High Capacity Organic Electrodes Materials for Green Batteries


  • Start date: 2017-11-30
  • Funder: Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Research Council
  • Type of funding: Project Grant


Project title: High Capacity Organic Electrodes Materials for Green Batteries
Main applicant: Moyses Araujo, Division of Materials Theory
Funder: Energy-Oriented Basic Research from Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Research Council

Project Description

The worldwide consumption of energy is increasing in a rapid rate. We need to find new alternatives for our energy mix that are abundant, secure and environmentally friendly. The current prospective solutions involve the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources (e.g. solar and wind) into the grid, the widespread deployment/adoption of electric vehicles (EV) and the development of sustainable systems to power portable electronics. Such a transition to a long-term sustainable energy system relies heavily on the development of suitable electrical energy storage devices.

The organic electrode materials are arising as a promising alternative, which can be produced from abundant raw materials and are highly versatile displaying tuneable properties that can meet end-user-specific demands. However, there are drawbacks associated with their stability and low energy storage capacity. This research program focuses on the design of high capacity and stable organic electrode materials for the next generation of sustainable battery technologies. This is a joint effort combining experimental and theoretical approaches.

One key methodology to be developed is the high-throughput computational materials design machinery (HCMD), which will facilitate the selection of potential candidates from a large materials-library. This is to be developed employing first-principles theory of electronic structure and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The successful realization of this project will significantly contribute in the transition to a long-term sustainable energy system.


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