Lars Engwall
Professor emeritus at Department of Business Studies; Guests and others
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 04 43
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- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Lars Engwall at Department of Business Studies; Guests and others
- Academic merits:
- PhD
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- Download CV
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Video Films
1. ”Jo, det går bra. Ett rollspel mellan en handledare och hans optimistiske doktorand” (1996) ( (med Jan Wikander).
2. ”Vad var det som hände i Utah? Ett samtal mellan Karin Caldwell, professor i ytbioteknik, och Lars Engwall, professor i företagsekonomi” (2005) (
3. ”A New Production of Knowledge. Ett samtal med Sverker Gustavsson om vetenskapens villkor i det moderna samhället” (2007) (
4. ”Vägen hit. Ett samtal mellan professor Lars Engwall och professor emeritus Jan Johanson om företagsekonomins tidiga utveckling vid Uppsala universitet” (2008) (
Recent publications
- Internationalization in Higher Education and Research (2024)
- Major Messages (2024)
- Setting the Scene (2024)
- Universitetens villkor (2024)
- The myth of the global market for business education (2023)
All publications
- Listen to Eva Forslund and Magnus Henrekson, Please! (2022)
- Who is to blame? (2022)
- Governance of and by Philanthropic Foundations (2021)
- Professional School Obsession (2021)
- Academic taxi drivers in a global marketplace (2019)
- James G. March (2019)
- Special issue introduction (2018)
- Montesquieu in the University (2018)
- Structural Conditions for Interdisciplinarity (2018)
- The development of IB as a scientific field (2018)
- Introduction to the Special Issue on "University Governance and Creativity' (2018)
- Bertil Näslund (2017)
- Managementindustrin (2017)
- Grävande granskning (2017)
- Moderna företagsledare som scenartister (2016)
- The Internationalisation of Higher Education (2016)
- The Organizing of Scientific Fields (2016)
- Management Innovation: Essays in the Spirit of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (2015)
- Corporations and Universities (2015)
- The recruitment of university top leaders (2014)
- Internationalization of Financial Services in Turbulent Markets (2014)
- Robert R. Locke, and J.-C. Spender, Confronting Managerialism: How the Business Elite and Their Schools Threw Our Lives Out of Balance (2013)
- Merger Mistakes (2013)
- Universities are Here to Stay (2013)
- Burning Other People’s Money (2013)
- Academic Taxi Drivers in Global Markets (2013)
- Confronting Managerialism (2013)
- Ekonomi är att välja. Assar Lindbecks memoarer (2013)
- Management Consulting (2013)
- A Decade of Exploration (2012)
- The Roots, Rituals, and Rhetorics of Change (2012)
- The Need to Make University Careers More Attractive (2012)
- Britannia and her Business Schools (2011)
- HistoricalPerspectives on Organizational Stability and Change (2011)
- Skyhög lön för oklar möda (2009)
- Företagsledning i en globaliserad värld (2009)
- The Transfer of Management Knowledge to Peripheral Countries (2008)
- The anatomy of management education (2007)
- Universities, the State and the Market (2007)
- Banker och IT (2007)
- Låt universiteten bygga forskarlag! (2006)
- Erik Dahmén (2006)
- Tuija Mikkonen, Corporate Architecture in Finland in the 1940s and 1950s. Factory Buildings as Architecture, Investment and Image (2006)
- Management Education (2006)
- The Development of Modern Business, Gordon Boyce and Simon Ville (2004)
- The Americanization of Nordic Management Education (2004)
- Introduction: the dissemination of management knowledge (2004)
- Book Review of Colin Hay and David Marsh (eds.), Demystifying Globalization (2001)
