Next generation 2D crystal and nano-magnetic spin circuits


  • Period: 2017-02-23 – 2020-12-31
  • Funder: Swedish Research Council
  • Type of funding: Starting grant


Venkata Kamalakar, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics, was granted 3.2 million SEK for the project “Next generation 2D crystal and nano-magnetic spin circuits” from the Swedish Research Council for the period 2016-2020.

Project description

Graphene, a two dimensional (2D) crystal of carbon atoms, is an outstanding spin transport medium because of its inert nature to the electron’s spin. Inspired by this, my recent research has demonstrated high spintronic performance in large scale graphene, unveiling its practical potential. In addition to graphene, semiconducting 2D crystals such as MoS2, MoSe2, and black phosphorus have also emerged as promising materials for spin modulation effects. In this proposal, going beyond conventional studies and the present state-of-the-art, I aim to innovate and investigate next-generation spintronic devices for future ultra-low power electronics. In this proposal, we will use state-of-the-art nanotechnological tools to realize novel devices.

We will take a deeper approach to developing an understanding of minute details. Firstly, we will explore how spins or electrons travel through graphene and 2D materials under different conditions. Secondly, we will combine graphene and other 2D materials to examine the possibility of processing spin information. In parallel, we will also explore how spin currents can be utilized to manipulate magnetism in nanomagnetic circuits. Finally, integration of all these schemes will lead to advanced spintronic devices capable of demonstrating next generation spin functionality.

