Previous PhD courses
Spring 2024
PhD course in topology and geometry 7.5 credits
Teacher: Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell
Clifford algebra, spinors and applications in analysis 7.5 credits
Teacher: Douglas Lundholm
Autumn 2023
Algebraic groups 7.5 credits
Teacher: Seidon Alsaody och Marion Jeannin
Concentration inequalities and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities 7.5 credits
Teacher: Benny Avelin
Spring 2023
Average-case complexity and statistical inference 5 hp
Teacher: Fiona Skerman
Autumn 2022
Tensor categories 5 hp
Teacher: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Spring 2022
Topics in PDEs 5 hp
Teacher: Benny Avelin, Erik Lindgren, Kaj Nyström
Autumn 2021
A-infinity structures in representation theory 5 hp
Teacher: Julian Külshammer
Spring 2021
Advanced combinatorics 5 hp
Teacher: Stephan Wagner
Holomorphic curve theories in symplectic geometry 5 hp
Teacher: Tobias Ekholm, Thomas Kragh, Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell
Autumn 2020
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 5 hp
Teacher: Wolfgang Staubach
Spring 2020
Representation theory of finite dimensional algebras 5 hp
Teacher: Martin Herschend
Autumn 2019
Combinatorial probability 5 hp
Teacher: Svante Janson
Spring 2019
Advanced topics in Galois theory 5 hp
Teacher: Anders Karlsson
Autumn 2018
Algebraic K-theory 5 hp
Teacher: Thomas Kragh
Spring 2018
Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 5 hp
Teacher: Maksim Maydanskiy
Autumn 2017
Mathematical models of social behaviour 5 hp
Teacher: David Sumpter
Spring 2017
Selected topics in dynamical systems 5 hp
Teacher: Andreas Strömbergsson
Autumn 2016
Spectral graph theory 5 hp
Teacher: Anders Karlsson
Spring 2016
Topics in dynamics 5 hp
Teacher: Denis Gaidashev, Jordi-Lluis Figueras
Autumn 2015
Selected topics in representation theory 5 hp
Teacher: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Spring 2015
Stochastic phenomena 5 hp
Teacher: Svante Janson
Autumn 2014
Ergodic theory 5 hp
Teacher: Anders Karlsson
Autumn 2013
Stochastic control and optimization 5 hp
Teacher: Erik Ekström
Autumn 2011
Algebraic geometry 5 hp
Teacher: Karl-Heinz Fieseler