Library services for teachers

As an employee of Uppsala University, you can book library instruction for students, PhD students and researchers. Our instruction for students works best when they have an assignment that requires information seeking, reference management or source criticism. We always adapt our instruction to the target audience, and aim to give participants the tools they need to solve tasks themselves.

In order to accommodate your requested dates and times, it is important that you book well in advance. As a teacher, you are welcome to participate in the classes. Teaching is part of the Library's regular support and is free of charge.

Library instruction in information searching and source criticism

Examples of learning outcomes in information searching are that students should know about subject-specific databases and other resources where they can find scientific literature, source material or research data. We also teach search techniques and how students can assess different types of information source. Depending on the subject and level, it may also be relevant to search with controlled subject terms and to document the search.

Library instruction in reference management

The Library offers instruction in reference management using different reference styles. The content is adapted to the subject and level of the course. We also offer introductions to the reference management software Zotero and EndNote.

Library instruction in software for data processing and analysis

You can book instruction in software for the organisation, analysis and visualisation of research data. This includes tools for cleaning data, analysing qualitative and quantitative data, getting started with GIS or text mining, organising and annotating images, or transcribing interviews. Read more about the Library's support for data processing and analysis.

Using the Library's Special Collections for educational purposes

Introduction to the Special Collections

We welcome groups of students and researchers who would like an introduction to our Special Collections. During these introductions, we provide an overview of the types of materials available and how to access them.

Library instruction on selected materials or research topics

We also offer sessions based on selected materials or research topics. The teaching can be designed in various ways. Sometimes we use workshops to spark curiosity and generate ideas about how our Special Collections can be used in studies and research. We adapt the course content to the subject matter and level of the classes.

Include items from the Special Collections in your own teaching

If you are a university teacher, we provide the opportunity to include Special Collections material in your courses. You may use physical or digital items, or paper copies. We would be happy to plan the lessons together with you.

Contact Ask the Library if you have questions regarding library services.