- Recension av Susanna Fellman, Uppkomsten av en direktörsprofession (Review of Susanna Fellman, The Origin of a Management Profession) (2001)
- Colin Hay and David Marsh (eds.), Demystifying Globalization (2001)
- Foreign bank penetration of newly opened markets in the Nordic countries (2001)
- Spridningen av moderna managementidéer (2000)
- Foreign Role Models and Standardisation in Nordic Business Education (2000)
- The Globalisation of Management. Standardisation Processes in Management with an Illustration from Scandinavia (2000)
- Deregulation and Homogenisation. The Creation of European Management Practice (2000)
- The Creation of European Management Practice. Presentation of a European Research Programme (2000)
- Spridningen av moderna managementidéer (2000)
- L ’Influenza americana sulla formazione manageriale in Scandinavia (1999)
- The Roles of University and College Rectors (1999)
- Rektorers roller (1999)
- Research Note: Asterix in Disneyland. Management Scholars from France on the World Stage (1998)
- The importance of flexible hazard functions in the analysis of organizational survival data (1997)
- The First Mover and the Challenger: The Relationship between Two Journals in Organization Research (1997)
- The First Mover and the Challenger: The Relationship between Two Journals in Organization Research (1997)
- The vikings versus the world : an examination of nordic business research (1997)
- Banks as Organizations (1996)
- Review of David J. Hickson (ed.), Managerial Decision Making (1996)
- Management research : a fragmented adhocracy? (1995)
- Bankkris och bank organisation (1995)
- Banks as Organizations (1995)
- Review of Jacqueline O'Reilly, Bankin on Flexibility: A Comparison of Flexible Employmen in Retail Banking in Britain and France (1995)
- Organizational Foundations and Closures in a Regulated Environment: Swedish Commercial Banks 1831-1990 (1994)
- Review of G.J.Miller (1992) 'Managerial Dilemmas.The Political Economy of Hierarchy' (1994)
- Några problem att beakta då högskolan utvärderas (1993)
- Nationalekonomins realism (1993)
- Organisatoriska aspekter på bankers riskhantering (1993)
- Merkurius möte med Minerva (Mercury's Meeting with Minerva) (1992)
- Svensk nationalekonomisk forskning granskad (Swedish Economic Research Inspected) (1992)
- Forschung in der BundesrepublikDeutschland aus schwedischer Sicht (1991)
- Banks in Industrial Networks (1990)
- Banks in Industrial Networks (1990)
- Gula Faran på Titanic - En vänster-äventyrares väg till Amerika (1989)
- Recension av Staffan Hultén, Vad bestämmer de svenska exportmarknadsandelarnas utveckling? (1989)
- Review Peter Z.Grossman, American Express.The Unofficial Story of the People who Built the Great Financial Empire (1989)
- Ledningskultur i framtidsföretag (1988)
- Tit for Tat in Small Steps: The Internationalization of Swedish Banks (1988)
- Mercury Meets Minerva (1987)
- Review of Svensson, B., Acquisition of Technology through Licensing in Small Firms (1987)
- Ägar- och ledningsformers betydelse för den socialdemokratiska pressens utveckling (1986)
- Newspaper Adaptation to a Changing Social Environment: A Case Study of Organizational Drift as a Response to Resource Dependence (1986)
- Juridisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning - Företagsekonomi (1986)
- Recension av K.Anderssons avhandling Organisatorisk inlärning med exempel från förlagsbranschen (1984)
- Recension av P.Månssons & K.Axelsson, R.Sköldbergs avhandling Symboliska organisationsmönster.Sju typer av planeringskultur under osäkerhet och stress i ett metamorfosperspektiv (1984)
- Redovisningsutbildningens utformning - en återkommande stötesten (1984)
- Research Note: Linguistic Analysis of an Open-Ended Questionnaire in an Organizational Study (1983)
