Christopher Juhlin
Professor at Department of Earth Sciences; Geophysics
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- +46 18 471 23 92
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- +46 70 425 01 83
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Short presentation
Adjunct Professor: Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Guest Professor: Jilin University, Changchun, China
Past EGU Energy Resources Environment (ERE) Division Past-President
Member: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (
Organizer: Seismix 2024
Chris received his Bachelor's degree in Geology from Brown University (Providence, RI, USA) in 1978, his Master 's degree in Oceanography from the University of Washington, (Seattle, WA, USA) in 1983, and his PhD in Geophysics from Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden ) in 1990. He worked for Continental Laboratories as a well-site geologist in the Williston Basin in 1980 and 1981. During 1986 to 1988 he worked as a geophysicist for Vattenfall Sweden. He has held academic positions at Curtin University of Technology (Senior Research Fellow, 1991-1992) and Uppsala University (1993- present) and has run his own consulting company since 1990. He is currently professor of geophysics at the Dept. of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University. He is also adjunct professor at Curtin University of Technology since 2000. His research interests include crustal geophysics, high resolution seismics, seismic modeling, mining geophysics, geological storage of CO2, and scientific drilling.
Recent publications
- Radon-domain acoustic and elastodynamic interferometric redatuming of VSP data (2025)
- The COSC-2 drill core and its well-preserved lower Palaeozoic sedimentary succession (2024)
- Brittle basement deformation during the Caledonian Orogeny observed by K-Ar geochronology of illite-bearing fault gouge in west-central Sweden (2023)
- Constrained 2D inversion of radio-magnetotelluric and controlled-source audio-magnetotelluric data using high-resolution reflection seismic data (2023)
- Drill‐bit position monitoring using seismic‐while‐drilling data; numerical and field examples from Sweden (2023)
All publications
- Radon-domain acoustic and elastodynamic interferometric redatuming of VSP data (2025)
- The COSC-2 drill core and its well-preserved lower Palaeozoic sedimentary succession (2024)
- Brittle basement deformation during the Caledonian Orogeny observed by K-Ar geochronology of illite-bearing fault gouge in west-central Sweden (2023)
- Constrained 2D inversion of radio-magnetotelluric and controlled-source audio-magnetotelluric data using high-resolution reflection seismic data (2023)
- Drill‐bit position monitoring using seismic‐while‐drilling data; numerical and field examples from Sweden (2023)
- Impact of source and receiver distributions on imaging of dipping reflectors with reflection seismic interferometry (2022)
- Comparing the performance of stacking-based methods for microearthquake location (2022)
- Preface to the special issue of the Division Energy, Resources and the Environment at the EGU General Assembly EGU22 (2022)
- Subsurface seismic imaging with a hammer drilling source at an exploration drilling test center in Örebro, Sweden (2022)
- Seismic reflectivity, fracturing and stress field data from the FFC-1 exploratory geothermal project in SW Skåne, Sweden (2022)
- Large-scale, flat-lying mafic intrusions in the Baltican crust and their influence on basement deformation during the Caledonian orogeny (2022)
- COSC-2 – drilling the basal décollement and underlying margin of palaeocontinent Baltica in the Paleozoic Caledonide Orogen of Scandinavia (2022)
- Inversion tectonics in the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (2022)
- High Resolution Seismic Reflection PP and PS Imaging of the Bedrock Surface below Glacial Deposits in Marsta, Sweden (2022)
- Time-Lapse Cross-Well Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration Using Coda Wave Interferometry (2022)
- Crustal-Scale Fault Systems in the Korean Peninsula Unraveled by Reflection Seismic Data (2022)
- Passive seismic interferometry imaging (2022)
- Evolution of the Iberian Massif as deduced from its crustal thickness and geometry of a mid-crustal (Conrad) discontinuity (2021)
