Collaboration at Department of Social Work

The department strives for collaboration with various actors in many ways, which may include cooperation regarding education, research, or other areas. An important area is, of course, the students’ work-based education, where the department relies on good cooperation. We also have regular collaboration meetings with a variety of relevant actors.
Several of our ongoing research projects take place in collaboration with organisations or municipalities, and there are certainly new ways of collaborating with regards to research.
Perhaps you have a proposal whereby your business and the department of social work may benefit each other? Would you like to collaborate with us and our researchers on research and education, or just probe the field?
Contact us here:
About collaboration theses
Does your business have a proposal for a topic for a thesis? Perhaps you have a venture that needs to be evaluated, a survey that could be processed more deeply, or any question that could be analysed? All students on the social work programme write theses and some like to write in collaboration with the social work field. Here is more information about the prerequisites for collaborative theses.
Seminar day
For several years now the department has arranged, together with Sammariterhemmet Diakoni, a seminar day with a current theme, where practitioners and researchers are welcomed.
The theme for 2023 was The most dangerous thing you can be is – small! (Swedish) (Link to program)
Theme for 2022 was DARE TO ASK! Sex for compensation – sellers, buyers and their close relatives (Swedish) (link to program)
The 2021 theme was Young angry people (Swedish)(Link to program)