English Literature

Research in English Literature includes all literatures written in English outside of North America from 1500 to the present.

Our goal as a whole is to comprehend “English literature” as a global phenomenon, as a body of writing intersecting with other writings from 1500 to the present, and as a diverse articulation of cultural values impinging on social, political and scientific life. Our goal is also to investigate the development of material life in Britain and other English-speaking nations as it has been represented and affected by literature.

The research is "global" while we focus on concept like time, space, places and "non-places", geography and environment as constricting prerequisites for literary production and literary studies. Our group of researchers is the only larger unit i Sweden solely devoted to the study of the literature of Great Britain and the former members of the Commonwealth.

Research Areas

Central research areas within English literature at the department include, among other things "the making and unmaking of Englishness", political aspects of gender and race, the historical and the contemporary global flow and distribution of British literature, literary ethics and aesthetics, book history, surrealism and feminism as well as metadata for African literature. Current research focuses or has focused on, for example, Angela Carter, Mary Wollstonecraft, Joseph Conrad, William Shakespeare, Literary History in Sub-Saharan Africa, Literary history and terrorism, cultural history of Great Britain and the history of science.

Externally funded Research Project

Current research on the doctoral level comprises theses on sustainable modes of reading for our times, representations of women in the urban culture of eighteenth-century London, gender and performance theory, theatrical culture, and playhouse conditions in the early modern period.

  • Suzanne Ericson
  • Avantika Pokhriyal
  • Cecilia Lindskog Whiteley

Conrad First

Conrad First is an open-access archive of the 200+ serials which first published the work of Joseph Conrad. Created by Stephen Donovan, it is sponsored by the Department of English, Uppsala University.

Now you can read Conrad the way his first audiences did, in the pages of newspapers and magazines alongside the latest news, feature articles, editorials, short stories, photographs, illustrations, competitions, weather forecasts, sporting results, financial reports, cartoons, and advertisements.


