PhD and Licentiate Dissertations 1950-1996

The dissertations are available at the Blåsenhus Library.

Between 1977 and 1996 there were two psychology departments at Uppsala University, the Department of Psychology and the Department of Applied Psychology. In 1996, the two departments were fused into one. The dissertations below are therefore listed accordingly.

The Department of Psychology (1950-1996)





Ragnar Hörnfeldt

Nivå och struktur


Karl Henrik Eriksson

Vanart och personlighetsavvikelser


Ingemar Norling

Judgement of speed in a traffic situation


Ronald L. Cohen

Problems in motor perception


Lars Kebbon

The structure of abilities at lower levels of intelligence. A factoranalytical study


Sten Sture Bergström

A paradox in the perception of luminance gradients


Chris Ottander

On sensory interactions in judgement of velocity and its measurement by psychophysicalscaling methods


Göte Hansson

Dimensions in speech sound perception. An experimental study of vowel perception


Carl-Erik Brattemo

Studies in metaphorical verbal behavior in patients with a psychiatric diagnosis of schizophrenia


Sture Eriksson

Field effects and the shape slant invariance hypothesis in static perception


Gunnar Jansson

Perceived rotary motion. A study of principles for the perceptual analysis of changing proximal stimuli


Sten R. Bergström

Induced avoidance behavior to light in the protozoa tetrahymena


Kåre Rumar

Experimental studies of driver characteristics in some traffic situations with special regard to visual capacity in night driving


Björn Höijer

Cognitive processes in similarity judgements


Klas Guettler

Concepts covered by the terms "ego", "id", and "superego" as applied today in psycho-analytic theory


Arne Öhman

Orienting reactions cognitive processes and conditioned behavior in long interstimulus interval electrodermal conditioning


Hans-Olof Lisper

Increase in reaction time related to fatigue in driving and vigilance


Erik Börjesson

Studies of visually perceived motion in depth


Hans Marmolin

Visually perceived motion in depth resulting from proximal changes


Gunilla Bohlin

Habituation of the orienting reaction and the development of sleep during repetitive stimulation


Alf Gabrielsson

Studies in rhythm


Peter Thunberg

Dimensionality and information curves in a latent trait model


Bo S. Johansson

Encoding strategies and memory performance


Lars-Göran Nilsson

Memory processes and the concept of reinforcement


Claes von Hofsten

On determinants of depth perception in motion patterns


Gunilla Fhanér

Towards a model of seat belt use with particular emphasis on attitude and beliefs


Monica Hane

Towards a model of seat belt use some methodological considerations


Kjell Roos

Aktivitet och anpassning hos åldrande människor. Socialpsykologiska studier kring attityder, aktivitet och åldrande.


William S. Dockens III

Toward a behavioral ecology: A psychological systems approach to social problems


Åke Pålshammar

Competence in third grade school children. Its relation to selected aspects of personality and psychophysiological reactivity


Bengt G. Henriksson

Cannabis and behavior. Statedependent learning and drug discrimination in rats


Lars-Eric Uneståhl

Hypnosis and posthypnotic suggestions


Håkan Sundberg

Orienting reaction, habituation and conditioning to electrical brainstimulation in the cat


Maj-Britt Lindahl

Concept learning effects of the intradimensional variation of the instances


Bo Edvardsson

Miljöproblemens psykologi. Fyra empiriska rapporter med sammanfattning


Gabriel Helmers

Visual characteristics in rural night driving. Some implications for road safety


Michael Lindén

Political dimensions and models of political party sympathy


Göran Berger

Behavioral processes in sequential guessing


Anders Kjellberg

Behavioral and phenomenological effects of sleep deprivation


Göran Stening

Human variables in traffic safety with special regard to traffic knowledge, attitudes, alcohol, drugs and fatigue


Lars Lindahl

Effect evaluation of short term group encounter therapy and evaluation of an interpersonal theory of behavior


Staffan Hygge

Emotional and electrodermal reactions to the suffering of another: Vicarious instigationand vicarious classical conditioning


Karin Lindhagen

Semantic relations in Swedish children's early sentences


Mona Eliasson

Actions of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the copulatory responses in female rats


