Just Parent: Legal Protection for Social Parenthood
- Funder: Internal funding
This project comparatively assesses national variation in the protection of non-traditional forms of parenthood across selected EU Member States and analyzes how best to prevent in the future the kinds of discrimination that are currently occuring within the EU as individual adults and children in various types of non-nuclear families -- “rainbow families” – live their modern, internationalized lives. In focus, for example, are obstacles to moving across borders as a same-sex couple who may not both be recognized as their child’s legal parents in another Member State of the EU. With the ultimate aim to create EU-level mandates for a harmonization of national rules and procedures that treat individuals and groups differently as to the recognition of child-parent relationships, the Uppsala-based portion of the project describes the state of Swedish law and practice, both purely nationally (in areas including establishment of legal parenthood generally as well as in cases of adoption, medically-assisted reproduction with donor gametes, and functional, de facto parenting, including after surrogacy abroad).