Centers and Networks
Reserachers at ICM are involved in several national and international networks, see the respective group pages. Two networks are based at ICM
The aim of RiboCORE is to through multidisciplinary studies of the ribosome gain insights and results that are not limited by the expertise of individual groups. The research is led by seven internationally recognized group leaders with expertise in computational biology, molecular biology, fast kinetics, crystallography, single molecule and single cell imaging, systems biology, molecular genetics and molecular evolution. The research is performed within a tight collaboration between groups in the departments of Cell and Molecular biology and Medical biochemistry and microbiology at BMC, Uppsala University.
Uppsala RNA Research Center
The Uppsala RNA Research Centre (URRC) was established in 2006. The vision of URRC is to develop and expand RNA research into deep knowledge-building in RNA biology/chemistry and to foster fruitful interactions between in-depth chemical/biological RNA knowledge and future biotechnological and medical innovation. We envision an environment that will have an impact on the society, in particular regarding improved quality of life in the future.