Library instruction

Uppsala University Library offers a variety of training to support the teaching and research needs of Uppsala University.

Our classes include topics such as

  • information seeking skills
  • citing sources according to different reference styles
  • using reference management software (EndNote and Zotero)
  • source criticism
  • publishing issues
  • finding and using material from the Special Collections
  • working in the University thesis templates for Word
  • data processing and data analysis (for example NVivo, GIS and text mining).

A full list of courses offered at the University Library

Guide to study strategies

If you want to learn more about study strategies, you can register for a self-study course in Studium. The course is not mandatory and you do not receive credits for it. The course has been developed in collaboration between the University Library, the Language Workshop, the Student Health Service and the Student Affairs Division.

Register for the course in Studium


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