Climate work
IBF works activly with climate and environmental issues. The Board of the Institute for Housing and Urban Research has adopted a Climate and Environment plan and a Travel Policy aiming to combat global warming and reduce the climate footprint of the institute. It is the ambition of IBF to greatly reduce work-related travel by air.
Travel Policy
This Travel Policy applies to both IBF staff and invited guests for whom IBF is paying travel expenses. Guests can be compensated with a night in a hotel or a comfortable berth on sleeper trains. They should also be offered the opportunity to participate in seminars remotely via a link.
Guidelines for planning travel:
1. The most important action we can take is to give serious consideration as to whether it is possible to avoid travel entirely.
Can the trip’s objectives be achieved in some other way (by holding an online meeting for example). Can a number of errands be combined during a single travel in order to reduce future travel?
2. For journeys within Sweden and Europe, our first recourse should be to assess whether it is possible to travel by train.
3. Domestic flights and flights to Oslo and Copenhagen are only permitted in exceptional cases.
4. Always consider using public transport rather than driving or taking a taxi.
5. When renting a car, always request a non-fossil-fuel vehicle where possible

- Environmental representative
- Kristina Boréus, Professor in Political Science