Atomic and Molecular Physics
We are interested in fundamental aspects related to electronic and nuclear dynamics in small molecular systems that can act as models systems for molecular systems relevant for devices. We primarily use X-ray Free Electron lasers and synchrotrons as our main experimental tool. Using these sources we are able to probe different sites in molecular systems… Pump probe…
We are working in two main areas:
- Non-linear and time-resolved research in the gas phase using X-ray Free Electron Lasers. We are aiming to focus this research towards our in-house developed 1D Imaging RIXS spectrometer at EuXFEL
- High (energy) resolution RIXS measurements of gaseous systems, primarily at the VERITAS beamline at Max IV
We test models of quantum mechanics and thus advance theoretical understanding of model systems, which in turn will aid in the understanding of more complex systems used in modern devices. In order to do this we develop new experimental methods at X-ray Free Electron Laser (e.g. the 1D Imaging RIXS spectrometer) and at synchrotron sources (e.g. the VERITAS spectrometer at Max IV).
Members of the group
Marcus Agåker, Robert Stefanuik, Jan-Erik Rubensson, Johan Söderström