- Tidningar och teknik (1983)
- Book Review of Four Books in Organizational Behavior (1983)
- Dagens uppfattningar och morgondagens företagsekonomi (1983)
- Book Review of Two Books on Newspaper Organizations (1983)
- Annonsörer och dagstidningar (1983)
- Newspaper Competition: A Case for Theories of Oligopolymi (1982)
- Den organisationsägda pressens dilemma (1981)
- Book Review of Per-Olof Berg, Emotional Structures in Organizations: A Study of the Process of Change in a Swedish Company (1981)
- Recension av P-O Bergs avhandling Emotional Structures in Organizations (1980)
- The Pressure for Growth as an Organizational Problem (1979)
- Newspapers From an Organisational Point of View (1979)
- Recensioner av Holmlöv, P.G., 1978: Lokalpressen och kommunpolitiken (1979)
- Book Review of Ijiri, Y.& Simon, H.A., 1977, Skew Distributions and the Sizes of Business Firms (1979)
- Resource Allocation in Newspapers (1978)
- Order Rates in Bidding (1976)
- Response Time of Organizations (1976)
- To Bid or Not to Bid (1975)
- The Structure of the Swedish Daily Press (1975)
- Il Giornale Come Organizzazione Produttiva (1975)
- Facilitating the Handling of References (1975)
- Industrial Structures in a Dual Economy (1974)
- Review of Granick, D., Managerial Comparison of Four Developed Countries (1973)
- Business Behaviour: The Cigarette Case (1973)
- Internationalization in Higher Education and Research (2024)
- Universitetens villkor (2024)
- Tillbakablickar (2022)
- Fenomenet företagsekonomi (2020)
- Missions of Universities (2020)
- Corpus Linguistics in Sweden (2019)
- A Tribute to the Memory of Ruben Rausing 1895-1983 (2018)
- University Governance and Creativity (2018)
- Corporate Governance in Action (2017)
- From Books to MOOCs? (2016)
- Universitet under uppsikt (2016)
- Defining Management (2016)
- Bibliometrics (2014)
- Trust in Universities (2013)
- Scholars in Action (2012)
- Reconfiguring Knowledge Production (2010)
- Mercury Meets Minerva (2009)
- The University in the Market (2008)
- Quality and Renewal 2007 (2007)
- The Dissemination of Management Knowledge (2004)
- Managing Mercury (2002)
- Managing mercury (2002)
- Management Consulting (2002)
- The Expansion of Management Knowledge. Carriers, Flows, and Resources of Management. (2002)
- Regulation and Organizations. International Perspectives (1999)
- Publications from Uppsala Business Research 1958-1998 (1999)
- Publications from Uppsala Business Research 1958-1998 (1999)
- Four Decades of Uppsala Business Research (1998)
- Four decades of Uppsala business research (1998)
- Management Education in Historical Perspective (1998)
- Management Education in Historical Perspective (1998)
- Föregångare inom företagsekonomin (1995)
- Management Studies in an Academic Context (1994)
- Uppsala contributions to business research (1993)
- Mercury Meets Minerva (1992)
- Från vag vision till komplex organisation (1985)
- Uppsala Contributions to Business Research (1984)
- Företagsekonomins rötter (1980)
- Some Aspects of Control in International Business (1980)
- Some Aspects of Control in International Business (1980)
- Some aspects of control in international business (1980)
- Major Messages (2024)
- Setting the Scene (2024)
- The myth of the global market for business education (2023)
- Universitet (2021)
- The Governance and Missions of Universities (2020)
- The Future of Universities (2020)
- Business Studies and Management Ideas (2019)
- Bernadotterna – ekonomi och politik (2018)
- Die Amerikanisierung der Managementausbildung nordischer Länder (2018)
- Governance Relations (2018)
- Conclusions (2018)
- A Field Approach to Corporate Governance (2018)
- Resituating Corporate Governance (2018)
- Montesquieu på universitet (2017)
