Collaboration at the Disciplinary Domain of humanities and Social Sciences

Many central societal problems can only be solved from a humanities and social sciences perspective. Humanities and social sciences are also associated with cultural activities and the development of both material and immaterial cultural heritage. Therefore we place great importance on teachers and researchers sharing their knowledge with the community and making themselves available as a resource to authorities, organisations, the business sector and the general public.

Collaboration with the surrounding community also provides an important flow of ideas, needs and challenges back to the University. Our students’ placements and the professional activities of our alumni serve the same purpose: entrepreneurship, innovation and external assignments arise in the interface with the community.

Contexts where we have collaboration

  • Lectures on research for the general public and schools
  • Inquiries
  • Continuing professional development
  • Researchers being engaged as experts by media and in inquiries.
  • Study visits
  • Contract education
  • Popular science books
  • Opinion pieces
  • Companies based on research innovations
  • Referrals on draft legislation
  • And much more.

Stay in touch

Uppsala University has several international alumni chapters across the world as well as alumni associations connected with different subject areas or departments.

By being a member of an alumni association you can stay in contact with your study programme and your friends from your time in Uppsala. You will receive information about developments in your area of study and invitations to events organised by the association.

The Uppsala University Alumni Network is a global network for former students and staff at Uppsala University.

Contact us about collaboration

If you want to contact with us regarding some form of collaboration, you should get in touch with one of our departments or other units.

Search for the relevant subject using our directory. If you cannot find the right one, you can always contact the humanities and social sciences office who will help you.

