Drugs in the environment

Welcome to the course for you who want to contribute to a sustainable ecosystem

Drugs in the environment is a course in a highly topical area that requires major efforts from our entire society. With lectures, workshops and study visits, we highlight this field's many challenges: From development to production, use, dissemination and disposal. In the course, you collaborate with a selection of Sweden's leading employers in pharmacy and health.

The course is aimed at everyone who is studying to become a pharmacist, prescriptionist or doctor. We give the course on site in Uppsala and welcome participants from all over the Sweden.

Läkemedel i miljön

First-rate education.

The next generation of pharmacists faces major challenges. From slowing down accelerating antibiotic resistance to enhancing the effecs of increasingly complex drug treatments. At BMC, we educate more than 1,000 students in an environment characterised by inspiring teachers firmly established in frontline research and knowledge.

Our mission is to provide each student with a first-rate education and the skills required to shoulder the responsibilities of tomorrow's pharmaceutical experts. This year we hope to meet you at one of our freestanding courses. Together, we can pave the way for better care and a healthier world.

Utbilning vid Farmaceutiska fakulteten