Jan Vegelius

On various G index generalization and their applicability within the clinical domain


Jim Jones

Group psychotherapy as experiencing, interpersonal perceiving and developing of values


Sverker Runesson

On visual perception of dynamic events


Lennart Melin

A behavioural approach to drug addiction


Per-Olow Sjödén

Behavioral disturbances induced by neonatal thyroid hormone stimulation in rats


John Skoglund

Aging and retirement. Studies of attitudes towards the elderly in Sweden


Tommy Hallqvist

Daseinsanalysen. Bakgrund, karakteristik, kritik


Torbjörn U.C. Järbe

Discriminative control of behavior by drugs. A method to study subjective response characteristics to drugs in animals


K. Gunnar Götestam

Drug dependenca and behaviour therapy


Gunilla Derefeldt

Induced colour as a function of luminance relations


Kenneth Hugdahl

Conditioning, stimulus relevance, and cognitive factors in phobic fears


Cecilia Falkman

Cystic fibrosis - A psychological study of 52 children and their families


Alexander Perski

Voluntary control of heart rate? Optimization of aquisition and transfer of learning


Harald Fürst

Modes of constriction and their change through validation and invalidation


Trevor Archer

Associative and non-associative processes in taste-aversion learning: Exteroceptive context and neophobic responses


Mats Fredrikson

Conditioning phobias, and psychophysiological measures


Jerker Rönnberg

Conceptions of remembering as task-skill interactions


Samuel C.B. Gaunitz

Studies on altered states of consciousness and post hypnotically released emotions


Leslie P. Shaps

Age differences in memory: A dual-deficit hypothesis of localization of the decline


Roger Hagafors

Learning of probabilistic inference tasks: The importance of situational variables for the subject-task interaction


Karl-Olov Fagerström

Tobacco smoking, nicotine dependence and smoking cessation


Lars Åberg

The human factor in game-vehicle accidents: A study of drivers' information acquisition


Ingrid E. Heidenborg

How the basic human needs of patients are met? Analysis, testing and application of Maslow's motivation theory for patient care?


Berit Hagekull

Measurement of behavioral differences in infancy


Lars-Erik Warg

The effect of task content on performance in probabilistic inference tasks


Ulf Dimberg

Emotional conditioning to facial stimuli: A psychobiological analysis


Marianne Carlsson

Sex-role opinions as conceptual schemata in 3-12 year old swedish children


Gunilla Frykholm

Action, intention, gender, and identity, perceived from body movement


Göran Ekegren

Verbal reports about strategies in probabilistic inference learning tasks


Lars-Gunnar Lundh

Mind and meaning. Towards a theory of the human mind considered as a system of meaning structures


Birgitta Höijer, Olle Findahl

Nyheter, förståelse och minne


Olle Findahl, Birgitta Höijer

Begriplighetsanalys. En forskningsgenomgång och en tillämpning på nyhetsinslag i radio och TV


Valborg Dillström Norgren

The development of the semiotic function: studies of children's graphic and verbal representations


John Kugiumutzakis

The origin, development, and function of the early infant imitation


Bo Schenkman

Human echolocation: The detection of objects by the blind


Kjerstin Ericsson

Kan en figurteckning ritad vid 4 år predicera barnets fortsatta utveckling? En uppföljning av vissa delar av 4 årskontrollen fram till 12 år


Michael Swedberg

A model of discrimination learning with interoceptive stimuli


Birgitta Anshelm Olson

Early detection of industrial solvent toxicity: the role of human performance assessment


Roland Gustafsson

Alcohol and human physical aggression: the mediating role of frustration


Bo von Schéele

Assessment of a multifaceted treatment of negative stress: a cognitive and cardiovascular approach


Ann Enander

Sensory reactions and performance in moderate cold


Mikael Franzon

The incongruent color-words paradigm: a non-invasive metod for assessment of language lateralization


Claes-Göran Brobäck

Hemispheric asymmetry and classical conditioning: an experimental study of lateralization of learning


Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos

Instruction and the development of moral judgment


Knut Sundell

Day care and children's development. The relations among direct teaching, communicative speech, cognitive performance, and social participation


Britta Andersson

Dichotic listening and hemispheric asymmetry in children: An experimental study of the influence of directed attention


