Two new Justices of the Supreme Court with ties to the Faculty of Law in Uppsala
Christine Lager and Jonas Malmberg have just been appointed new Justices of the Supreme Court. Both have ties to Uppsala University and the Faculty of Law.
Christine Lager started her career in law with the Law Programme at Uppsala University, taking her law degree in 1987. During her time studying the Law Programme, she was an assistant in procedural law. She was then a law clerk in the Uppsala District Court and a legal clerk in the Svea Court of Appeal. Since then, she has worked as a lawyer and had appointments as an inquiry chair. She has served as Deputy Director-General and Head of Division at the Ministry of Justice, Division for Intellectual Property and Transport Law, and as Head of the Director-General’s staff at the Swedish National Courts Administration. Today, Christine is a Senior Judge of Appeal and Head of Department at Svea Court of Appeal, and since 2016 she is also Head of the Patent and Market Court of Appeal.
Jonas Malmberg, since 2012 chair of the Labour Court, was previously a Professor in Private Law, specifically labour law, at the Faculty of Law for four years. He was a doctoral student in the same Faculty, defending his doctoral thesis in 1997 titled Anställningsavtalet. Om anställningsförhållandets individuella reglering”.(The employment contract. On the individual regulation of the employment relationship). Jonas has often been called on as an expert in Swedish state commissions of inquiry, and by the European Commission, and he has researched and written a large number of publications in the field of labour law.
Christine Lager will take up her duties as a Justice of the Supreme Court on 29 August 2022 and Jonas Malmberg on 1 May 2022.
Maria Cicilaki