Astronomical Infrastructures

Image: ESO
Instrumentation and Databases: Key Technologies in High-Resolution Astrophysics
Cutting-edge astrophysical research requires advanced infrastructures that include custom-made instruments and sophisticated databases precisely tuned to specific research goals. In modern astrophysics, these tools are essential for measuring the intensity and spectrum of light collected by telescopes, allowing scientists to derive critical properties of cosmic objects such as temperature, density, chemical composition, and velocity. Uppsala astronomers have a strong tradition in developing high-resolution spectroscopy and polarimetry instruments, along with the necessary data reduction software, enabling precise measurements of stellar magnetic fields and other astrophysical processes.
Our research group is actively involved in developing several key instruments and databases that support advanced research in astrophysics. We contribute to the ANDES project, a high-resolution spectrometer for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), which will enable unprecedented studies of faint and distant objects when it begins operations. We also played a significant role in upgrading the CRIRES instrument to CRIRES+, a near-infrared spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), enhancing its capabilities for studying stellar magnetic fields and exoplanet atmospheres. In addition to instrumentation, we maintain and contribute to important theoretical tools and databases, such as the MARCS model atmospheres, which are used globally for stellar atmosphere calculations. Our work with the VALD database and the VAMDC project provides critical atomic and molecular transition data for spectral analysis.
Infrastructure projects
ANDES: a future high-resolution spectrograph for the Extremely Large Telescope
CRIRES+: a high-resolution near-infrared spectropolarimeter at the Very Large Telescope
MARCS: our grid of 1-D model stellar atmospheres
VALD: the Vienna Atomic Line Database
VAMDC: the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre Consortium
Group members
- Programme Professor Observational Astrophysics
- Nikolai Piskunov
- Programme Professor Space and Plasma Physics
- Yuri Khotyaintsev
- Programme Professor Theoretical Astrophysics
- Paul Barklem
- Head of Division
- Eric Stempels