Hydrogen and energy materials
Hydrogen technology will be a crucial component to decarbonise heavy industry, for example steel making, and sectors such as trucking and aviation. There is a great need for basic understanding in how hydrogen interacts with materials, from embrittlement in steel production and pipelines, to the safe and fast storage of hydrogen inside materials. Hydrogen can even be used to change materials properties or to develop new materials needed for the transition to a carbon-neutral society.
In the Materials Physics division, we study a wide range of research questions related to hydrogen’s role for and in different energy materials using different experimental methods. We often make our own samples and can add hydrogen during or after production. We are usually interested in the chemical composition and structure down to the atomic scale, and use neutron, ion and X-ray scattering as well as optical measurements to extensively characterise our samples.
This photochromic film darkens when it is illuminated by light and again becomes transparent when the light is switched off.
Hydrogen cannot only be stored in gas or liquid form but also in solid materials because many metals can actually absorb hydrogen and form so-called metal hydrides. We study these materials, often using nanometre thin films as model systems. A specific focus of our research lies on metallic glasses, metals that do not have a crystalline structure, which have the potential to lead to the development of new materials with higher hydrogen-storage capacity.
Another field in which hydrogen plays an important role is fusion research. In future fusion reactors, the heavy hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium will create a plasma ten times hotter than the temperature in the sun’s core. The wall materials facing this plasma are bombarded and modified by plasma particles but at the same time need to retain stability. We study how hydrogen isotopes interact with candidate materials for these walls such as steel, tungsten and boron using mainly ion-beam based methods.
Common to many of our research topics is that hydrogen can modify materials properties, such as magnetic, electric, optical or mechanical. We are interested in first understanding any changes caused by hydrogen addition and in a second step use this ability to produce samples with very specific properties. An example of this are rare-earth metals that can be made photochromic by adding just the right amounts of oxygen and hydrogen. Photochromic means that these materials change their optical properties, for example how transparent they are, when exposed to light. This behaviour can be used in smart windows or sensors.
We are also part of the interdisciplinary group developing the new experimental platform LigHt which will bring together several instruments and methods. The platform will be capable of extensive sample preparation and characterisation with a focus on light elements, primarily hydrogen and lithium, for energy applications.
Selected publications
Part of International journal of hydrogen energy, p. 583-588, 2024
- DOI for Accurate measurement of hydrogen concentration in transition metal hydrides utilizing electronic excitations by MeV ions
- Download full text (pdf) of Accurate measurement of hydrogen concentration in transition metal hydrides utilizing electronic excitations by MeV ions
Part of Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2023
- DOI for Thin films sputter-deposited from EUROFER97 in argon and deuterium atmosphere: Material properties and deuterium retention
- Download full text (pdf) of Thin films sputter-deposited from EUROFER97 in argon and deuterium atmosphere: Material properties and deuterium retention
Part of Physical Review B, 2022
- DOI for Hydrogen-induced volume changes, dipole tensor, and elastic hydrogen-hydrogen interaction in a metallic glass
- Download full text (pdf) of Hydrogen-induced volume changes, dipole tensor, and elastic hydrogen-hydrogen interaction in a metallic glass
Photochromic Mechanism and Dual-Phase Formation in Oxygen-Containing Rare-Earth Hydride Thin Films
Part of Advanced Optical Materials, 2020
- Gunnar K. Pálsson
- Daniel Primetzhofer
- Visiting address: Ångström Laboratory, Lägerhyddsvägen 1, Uppsala, House 4, floor 1 and House 6, floor 1.