The Innovation Ecosystem of Born-Digitals and the Development of Complements
- Funder: Forskarskolan management och IT
The project deals with the emergence of born-digital firms that early on compete within and across innovation ecosystems on a global scale based on digital solutions. We do not know much about the logic driving the entry of digital start-ups into a complementary role vis-à-vis existing dominant players within an industry or in relation to dominant designs. The project addresses questions related to what drives start-up firms to enter an industry and specific innovation ecosystems and the process of providing complements to existing dominant products and/or incumbents. Also, knowledge on how the entry of complementors influences the organization of an innovation ecosystem, as well as competition within the ecosystem, is scarce. These conundrums become particularly relevant to investigate within the project, considering the prevalent dearth of knowledge revolving around the disruptive nature and growing importance of digital solutions in many industries.