Freestanding courses 2024/2025
Freestanding courses are courses that can be taken without being enrolled in a programme. They may be a part of a programme, but you can also follow them as a freestanding course and include them in a degree.
Undergraduate level
Fall semester
- Peace and Conflict Studies A, 30 credits
- Peace and Conflict Studies C, 30 credits
- War and Peace on Film, 7.5 credits
- Peace and Conflict Studies AI, 15 credits (distance)
- Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament, 7.5 credits
Spring semester
- Peace and Conflict Studies B, 30 credits
- Peace and Conflict Studies AII, 15 credits (distance)
- Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament, 7.5 credits
Advanced level
Fall Semester
- War and Development, 7.5 credits
- Peace from Below, 7.5 credits
- Social Psychological Foundation of Intergroup Conflict, 7.5 credits
- Reviewing a Research Field, 7.5 credits
- Non-Violent Conflicts: Causes, Strategies, and Outcomes, 7.5 credits
Spring semester
- Forecasting Methods and Causal Inference for the Social Sciences, 7.5 credits
- International Interventions and Protection of Civilians, 7.5 credits
- Negotiation and Mediation in Practice, 7.5 credits
- Emerging Security Threats, 7.5 credits
- Gender, War and Peace, 7.5 credits
- Causes of Peace, 7.5 credits
- Advanced Qualitative Methods, 7.5 credits
- Research Ethics, 7.5 credits
A complete list of all the freestanding courses offered at Uppsala University