- Banks, Regulators, Market Actors and Scrutinizer (2017)
- The Hype of MOOCs (2016)
- Rektorers rekrytering (2016)
- The Emergence of the Business Network Approach (2016)
- Academies and their roles in policy decisions (2015)
- Sundelöfs Societet (2015)
- Banker som samhällsinstitutioner (2015)
- Rubens rötter (2014)
- Corporate Governance and Communication (2014)
- Ekonomernas retorik (2014)
- The Quality of Quality Assessments (2014)
- Computer Corpus Linguistics (2014)
- Science as Big Business (2014)
- Bibliometrics: Issues and Context (2014)
- Universitet under uppsikt (2013)
- Academia, Trust and the Media (2013)
- The Glocalization of Academic Business Studies (2013)
- The Internationalization of International Management Education and Its Limitations (2013)
- Setting the scene (2013)
- Trust in universities, audit society, the media and markets (2013)
- Bridging the Gap through the Consideration of Executive Context (2012)
- Business Schools and Consultancies (2012)
- Från Collegium Curiosorum till kunglig akademi (2012)
- Perspectives on EDAMBA (2012)
- From Collegium Curiosorum to Royal Society (2012)
- Concluding Perspectives (2012)
- Foreword (2012)
- Leaders of Modern Universities (2012)
- Leaders of Modern Universities: Primi Inter Pares or Chief Executive Officers? (2012)
- Aktiebolag och universitet (2011)
- Perspektiv på mediafältet (2010)
- Management-Speak in the Academic Field (2010)
- Public science systems, higher education, and the trajectory of academic disciplines (2010)
- Department bibliography 1958-2008 (2009)
- Belöna kompetensen! (2008)
- Minerva and the media: universities protecting and promoting themselves (2008)
- The Visible Hand Versus the Invisible Hand (2008)
- Corporate Governance and the Media (2007)
- Företagsledare under granskning (2006)
- EIS som akademiskt ämne (2006)
- Global Enterprises in Fields of Governance (2006)
- Le Università in transizione (2006)
- Hur har vi det med beredskapen idag? (2005)
- Doing Deals Despite Distrust (2005)
- Ekonomiskan på det akademiska fältet (2005)
- Doktorerande, disputation och därefter (2003)
- On the Origin of the Northern Lights (2003)
- Excellence in management education (2003)
- The behavioral theory of the firm in action (2002)
- The Changing Relationships between Management Consulting and Academia: Evidence from Sweden (2002)
- Introduction: Management Consulting as a Knowledge Industry (2002)
- Carriers, Flows and Sources of Management Knowledge (2002)
- The Dynamics of Management Knowledge Expansion (2002)
- Hello Dolly! The European Cloning of U.S. Management Research (2001)
- On the Shoulders of Giants: The Intellectual Base of Organization Theory and Behaviour (2001)
- Managerial Capitalism Revisited (2001)
- Från Taylor till Tetra. Ruben Rausings rötter i rationaliseringsrörelsen (2001)
- Farewell to the Rational, Invisible Hand! Management Models in Scandinavia (2001)
- Spridning av Managementidéer i Europa. Utbildning, publikationer och konsulter som trendsättare (1999)
- Corporate Governance in Banking (1999)
- Regulation and Organizations: An Introduction (1999)
- Regulatory Regimes (1999)
- Regulation and Organizations. An Introduction (1999)
- Prologue & Epilogue (1998)
- The Making of Viking Leaders: Perspectives on Nordic Management Education (1998)
- Kvalitetskontroll och nytänkande (1998)
- Att utvärdera för kvalitet (1998)
- Experiences from Evaluations (1998)
- Farväl till den rationella osynliga handen! Företagsekonomi och organisationsteori (1998)
- Introduction (1998)
- Företagare och forskare betraktar företagets ändrade karaktär (1997)
- A Swedish Approach to Quality in Higher Education: The Case of Uppsala University (1997)
- Mercury and Minerva: A Modern Multinational Academic Business (1997)