- Hydraulic Modeling of Induced and Propagated Fractures (2021)
- Innovative seismic imaging of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, Neves-Corvo, Portugal - Part 1 (2021)
- Preface to the special issue of the Division Energy, Resources and the Environment at vEGU2021 (2021)
- Core‐log‐seismic integration in metamorphic rocks and its implication for the regional geology (2021)
- Effect of layered geological structures on borehole heat transfer (2021)
- Extrapolated supervirtual refraction interferometry (2021)
- Reprocessing of high‐resolution seismic data for imaging of shallow groundwater resources in glacial deposits, SE Sweden (2020)
- The cross-dip correction as a tool to improve imaging of crooked-line seismic data (2019)
- Emplacement and 3D geometry of crustal-scale saucer-shaped intrusions in the Fennoscandian Shield (2019)
- 2D and 3D MT in the central Skellefte Ore District, northern Sweden (2019)
- Ordovician carbonate mud mounds of the Baltoscandian Basin in time and space (2019)
- Investigation of an Ordovician carbonate mound beneath Gotland, Sweden, using 3D seismic and well data (2019)
- Crosscoherence-based interferometry for the retrieval of first arrivals and subsequent tomographic imaging of differential weathering (2019)
- Anisotropic Kirchhoff pre-stack depth migration at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden (2019)
- Evaluation of the subsurface compressed air energy storage (CAES) potential on Gotland, Sweden (2019)
- Estimation of dispersion attributes at seismic frequency-a case study from the Frigg-Delta reservoir, North sea (2018)
- The first post-injection seismic monitor survey at the Ketzin pilot CO2 storage site (2018)
- Monitoring CO2 saturation using time-lapse amplitude versus offset analysis of 3D seismic data from the Ketzin CO2 storage pilot site, Germany (2018)
- Integrated interpretation of geophysical data of the Paleozoic structure in the northwestern part of the Siljan Ring impact crater, central Sweden (2018)
- Reconstruction of the near-offset gap in marine seismic data using seismic interferometric interpolation (2018)
- Radon-domain interferometric interpolation for reconstruction of the near-offset gap in marine seismic data (2018)
- Multi-component digital-based seismic landstreamer and boat-towed radio-magnetotelluric acquisition systems for improved subsurface characterization in the urban environment (2017)
- Delineating fracture zones using surface-tunnel-surfaceseismic data, P-S, and S-P mode conversions (2017)
- Flowing fluid electrical conductivity logging of a deep borehole during and following drilling (2017)
- Feasibility of utilizing wavelet phase to map the CO2 plume at the Ketzin pilot site, Germany (2017)
- 4D Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage During Injection and Post-closure at the Ketzin Pilot Site (2017)
- Pros and cons of 2D vs 3D seismic mineral exploration surveys (2017)
- Energy, Resources and the Environment (2017)
- High-resolution seismic imaging of Paleozoic rocks in the Mora area, Siljan Ring structure, central Sweden (2017)
- Seismic stratigraphy and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Lower, Cretaceous Knurr Sandstone lobes along the southern margin of Loppa High, Hammerfest Basin, Barents Sea (2017)
- The derivation of an anisotropic velocity model from a combined surface and borehole seismic survey in crystalline environment at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden (2017)
- Reconstruction of surface waves using super virtual interferometry: an example from the Forsmark site, Sweden (2017)
- A magnetotelluric investigation of the Scandinavian Caledonides in western Jämtland, Sweden, using the COSC borehole logs as prior information (2017)
- Seismic signatures of complex geological structures in the Cue-Weld range area, Murchison domain, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia (2016)
- Review on geophysical monitoring of CO2 injection at Ketzin, Germany (2016)
- 3D reflection seismic imaging at the 2.5 km deep COSC-1 scientific borehole, central Scandinavian Caledonides (2016)
- Quantitative evaluation of thin-layer thickness and CO2 mass utilizing seismic complex decomposition at the Ketzin CO2 storage site, Germany (2016)
