Göran Rydén
Professor in economic history, especially construction and settlement at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 65 18
- E-mail:
- Goran.Ryden@ibf.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Trädgårdsgatan 18
- Postal address:
- Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Göran Rydén at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
Professor at Department of Economic History
- E-mail:
- goran.ryden@ibf.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
My research circulates around the creation of Modern Society, in Sweden, and on a global scale. I have dealt with aspects of industrialisation, technological change, and work. I have recently attached questions about the Enlightenment and urbanisation. A central feature in all this is the question of a Swedish Enlightenment existed or not. A central theme in many of these studies is the Swedish and European iron industry, with a gradual opening towards a wider perspective in recent years.
Selection of publications
- From Gammelbo Bruk to Calabar (2013)
- Eskilstuna Fristad (2013)
- The Enlightenment in Practice (2013)
- Provincial Cosmopolitanism (2013)
- Viewing and Walking (2013)
- Sveaborg and the End of the Swedish Cosmopolitan Eighteenth Century (2013)
- Industrialismen (2011)
- The best iron in the world (2011)
- Global historia från periferin. (2010)
- Nationell, transnationell eller global historia? (2009)
- Global historia (2009)
- Fran Gammelbo till Calabar. (2009)
- System och föränderlighet i synen på det svenska bergsbruket under 1700-talet (System and change in views on Swedish iron and metal making in the eighteenth century) (2008)
- Iron marks as early brand names (2007)
- Baltic Iron and the Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century (2007)
- Tankar om teknik, den svenska järnhanteringen och den brittiska industrialiseringen (Thoughts about technology, the Swedish iron making and the British industrialisation) (2006)
- Iron marks as early brand names (2006)
- The Industrial Revolution in Iron (2005)
- From the Baltic to the Atlantic (2004)
- Baltic iron and the organisation of the British iron market in the eighteenth century (2003)
- Puddling and Rolling (2003)
- Novelties and Responses. Iron and coal in the Industrial Revolution in Britain, Sweden, (and Russia) (2003)
- Coce Smelting (2003)
- Metallurgic Industry: Historical Overview (2003)
- Metallurgical Industry: Industrial Organisation and Markets (2003)
- Baltic iron and the British iron industry in the eighteenth century (2002)
- Vallonbruk, vallonsmeder och vallonsmide - en precisering av ett kunskapsläge (2002)
- 'Det Andra' som det kommersiella och det industriella - Svenska tankar om handel och produktion under 1700-talet (2002)
- Sketches of Spain. The journey of Reinhold Rücker Angerstein 1752 (2002)
- Vallonerna, det moderna samhället och forskarna (2002)
- British Ironmasters in the Eighteenth Century (2001)
- The social organization of work in mines, furnaces and forges (1998)
- Social Organisation of the Swedish Bar Iron Production (1997)
- Mästersmedernas uttåg? Den svenska järnhanteringens förändring före götstålets entré (1997)
- Recruitment, kinship and the distribution of skill. Bar iron making in Britain and Sweden 1500-1800 (1996)
- A journey into the Market society. A Swedish pre-industrial spy in the middle of the eighteenth century (1996)
- Protoindustri och tidigkapitalism: Mot en ny syn på den svenska järnhanteringen före det industriella genombrottet (1992)
- Arbete, hushåll och region. Tankar om industrialiseringsprocesser och den svens-ka järnhanteringen. (1992)
Recent publications
- Rörelser mot det industriella (2024)
- Improving Swedish Steelmaking (2023)
- The œconomia of iron and steel (2023)
- Making iron, producing space! (2023)
- Making and Trading Metals (2022)
All publications
- Rörelser mot det industriella (2024)
