DiVA is Uppsala University's digital publishing system for publications produced by the University's researchers and students.

Publication data from DiVA is used as a basis for bibliometric analyses, evaluations and funding allocation, among other purposes.

On this page students, researchers or administrators at Uppsala University can find information about registration, publication and administration in DiVA.

Researchers at Uppsala University can register and make publications freely available in DiVA, if no copyright restrictions apply. Information from DiVA can be shown in publication lists on websites and be shared with other databases and search services.

Mandatory registrations

It is mandatory to register information about the publications you produce at Uppsala University, even in cases where it is not possible to attach the publication as full text. See What should I register in DiVA? in the FAQ.

Check if the publication has already been registered

Always start by searching DiVA for the publication you want to register to check if it has already been registered. If the record is already in DiVA, you can modify or add information to the existing record. However, if there is an attached file, only an administrator can modify the record.

Registering or editing publication records in DiVA

Questions about registration in DiVA

See answers to frequently asked questions or contact the Library.

Questions about bibliometrics and evaluation

Read more about the support researchers are offered at the University for bibliometric issues or contact the Library.

As a student at Uppsala University, you can publish your thesis or degree project in full text in DiVA. This improves the dissemination and visibility of your thesis.

To make your thesis available in DiVA, you have to be affiliated with a department that publishes its student theses there. The rules for registering and publishing your thesis are determined by your department.

Register your student thesis in DiVA

If you are a student and have been instructed by your department to register your thesis in DiVA, follow the guide DiVA for students.

When you have registered your thesis in DiVA

Once your registration has been reviewed and approved by your department's thesis administrator, information about your thesis will be visible and searchable in DiVA. If you have agreed to make your thesis freely available, the full text of your thesis will also become available at the same time.

Who to contact about registration of a student thesis in DiVA

If you would like to change something in your thesis or have questions about it, please contact your thesis administrator. See contact details.

If you are a DiVA administrator and logged in to DiVA, you can manage publications depending on your permissions.

For administration of student theses, follow the instructions in the Manage student theses guide.

For administration of research publications, follow the instructions in the Manage research publications guide.

If you have questions about administration in DiVA, check the answers to frequently asked questions or contact the Library.

How to become a DiVA administrator

For a new administrator to obtain the appropriate administrative permissions in DiVA, they need the approval of the head of department. Contact the Library to schedule an introduction and help you get started.

Using DiVA to manage student theses – for departments

To manage student theses in DiVA, there needs to be a DiVA administrator at the department who can verify that the thesis has been approved and then either publish or archive it.

Is your institution interested in digitally archiving student theses in DiVA? If your department has decided to switch to digital archiving, you must first notify the University Archives. Send an e-mail to the Registry at Uppsala University.

Contact the Library to get an administrator account and an introduction to DiVA. More information can be found in the Manage student theses guide.

The Library's website provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about registering and publishing in DiVA.

Instructions on how to import references, modify existing data and more can be found in the guide DiVA for Researchers and administrators.

Can't find the answer to your question? Contact the Library.

DiVA is used by a large number of universities, colleges, research institutes and museums in Sweden that together form a consortium. The system is operated and developed by Uppsala University Library in collaboration with the consortium’s members.

The participating organisations share the DiVA portal search tool. Each organisation also has its own local DiVA database. See Uppsala University's DiVA.

More information about the DiVA system


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