- Seismic imaging in the eastern Scandinavian Caledonides: Siting the 2.5 km deep COSC-2 borehole, central Sweden (2016)
- Estimation of Anisotropy Parameters, delta and epsilon (2016)
- The structure and stratigraphy of the sedimentary succession in the Swedish sector of the Baltic Basin (2016)
- Hydrologic testing during drilling (2016)
- A feasibility and efficiency study of seismic waveform inversion for time-lapse monitoring of onshore CO2 geological storage sites using reflection seismic acquisition geometries (2016)
- Constraints on the geometry of the Suasselka post-glacial fault, northern Finland, based on reflection seismic imaging (2015)
- The effect of the backfilled stopes on seismic imaging of a sulfide deposit in Garpenberg, central Sweden (2015)
- Revealing the deeper structure of the end-glacial Parvie fault system in northern Sweden by seismic reflection profiling (2015)
- All wave-modes converted and reflected from fracture systems (2015)
- Multicomponent broadband digital-based seismic landstreamer for near-surface applications (2015)
- Modeling 3D time-lapse seismic response induced by CO2 by integrating borehole and 3D seismic data - A case study at the Ketzin pilot site, Germany (2015)
- Geophysical monitoring at the Ketzin pilot site for CO2 storage (2015)
- Microearthquakes illuminate the deep structure of the endglacial Parvie fault, northern Sweden (2015)
- COSC-1 - drilling of a subduction-related allochthon in the Palaeozoic Caledonide orogen of Scandinavia (2015)
- Delineating structures controlling sandstone-hosted base-metal deposits using high-resolution multicomponent seismic and radio-magnetotelluric methods (2015)
- Analysis of borehole geophysical data from the Mora area of the Siljan Ring impact structure, central Sweden (2015)
- Seismic characterization of the Grangesberg iron deposit and its mining-induced structures, central Sweden (2015)
- Soil classification analysis based on piezocone penetration test data (2015)
- Review of the deterministic modelling of deformation zones and fracture domains at the site proposed for a spent nuclear fuel repository, Sweden, and consequences of structural anisotropy (2015)
- Elastic wave propagation in complex geometries (2015)
- New Insights from Seismic Imaging Over the Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia (2014)
- 3D geological characterization of the Hontomin CO2 storage site, Spain (2014)
- Combination of seismic reflection and constrained resistivity inversion with an application to 4D imaging of the CO2 storage site, Ketzin, Germany (2014)
- Time-lapse difference static correction using prestack crosscorrelations (2014)
- 3D interpretation by integrating seismic and potential field data in the vicinity of the proposed COSC-1 drill site, central Swedish Caledonides (2014)
- Impact of DMO Processing on 3D Seismic Imaging at Ketzin, Germany (2014)
- Energy, Resources & the Environment (2014)
- Energy, Resources & the Environment (2014)
- High-resolution 3D reflection seismic investigation over a quick-clay landslide scar in southwest Sweden (2014)
- High resolution seismic imaging at the planned tunnel entrance to the Forsmark repository for spent nuclear fuel, central Sweden (2014)
- A probabilistic assessment of the effective CO2 storage capacity within the Swedish sector of the Baltic Basin (2014)
- Quantitative assessment of seismic source performance (2014)
- Full waveform inversion of seismic reflection data from the Forsmark planned repository for spent nuclear fuel, eastern central Sweden (2014)
- Passive Seismic Ambient Noise Correlation (2014)
- Passive Seismic Ambient Noise Correlation (2014)
- High-resolution 2D seismic imaging and forward modeling of a polymetallic sulfide deposit at Garpenberg, central Sweden (2013)
- Active seismic characterization experiments of the Hontomin research facility for geological storage of CO2, Spain (2013)
- 3-D reflection seismic imaging of the Hontomin structure in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (Spain) (2013)
- Carbonatite ring-complexes explained by caldera-style volcanism (2013)
- MT and reflection seismics in northwestern Skellefte Ore District, Sweden (2013)
- Impact of temperature on CO2 storage at the Ketzin site based on fluid flow simulations and seismic data (2013)
- Simulation of CO2 injection into a Baltic Sea saline aquifer and seismic monitoring of the plume (2013)
