Olof Eriksson receives the Johnny Ludvigsson Award 2022

Olof Eriksson, researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Olof Eriksson, researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Olof Eriksson, researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, is the receiver of the Johnny Ludvigsson Award 2022 and SEK 50,000. "Winning this award makes me feel that you can really make a difference for all the families out there who live with type 1 diabetes," says Olof Eriksson.

Olof Eriksson, researcher in translational imaging at Uppsala University, is awarded the 2022 Johnny Ludvigsson Award for "Young Child Diabetes Researchers in Sweden" by Barndiabetesfonden (Children's Diabetes Foundation). Olof Eriksson leads a successful research group at SciLife Lab with a focus on, among other things, the development and validation of techniques with potential to make significant contributions to new treatment strategies for type 1 diabetes.

In the award motivation, Barndiabetesfonden highlights Olof Eriksson's impressive production of scientific publications in which the development and validation of new techniques for non-invasive monitoring of various processes in the development of type 1 diabetes are prominent.

“It means a lot, especially when I know how many talented diabetes researchers there are in Sweden. Winning this award feels like a confirmation that the research I am conducting is going in the right direction. This award also makes me feel that you can really make a difference for all the families out there who live with type 1 diabetes,” says Olof Eriksson.

Text: Einar Sandström


  • Each year Barndiabetesfonden awards two prizes in Johnny Ludvigsson's name to prominent child diabetes researchers in the Nordics and in Sweden.
  • The award winners are selected, after an open nomination and assessment of nominated candidates, by Barndiabetesfonden's Scientific Council together with previous prize winners.

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