PASA Programme Years
Peace and Security in Africa 2015-2016
The first part of the Peace and Security in Africa (PASA) programme year 2015–2016 has just been completed. PASA is carried out by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research in cooperation with the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) and the Swedish consultancy firm Indevelop, and is financially supported by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). This is the fifth year the programme is given and it has brought a qualified group of participants from a range of inter-governmental and non-governmental regional organisations working in the field of peace and security on the African continent, such as the AU, IGAD, COMESA, EAC, Goree Institute, ICGLR, KAIPTC, Rema Ministries, ECOWAS, SADC, SACCORD, and WANEP, to Uppsala during the month of May. Topics such as electoral violence, conflict resolution, mediation, women in peace processes and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) have been discussed. The group will meet again, to follow up and continue the discussions in South Africa in November 2015.

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt
Peace and Security in Africa 2014-2015
Peace and Security in Africa (PASA) for programme year 2014–2015 has just been completed. PASA is carried out by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research in cooperation with the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) and the Swedish consultancy firm Indevelop, and is financially supported by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). This is the fourth year the programme is given and it has brought a qualified group of participants from a range of inter-governmental and non-governmental regional organisations working in the field of peace and security on the African continent, such as the AU, APFO, IGAD, CEWARN-IGAD, ECOWAS, NPI-Africa, KAIPTC, Rema Ministries, SADC, SACCORD, Tostan and WANEP, to Uppsala during the month of May. Topics such as conflict resolution, mediation, DDR processes, the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and state building have been discussed. The group will meet again, to follow up and continue the discussions in South Africa in November 2014.

Peace and Security in Africa 2012-2013
Peace and Security in Africa (PASA) for programme year 2012–2013 has just been completed. PASA is carried out by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research in cooperation with the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) and the Swedish consultancy firm Indevelop, and is financially supported by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). This is the second year the programme is given and it has brought a qualified group of participants from a range of inter-governmental and non-governmental regional organisations working in the field of peace and security on the African continent, such as the AU, the East African Community, IGAD, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, and WANEP, to Uppsala during the month of May. Topics such as conflict resolution, mediation, DDR processes, the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and state building have been discussed. The group will meet again, to follow up and continue the discussions in South Africa in October 2012.

Peace and Security in Africa 2011-2012
PASA 2011-2012 is on its third and final week here in Uppsala (October 2011). PASA is an International Training Programme organised and carried out by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research in cooperation with the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) and the Swedish consultancy firm Indevelop, and financially supported by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). This is the first year the programme is given and it has brought a qualified group of participants from the AU, Africa Peace Forum, East African Community, ECOWAS, Goree Institute, IGAD-CEWARN, International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, MARWOPNET, WANEP and the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi to Uppsala in the middle of the dark October month. Topics such as mediation and dialogue, DDR processes, the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), conflict prevention and early warning, and the management of election-related violence have been vividly discussed. The group will meet again, to follow up and continue the discussions in Durban, South Africa in March 2012.

Photo: Tommy Westberg