Molecular Evolution
What kind of research are we doing?
Research in the Department of Molecular Evolution focuses on the molecular evolutionary processes that shape microbial life on Earth. Our model organisms range from bacteria to archaea and eukaryotes. We are interested in the patterns and processes that shape genomes, in the unique functional characteristics of the archaea and in the early evolution of the eukaryotic cell. We study these processes using genome sequencing, bioinformatics and experimental work. Nearly 20 PhD-students in total have graduated from this program, many of which have since moved on to leading positions in national and international academic research organizations.
Research groups
- Andersson, Jan: Comparative genomics of protists
- Andersson, Siv (program leader): Microbial genomics
- Klasson, Lisa: Symbiotic bacteria in eukaryotic cells
About us
Head of the programme: Siv Andersson
Visiting address: Husargatan 3, 752 37 Uppsala
Postal address: Box 596, 751 24 Uppsala, Sweden