Project title: Fusion and EUROfusion
Main applicant: Chalmers University of Technology
Fellow applicant: Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy
The approved VR/RFI application “Fusion and EUROfusion” is focussed on strategic development in areas of national strength, with the aim to a) supplement the ongoing Swedish fusion energy research & development activities in EUROfusion and for ITER and b) to provide means and methods to strengthen the competitiveness of Sweden towards ITER, DEMO and other large scale fusion demonstrators.
Fusion research in Sweden has traditionally been performed at Chalmers, KTH, and Uppsala University with Lund University and RISE engaging in fusion related research more recently. The approved application is an amendment to an ongoing VR/RFI application “INFRAfusion”, which gives a more substantial support to the Swedish infrastructure commitments within the national and international fusion research infrastructures. The present grant means a 3-year extension of a direct support grant given to Swedish fusion research, for the period 2024-2026, to allow future harmonisation with the existing “INFRAfusion” grant.
Several activities at IFA (Applied Nuclear Physics) will be supported through the “Fusion and EUROfusion” grant: i) fusion materials studies at the Tandem Accelerator lab; ii) measurements of neutron-induced nuclear processes relevant for the ITER tritium Breeding Blanket program (at GANIL, FR); iii) neutron diagnostic developments for ITER and DEMO.