Do you want to do research?
The period of acceptance is May for the academic year starting in September. Detailed information regarding the application process is published on this site's home page when new doctoral positions are announced.
The doctoral program is designed as four years of full-time studies. In terms of the Swedish university credit system, the program comprises of 240 credits (1.5 credit = 1 week of study, 30 credits = 1 semester of full-time study). There are two main components of the program: course work (60 credits) and work in connection with the PhD dissertation, including seminars, theoretical work, data collection of different kinds, problem analysis, thesis authorship and supervision by highly qualified tutors (180 credits). Faculty funding normally finances the PhD positions; however some positions may also be linked to specific research programs and projects and that have a particular focus.
National PhD courses
National Program for Doctoral Courses in Human Geography