- Energy, Resources & the Environment-Some Future Challenges (2013)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the deeper structures at the Forsmark spent nuclear fuel repository site, central Sweden (2013)
- Crustal 3-D geometry of the Kristineberg area (Sweden) with implications on VMS deposits (2013)
- Processing and interpretation of vintage 2D marine seismic data from the outer Hano Bay area, Baltic Sea (2013)
- Application of seismic waveform tomography to monitoring of CO2 injection (2013)
- Petrophysical analysis of a mid-crustal reflector in the IBERSEIS profile, SW Spain (2012)
- Crustal geometry of the central Skellefte district, northern Sweden – constraints from reflection seismic investigations (2012)
- 3D constraints and finite-difference modeling of massive sulfide deposits (2012)
- Seismic imaging of the Scandinavian Caledonides to define ICDP drilling sites (2012)
- Time-lapse analysis of sparse 3D seismic data from the CO2 storage pilot site at Ketzin, Germany (2012)
- Monitoring and volumetric estimation of injected CO2 using 4D seismic, petrophysical data, core measurements and well logging (2012)
- Multidisciplinary study of the hanging wall of the Kiirunavaara iron ore deposit, northern Sweden (2012)
- A new interpretation of the sedimentary cover in the western Siljan Ring area, central Sweden, based on seismic data (2012)
- 3D seismic survey at the Millennium uranium deposit, Saskatchewan, Canada (2012)
- New Ordovician-Silurian drill cores from the Siljan impact structure in central Sweden (2012)
- High resolution reflection seismic profiling over the Tjellefonna fault in the More-Trondelag Fault Complex, Norway (2012)
- Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning (2012)
- 3D reflection seismic imaging for open-pit mine planning and deep exploration in the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland (2012)
- Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning - Introduction (2012)
- Reconstruction of subsurface structure from ambient seismic noise (2012)
- Fracture zones or mafic sills? (2012)
- Cross-well seismic waveform tomography for monitoring CO2 injection (2012)
- Time-lapse processing of 2D seismic profiles with testing of static correction methods at the CO(2) injection site Ketzin (Germany) (2011)
- Amplitude Variation with Offset Responses Modeling Study of Walkaway Vertical Seismic Profile Data at CO(2) Geological Storage Site, Ketzin, Germany (2011)
- Reflection seismic studies over the end-glacial Burträsk fault, Skellefteå, Sweden (2011)
- The Scandinavian Caledonides-scientific drilling at mid-crustal level in a Palaeozoic major collisional orogen (2011)
- High resolution reflection seismic imaging of the Ullared Deformation Zone, southern Sweden (2011)
- Time-lapse seismic surface and down-hole measurements for monitoring CO2 storage in the CO2SINK project (Ketzin, Germany) (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Dannemora area, central Sweden (2011)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the Dannemora area, central Sweden (2011)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the upper crust in the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2010)
- Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) (2010)
- Development and Application of High-Resolution Geophysical Techniques for Groundwater and Hazard Studies Foreword (2010)
- Reflection seismic imaging of the end-glacial Pärvie Fault system, northern Sweden (2010)
- Reflection seismic studies over the end-glacial Burträsk fault, Skellefteå, Sweden (2010)
- Mapping of crustal scale tectonic boundaries in the Ossa-Morena Zone using reprocessed IBERSEIS reflection seismic data (2010)
- Monitoring CO2 response on surface seismic data; a rock physics and seismic modeling feasibility study at the CO2 sequestration site, Ketzin, Germany (2010)
- Enhancing seismic data resolution using the prestack blueing technique (2010)
- CO2 storage at the EGU general assembly 2009 Preface (2010)
- An investigation of the effects of the choice of stacking velocities on residual statics for hardrock reflection seismic processing (2010)
- Moving source profile data processing, modelling and comparison with 3D surface seismic data at the CO2SINK project site, Ketzin, Germany (2010)