Margot Maerker

Healthy persons' evaluations of patient information


Mårten Eriksson

Functional relations and the development of concepts. Three studies in relation to the functional core model


Anders Arnqvist

Phonemic awareness in preschool children. Four studies on the relationship between phonemic awareness, reading ability and short-term memory


Igor Knez

To know what to know before knowing: acquistition of functional rules in probabilistic acologies


Gunilla Öhngren

Touching voices: Components of direct tactually supported speechreading


Hans Richter

Supraliminal contrast functions and voluntary negative modulation of accomodation in the visual system


Dankert Vedeler

Intentionality as a basis for the emergence of intersubjectivity in infancy


Peter Juslin

An ecological model of realism of confidence in one's general knowledge


Lars-Olov Lundqvist

Emotional contagion to facial expressions. A social psychophysiological examination


Birgitta Söderfeldt

Signing in the brain. Sign language perception studied by neuroimaging techniques


Ulf Ahlström

Perceptual organization of motion


Håkan Källmén

Alcohol and disinhibition A psychoanalytical interpretation


Mats Lind

The perception of rigid 3-D structure from optic flow

The Department of Applied Psychology (1977-1996)


Steven J. Linton

A behavioural approach to chronic pain and its management


JoAnne Caroline Dahl

The psychological treatment of epilepsy: A behavioral approach


Staffan Sohlberg

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: Diagnosis, treatment and the role of impulsivity for long-term outcomes


Karin Sonnander

Early identification of developmentally delayed children: Reliability, validity and predictive value of a parental assessment instrument


Sandra Söderman Bates

A behavioral approach to gastrointestinal disorders


Bengt J. Eriksson

A stratified process model for planning and designing in psychoanalytic therapy research


Per Lindberg

Assessment of tinnitus aurium. A psychological approach to the symptoms and to the evaluation of intervention


Berit Scott

A behavioural treatment approach to tinnitus


Anita Olsson

Individual response patterns and matching of treatment methods in phobias


Arto Hiltunen

Attenuation of the behavioural effects of alcohol: Antagonism and acute tolerance


Pia Risholm Mothander

The first year of life. Predictive patterns of infant development, maternal adjustment and mother-infant interaction


Göran Westergren

Time. Experiences, perspectives and coping strategies


Lennart Öhlund

Electrodermal activity and the heterogeneity of schizophrenia. From season of birth to social functioning


Ann-Margret Rydell

School adjustment and peer relations among swedish school children. Aspects of The new morbidity


Joaquim Jorge Fernandes Soares

Unconscious effects of potentially phobic stimuli


Örjan Sundin

Psychophysiological reactivity, Type A behaviour, and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction


Cristina Parra

Awareness-independent encoding of angry faces: Evolved mechanism of social anxiety?


Mats Granlund

Communicative competence in persons with profound mental retardation


Francisco Estevez

Emotional facial expressions and the unconscious activation of physiological responses


Raimo Lappalainen

A behavioral approach to eating habits


Bengt E. Westling

A cognitive-behavioural. approach to panic disorder


Lene Lindberg

Early feeding problems. A developmental perspective


Louise von Essen

What is good caring?


Gerhard Andersson

Hearing as behaviour


Christina Hultman

Obstetric complications, electrodermal activity and psychosocial factors within a vulnerability-stress model of schizophrenia

The Department of Psychology (1996-1997)


Gertrud Ericson

Assessment of schoolchildrens performance in dance


Anders Carlström

Policy capturing in target selection


Ned Carter

Functional analysis of stimuli influencing retail theft


Calle Eklund

Withdrawal from methadone maintenance treatment in Sweden


Sam Larsson

Det andra jaget vid manlig transvestism. Ett jagteoretiskt och kognitionspsykologiskt perspektiv


Anders Jansson

Strategies and maladaptive behaviours in complex dynamic decision making


Peter Annas

Fears, phobias, and the inheritance of learning


Anastasia Georgiades

Are casual clinic blood pressure measurements insufficient? Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, stress-reactivity assessment and echocardiography can improve risk estimation for borderline hypertensives


Anders Winman

Knowing if you would have known. A model of the hindsight bias