- Firms, Executives and Models of Action: Dominant Views vs. Empirical Business Research (1997)
- The Swedish Banking Crisis: The Invisible Hand Shaking the Visible Hand (1997)
- Kvalitetsarbete. Dagslända eller eternell? (1997)
- Mercury's Messengers - Swedish Business Graduates (1996)
- Styrelsens ansvar i banker (1996)
- Bridge, Poker and Banking (1995)
- Att höra ett fallande äpple : utvärdering och påverkan (1995)
- Företagsekonomi som akademiskt ämne i Sverige : från theatrum oeconomicum till småländsk handelshögskola (1995)
- Professorerna och omvärlden : observationer från ett porträttgalleri (1995)
- Säg mig vem du umgås med (1994)
- Nu var det 1966 (1993)
- Points of Departure (1992)
- Barriers in International Banking Networks (1992)
- Förbundsrepublikens forskning (1989)
- An American Dream.Postgraduate Research Training in the Social Sciences in Sweden (1987)
- Från temporära lösningar till tidningsfabrik - En socialdemokratisk landsortstidnings kamp för sin existens (1986)
- The University (2008)
- Advising Corporate Superstars (1999)
- Bilder av ett tidningsföretag (1980)
- On Company Expansion and Contraction (1975)
- CEMP — The Creation of European Management Practice, Report EUR 20968 from the European Commission (2001)
- Final Report of the CEMP Project (2001)
- The Diffusion of European Management Ideas (2001)
- The Content of European Management Ideas (2001)
- Kontrakt och utvärdering vid franska universitet =(Contracts and Evaluation in French Universities) (1996)
- The importance of flexible hazard functions in the analysis of organizational survival data : experiences from a cohort of Swedish commercial banks (1995)
- The Invisable Hand (1994)
- Management research (1994)
- The invisible hand shaking the visible hand (1994)
- Mercury's messengers (1994)
- Bridge over troubled water (1993)
- Organizational foundations and closures in a regulated environment (1991)
- Banks as organizations (1991)
- Organisatoriska aspekter på bankers riskhantering (1991)
- Västhagen and after (1990)
- Banks in Industrial Networks (1989)
- Phileas Fogg's followers (1988)
- Europa et Taurus. Foreign Inspiration of Swedish Business Administration (1987)
- The Internationalization of Swedish Banks. (1986)
- Från vag vision till komplex organisation. En studie av Värmlands Folkblads ekonomiska och organisatoriska utveckling (1985)
- Organizational Drift as a Response to Resource Dependence. (1985)
- The Institutionalization of Swedish Academic Business Administration. (1985)
- The Development of Organization Theory and The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. (1984)
- Uppsala Contributions to Business Research (1984)
- Den dubbla spiralen.En betraktelse över dagstidningars konkurrensvillkor. (1983)
- Företagsekonomi: Då - Nu - Sedan (1982)
- Företagsekonomiska utgrävningar (1981)
- Ekonomi och Ideologi.Del 3. (1981)
- Organization Theory: Where Are You? (1981)
- Företagsekonomiska utgrävningar. (1981)
- Ekonomi och ideologi. (1980)
- Företagsekonomins rötter (1980)
- The Reconstruction of Socially Constructed Reality. (1980)
- Organizations as Centers of Communication Networks. (1979)
- The Record: A Case Example of a Longitudinal Study. (1979)
- Bilder av ett tidningsföretag. (1979)
- Ekonomi och Ideologi. (1979)
- Metoder för skattning av en tidnings annonsvolym. (1979)
- Porträtt av ett tidningsföretag. (1979)
- Ekonomi och innehåll i en rörelseägd landsortstidning. (1979)
- A Quick Guide to Newspaper Country. (1977)
- Brev till Folke Blad. (1977)
- Travels in Newspaper Country. (1977)
- Newspapers: Something Happened. (1977)
- A House That Almost Never Sleeps. (1976)
- Organizational Growth in Different Perspectives. (1976)
- Resource Allocations in Newspapers. (1976)
- Travels in Newspaper Country. (1976)