- The Krasnouralsky profile in the Middle Urals, Russia (2009)
- Application of the continuous wavelet transform on seismic data for mapping of channel deposits and gas detection at the CO2SINK site, Ketzin, Germany (2009)
- 3D constraints on a possible deep > 2.5 km massive sulphide mineralization from 2D crooked-line seismic reflection data in the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden (2009)
- Traveltime tomographic inversion with simultaneous static corrections (2009)
- Comparison of surface seismic sources at the CO2SINK site, Ketzin, Germany (2009)
- 3D seismic reflection surveying at the CO2SINK project site, Ketzin, Germany: A study for extracting shallow subsurface information (2009)
- 3D seismic traveltime tomography imaging of the shallow subsurface at the CO2SINK project site, Ketzin, Germany (2009)
- Mountain building processes during continent-continent collision in the Uralides (2008)
- Seismic-reflection imaging over the South Portuguese Zone fold-and-thrust belt (2008)
- P- and SV-velocity structure of the South Portuguese Zone fold-and-thrust belt, SW Iberia, from traveltime tomography (2008)
- Moho imbrication in the Middle Urals (2007)
- 3D baseline seismics at Ketzin, Germany (2007)
- Cross-profile acquisition and cross-dip analysis for extracting 3D information from 2D surveys, a case study from the western Skellefte District, northern Sweden (2007)
- Shallow 3D seismic-reflection imaging of fracture zones in crystalline rock (2007)
- Prestack and poststack migration of crooked-line seismic reflection data (2007)
- Shallow velocity–depth model using first arrival traveltime inversion at the CO2SINK site, Ketzin, Germany (2007)
- Seismic tomography studies of cover thickness and near-surface bedrock velocities (2006)
- Arc-continent collision in the Southern Urals (2006)
- A possible lower crustal flow channel in the Middle Urals based on reflection seismic data (2006)
- Structural architecture of the Southern and Middle Urals foreland from reflection seismic profiles (2006)
- Baseline characterization of the CO2SINK geological storage site at Ketzin, Germany (2006)
- Gently dipping fracture zones in Paleoproterozoic metagranite, Sweden (2006)
- Seismic imaging and potential field modeling to delineate structures hosting VHMS deposits in the Skellefte Ore District, northern Sweden (2006)
- First Arrival Seismic Tomography (FAST) vs. PStomo_eq applied to crooked line seismic data from the Siljan ring area (2006)
- Reflection Seismic Investigation in the Western Part of the Paleoproterozoic VHMS-Bearing Skellefte District, Northern Sweden (2006)
- Reflection seismic investigations in the western part of the paleoproterozoic VHMS-bearing Skellefte district, northern Sweden (2006)
- Geophysical mapping of Silurian reefs offshore and onshore Gotland, Sweden
- Late Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the Sorgenfrei - Tornquist zone (STZ)
- Imaging and Characterization of Glacially Induced Faults Using Applied Geophysics (2021)
- Seismic and Electrical Resistivity Tomography 3D Monitoring at the Ketzin Pilot Storage Site in Germany (2019)
- Chapter 8: Field Injection Operations and Monitoring of the Injected CO2 (2017)
- Chapter 7: Site Characterization (2017)
- Crustal structure of the Middle Urals based on seismic reflection data (2006)
- Transpressional Collision Tectonics and Mantle Plume dynamics: the Variscides of southwest Iberia. (2006)
- Preface to the special issue of the Division Energy, Resources and the Environment at the EGU General Assembly EGU22 (2022)
- Feasibility Study on Seismic-While-Drilling Drill Bit Deviation Monitoring (2022)
- Subsurface seismic imaging with a hammer drilling source at an exploration drilling test center in Örebro, Sweden (2021)
- Effect of Geological Formations on Thermal Performance Modelling of a Deep Borehole (2021)
- The potential of detecting flaws in an experimental dam at Älvkarleby, Sweden, using P-wave traveltime tomography (2020)
- Blind testing using seismic methods for detecting flaws in an experimental embankment dam in Älvkarleby, Sweden (2020)
- Seismic imaging of shallow groundwater resources in glacial deposits, Sweden (2019)
- Seismic imaging of shallow groundwater resources in glacial deposits, Sweden (2019)
