Tuning the speed of hydrogen transport in amorphous metals: from ultra-fast to ultra-slow
- Period: 2019-01-01 – 2022-12-31
- Funder: Swedish Research Council
- Type of funding: Project Grant
Project title: Tuning the speed of hydrogen transport in amorphous metals: from ultra-fast to ultra-slow
Main applicant: Gunnar Pálsson, Division of Materials Physics
Grant amount: 3 400 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022
Funder: Project grants within neutron scattering from the Swedish Research Council
Lack of control of the flow of hydrogen in materials is a severe hindrance for many applications such as switchable mirrors, hydrogen gas sensing, hydrogen-induced embrittlement and hydrogen storage. Here we propose a combined optical experimental and theoretical screening method for finding new amorphous metals to create hydrogen super highways and robust roadblocks. We will develop and use combinatorial thin film techniques to create composition gradients on a chip and screen the whole phase diagram of amorphous metal hydrides for potential candidate materials using optical transmission. This will involve both thermodynamic as well as kinetic screening. A fundamental understanding of mechanisms underpinning thermodynamic and kinetic properties such as the hydrogen-hydrogen interaction is required. The only way to measure the strength of the interaction is with neutron reflectometry, by which hydrogen concentration and volume expansion can be measured simultaneously. We have developed a unique neutron scattering chamber, capable of in-situ loading of hydrogen and simultaneous neutron and optical measurements. This chamber will be deployed at neutron reflectometers around the world. We will make early use of the European Spallation Source by using the small focused beam of Estia to carry out single-shot scanning of combinatorial samples and Vespa to measure local vibrational properties.