Contract education
What is contract education?
Are you curious about contract education? Perhaps you have knowledge within your department that you think should benefit more people? Perhaps you want to expand your network of contacts within the business community and authorities? Perhaps you want to offer working professionals easy access to your courses? Then contract education can be a good tool.

For companies and organizations that want to provide their employees with evidence-based knowledge and training, it is important that the educational efforts are adapted to their needs. This often involves flexible arrangements and practical relevance.
For the university departments, contract education can mean the opportunity to retain or expand staff. For individual teachers, contract education may offer access to empirical evidence and opportunities to obtain input to their research from practitioners.
The Division for Contract Education is responsible for coordinating, marketing, and developing the university's contract education. They provide assistance with market analysis, customer dialogue, calculations, contracts, arrangements, participant management, remuneration, invoicing, and evaluation, ensuring compliance with all regulations governing contract education.
Key facts about contract education
The university is required to collaborate with the surrounding society. Part of the collaboration mandate is the continuing education of professionals. When this does not take place within the framework of the grant-funded activity, it becomes a commission from an external financier and is called contract education.
Rules and regulations governing contract education
Contract education is regulated by the Regulation on contract education at universities and colleges (SFS 2002:760). In addition, there are regulations from the Swedish Higher Education Authority on contract education at universities and colleges (UHR) (HSVFS 2013:11). Uppsala University/Goals and rules/Guidelines for contract education (2015)

Economics for contract education
The contract education operation must carry its own costs. This means that you need to include the costs of course development, marketing, tendering, administration, etc. in the cost calculation. Instructions for cost calculation for contract operations Agreements/Contracts

Signing an agreement for contract education
The prefect or equivalent and the head of the Division for Contract Education currently have the right to sign agreements for contract education according to delegation up to SEK 10 million. Agreements exceeding this amount require review by the Legal Department before approval and signing by the University Director.

Compensation for teachers
Employees participating in contract education at UU can receive compensation through overtime paid out via the Primula salary system or through working hours allocated by the institution.

Different types of contract education
Contract education can come in different forms. Everything from credit-bearing, long-term training that spans several terms, to non-credit-bearing training that lasts just a few days.
Some are so-called "open courses" where the participants come from different clients, while others are is tailored to meet a specific employer’s request.
Individuals cannot purchase contract education; only companies (excluding sole proprietors) and other organizations have this privilege.
Course syllabus - credit-bearing contract education
For credit-bearing training, the course syllabus must be approved by the faculty board or department and the examiner is appointed in the same way as for regular education.

Forum for contract education
There is a network for those within UU who are interested in learning more about contract education called Forum for contract education
If you want to know more about the guidelines for contract education, you can contact the department for contract education by emailing