- Bedrock and Fracture Zone Delineation UsingDifferent Near-surface Seismic Sources (2017)
- Fracture System Characterization Using Wave-mode Conversions and Tunnel-surface Seismics (2016)
- Seismic reprocessing of the BABEL lines for improved interpretation of the whole crust – preliminary results (2016)
- Preliminary Seismic Time-lapse Results of the First Post-injection Monitoring at the Ketzin Pilot Site for CO2 Storage (2016)
- Preliminary Seismic Time-lapse Results from the First Post-injection Survey at the Ketzin Pilot Site (2016)
- Interdisciplinary Approaches in Resource and Energy Research to Tackle the Challenges of the Future (2016)
- A state-of-the-art MEMs-based 3C Seismic Landstreamer for Various Near-surface Applications (2016)
- Delineating structures hosting REE-bearing apatite iron oxide (Sweden) and apatite-rich carbonatite-alkaline deposits (Finland) through systematic geophysical and geological investigations (2016)
- Application of Seismic Complex Decomposition on Thin Layer Detection of the CO 2 Plume at Ketzin, Germany (2015)
- Application of seismic complex decomposition on thin layer detection of the CO2 plume at Ketzin, Germany (2015)
- Time-lapse AVO Analysis of 3D Surface Seismic Data Sets from the Ketzin CO2 Storage Pilot Site, Germany (2015)
- Investigation of the Presence of Transverse Isotropy in the 3D Baseline Seismic Data from Ketzin, Germany (2015)
- Sustainable Supply of Resources and Energy is a Challenge (2015)
- Feasibility Study of Seismic Interferometry for CO2 Storage Monitoring-An Example from the Ketzin Site (2015)
- The Relationship of Soil-moisture Saturation and Time-lapse Static Shifts-An Example from the Ketzin Pilot Site (2014)
- 4D Result Enhancement with Crosscorrelation-based Time-lapse Static Correction at Ketzin, Germany (2014)
- DMO processing on the Ketzin 3D seismic data (2014)
- Integration of Reservoir Simulation with 3D Reflection Seismic Time-lapse Data at Ketzin (2014)
- 3D Seismic Processing of Crooked Line 2D Data in the Vicinity of the COSC 2.5 km Deep Scientific borehole (2014)
- Integration of Reservoir Simulation with 3D Reflection Seismic Time-lapse Data at Ketzin (2014)
- High-resolution Multicomponent Hardrock Seismic Imaging of Mineral Deposits and their Host Rock Structures (2014)
- Reflection seismic characterization of the Grängesberg iron deposit and its mining-induced structures, central Sweden (2014)
- A comparison of small, affordable seismic sources at the Ketzin CO2 storage site, Germany (2014)
- Concentric Impact Structures in the Palaeozoic (CISP) (2014)
- 3D Seismic Interpretation and Forward Modeling (2013)
- Seismic Forward Modeling of a Poly-metallic Massive sulfide Deposit at Garpenberg, Central Sweden (2013)
- A regional scale 3D-model of the Skellefte mining district, northern Sweden (2013)
- Correlation-based static correction of 4D seismic data with a demonstration at the Ketzin CO2 storage site, Germany (2013)
- Reflection seismic imaging in the Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden (2013)
- Magnetotelluric measurements in the Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden (2013)
- COSC Geophysical and Geological Site Investigations (2013)
- Geophysical Monitoring Of CO2 at the Ketzin Storage Site - The Results of the Second 3D Repeat Seismic Survey (2013)
- Seismic modeling of the AVO/AVA response to CO2 injection at the Ketzin site, Germany (2013)
- The Siljan impact structure of south-central Sweden (2013)
- A multidisciplinary geophysical and geotechnical investigation of quick clay landslides in Sweden (2013)
- 3D reflection seismic investigation over a quick-clay landslide scar in Lilla Edet, south-westernSweden (2012)
- Application of seismic waveform inversion for time-lapse monitoring of CO2 injection: A real data example from Ketzin, Germany (2012)
- Integrated MagnetoTelluric and seismic reflection study (2011)
- 3D reflection seismic investigation for mine planning and exploration in the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland (2011)
- High-resolution reflection seismic imaging in the Kristineberg mining area, Northern Sweden (2010)
- The Geology of the CO2SINK Site (2009)
- Monitoring at the CO2SINK Site (2009)
- A Multiple Space and Time Scale Approach for the Characterization and Modeling of Deep Saline Formations for CO2 storage. (2009)