
IBF's research results are presented in various types of publications, primarily in scientific articles, books, chapters in anthologies, and reports.

IBF also owns and co-owns two scientific journals in the field of housing research: Housing, Theory and Society and International Journal of Housing Policy. Within Uppsala University Press, IBF has launched the series Uppsala Housing and Urban Studies.

Newly published books

Omslag boken Research Handbook on Urban Sociology.

Research handbook on Urban Sociology


Editor: Miguel A. Martínez

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Omslag boken Research Handbook on Urban Sociology.

Att lägga marknaden till rätta. Om rätten till bostad i svensk politik.


Author: Bo Bengtsson

Publisher: Premiss

Omslag boken Research Handbook on Urban Sociology.

The Price is Wrong


Author: Brett Christophers

Publisher: Verso

Omslag boken Research Handbook on Urban Sociology.

Samtal om idéer, utvärdering och samhällsförändring. En vänbok till Evert Vedung.


Editors: Marianne Danielsson & Nils Hertting

Publisher: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis

Omslag boken Research Handbook on Urban Sociology.

Kris i bostadsfrågan. För en solidarisk bostadspolitik.


Authors: Timothy Blackwell, Ståle Holgersen, Dominika V Polanska, Åse Richard, Hannes Rolf och Maria Wallstam.

Publisher: Bokförlaget Daidalos

Omslag boken Research Handbook on Urban Sociology.

Bostadsfrågan som politik och intressekamp


Authors: Bo Bengtsson & Martin Grander.

Publisher: Egalité

Newly published scientific articles

What is an scientific article?

New research findings are typically presented in a scientific article, which is published in a scientific journal. What distinguishes a scientific article is that it is peer-reviewed. This means that it has been reviewed by the journal's editors and other researchers in the same field before being approved for publication. The review process is usually double-blind, meaning that neither the author nor the referee knows who the other researcher is.

Previously, scientific articles were not available outside of a paywall, but nowadays a large portion of the material is published as "Open Access." This means that everyone has access to read the article. These articles are marked with an open padlock.

Ordet "science" inzoomat med kort skärpedjup i en ordbok med gulnat papper.