- Improving Swedish Steelmaking (2023)
- Making iron, producing space! (2023)
- Transnational Cultures of Expertise: Circulating State-Related Knowledge in the 18th and 19th Centuries ed. by Lothar Schilling and Jacob Vogel (review) (2020)
- Transnational Cultures of Expertise (2020)
- ‘Voyage iron’ (2018)
- Recension av Anita Wiklund Norli, Gud velsigne mit høye og Naadige herschab, som mig haver forundt arbeyde: Sosiale og kulturelle forhold bland arbeider ved Fritzøe jernverk i perioden 1690–1790, avhandling for graden philosophiae doctor (Oslo: Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie, 2017) (2018)
- Från rakhyvlar till bergborrar (2015)
- From Razors to Rock Drills (2015)
- Viewing and Walking (2013)
- Nationell, transnationell eller global historia? (2009)
- System och föränderlighet i synen på det svenska bergsbruket under 1700-talet (System and change in views on Swedish iron and metal making in the eighteenth century) (2008)
- Baltic iron and the British iron industry in the eighteenth century (2002)
- Vårt bidrag till slaveriet (2001)
- Recruitment, kinship and the distribution of skill. Bar iron making in Britain and Sweden 1500-1800 (1996)
- A journey into the Market society. A Swedish pre-industrial spy in the middle of the eighteenth century (1996)
- Iron production and the household as a production unit in nineteenth century Sweden (1995)
- Protoindustri och tidigkapitalism: Mot en ny syn på den svenska järnhanteringen före det industriella genombrottet (1992)
- Sweden in the Eighteenth-Century World (2013)
- Global historia från periferin. (2010)
- Baltic Iron and the Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century (2007)
- The Industrial Revolution in Iron (2005)
- Hammarlag och Hushåll (1991)
- The œconomia of iron and steel (2023)
- Making and Trading Metals (2022)
- Afterword (2020)
- Med svenska ögon på Røros och den norska kopparhanteringen (2020)
- Stocktaking at Christiansborg (2020)
- Balancing the Divine with the Private (2017)
- Connecting Labour (2017)
- Working Together (2016)
- The Diversity of Work (2016)
- How ‘travellers in trade’ changed Swedish perceptions of economic systems in the eighteenth century’ (2016)
- From Gammelbo Bruk to Calabar (2013)
- Eskilstuna Fristad (2013)
- The Enlightenment in Practice (2013)
- Provincial Cosmopolitanism (2013)
- Sveaborg and the End of the Swedish Cosmopolitan Eighteenth Century (2013)
- Industrialismen (2011)
- The best iron in the world (2011)
- Det tidigmoderna bergsbrukets män och kvinnor (2011)
- Global historia (2009)
- Fran Gammelbo till Calabar. (2009)
- Contrasting Merchant Communities in the Early Eighteenth Century (2008)
- Iron marks as early brand names (2007)
- Tankar om teknik, den svenska järnhanteringen och den brittiska industrialiseringen (Thoughts about technology, the Swedish iron making and the British industrialisation) (2006)
- From the Baltic to the Atlantic (2004)
- Baltic iron and the organisation of the British iron market in the eighteenth century (2003)
- Puddling and Rolling (2003)
- Novelties and Responses. Iron and coal in the Industrial Revolution in Britain, Sweden, (and Russia) (2003)
- Coce Smelting (2003)
- Metallurgic Industry: Historical Overview (2003)
- Metallurgical Industry: Industrial Organisation and Markets (2003)
- Vallonbruk, vallonsmeder och vallonsmide - en precisering av ett kunskapsläge (2002)
- 'Det Andra' som det kommersiella och det industriella - Svenska tankar om handel och produktion under 1700-talet (2002)
- Sketches of Spain. The journey of Reinhold Rücker Angerstein 1752 (2002)
- Vallonerna, det moderna samhället och forskarna (2002)
- British Ironmasters in the Eighteenth Century (2001)
- The social organization of work in mines, furnaces and forges (1998)
- Social Organisation of the Swedish Bar Iron Production (1997)
- Mästersmedernas uttåg? Den svenska järnhanteringens förändring före götstålets entré (1997)