Vad en Svensk måste kunna: att vilja demokratin (2016)
- “När diskursen kom till Sverige” Modern Filosofi 1, 2015. (2015)
- Tezis Protagora: doksologicheskaja perspektiva / trans. from Swedish by Dmitry Vorobyov and Kristina Ankerhjerte (2014)
- “Social mening – en retorisk fråga” (2014)
- Förhistoria (2013)
- ”K voprosu o doxa: jepistemologija «novoj ritoriki» ”, trans. from English by Dmitry Vorobyev, (2012)
- Pourquoi l’Internet ne dispense aucune connaissance (2011)
- Martens som Marlow (2010)
- Fotbollsblivande (2009)
- The cave of doxa (2008)
- The Magma of Imaginary Politics (2008)
- de Sautuolas språng (2007)
- En kommentar till Michael A R Biggs (2007)
- On creation, cave art and perception (2007)
- Ovetenskapligheter och den svenska humanistiska forskningens krig (2005)
- [Recension av:] Gunnar Foss och Eivind Kasa (red.), Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences (2005)
- Tidens tio plågor - enligt Derrida (2004)
- I skuggan av den upplysta dåren (2004)
- [Recension av:] Laurent Pernot (red.), Actualité de la Rhétorique (2004)
- Skapelse ur intet (2003)
- Skapelse ur intet (2003)
- Analogt skapande (2002)
- Analogt skapande (2002)
- Repetition och rörelse (2002)
- Rhetorike ≠ Retorik (2001)
- Vårt mytiska förnuft (2001)
- Grottbilder (2001)
- Sanningen väntar inte på oss - Mats Rosengren manar till läsning av Heideggers väg (2000)
- Can we be democratic? (2024)
- Pandemiska reflektioner (2022)
- L’ art des cavernes. Perception et connaissance (2019)
- Actualité d’une pensée radicale (2018)
- Can a person be illegal? (2017)
- Psychagogia - konsten att leda själar (2015)
- Cave Art, Perception and Knowledge (2012)
- Doxologie - essais sur la connaissance (2011)
- De symboliska formernas praktiker (2010)
- Embodiment in cognition and culture (2007)
- För en dödlig som ni vet är största faran säkerhet (2006)
- Retorikens imperium (2004)
- Doxologi (2002)
- Introduction (2024)
- De pandemiska reflektionernas kranka blekhet (2022)
- En bugg i systemet (2022)
- ”Medborgare, jag repeterar, medborgare. Demokrati i det 21:a århundradet?” (2020)
- Material Cognition in Paleolithic Times (2020)
- Riconsiderando <<il politico>> : è possible essere democratici oggi? (2019)
- Des sujets autonomes ? (2018)
- “Vad kan konst?” (2015)
- “Magma” (2014)
- “Sanning, seende, kunskap – produktionen av vetenskaplig kunskap sedd ur ett retoriskt, doxologiskt perspektiv” (2014)
- “Retorik, retorikvetenskap och social mening” (2014)
- Walk the line (2013)
- True and False Chaos (2012)
- Cave art as symbolic form (2012)
- Making sense (2012)
- Doxology (2011)
- On doxa – the epistemology of the New Rhetoric (2011)
- Art+Research ≠ Artistic research (2010)
- Radical imagination and symbolic pregnance (2007)
- On Being Downstream (2005)
- Rhetoric - A Theory Of Knowledge? (2004)
- Traditionen (2003)
- Den ohörda tanken, den slumpartade formuleringen och den nytänkta idén (2003)
- Retoriken (2001)
- Vägskäl (2013)
- Vikki Bell, Omvänt förbrytarporträtt (2010)
- Vad vi kan hoppas på II (2008)
- Vad vi kan hoppas på (2006)
- Jaques Derrida & Jean Birnbaum, "Jag är i krig med mig själv" (2004)
- Hans Joas, "Språk och artikulation" (2003)
- Miran Bozovic, "En synnerligen mörk plats" (2003)
- Angelos Mouzakitis, "Autonomins trassliga rötter" (2003)
- Suzi Adams, "Castoriadis, naturen och fysis - om varat som skapande skapelse" (2003)
- Eric Vibart, "Stillahavsön – territorium utan minne" (2002)
- Jacques Derrida,”Signatur, händelse, kontext” (2000)
- Sartres blick (2000)
- Vårt mänskliga mått (2000)