News about EB-CRIME
His algorithm aims for better age assessments
Can a computer analyse a picture of a face and decide how old the person is? Anders Hast thinks it can. He is currently developing an algori...
Bringing new research about forensic evidence to the courtroom
Are there better methods of assessing a person’s age, whether a person is lying, or whose DNA is at a crime scene? These are questions in so...
Ny svensk dna-teknik kan hjälpa polisen att bedöma ålder – SR 30/7 2023 (in Swedish)
Ny forskning: AI ska kunna avgöra människors ålder – SVT 3/5 2023 (in Swedish)
Så ska AI hjälpa brottsutredare – kan avslöja lögner i polisförhör – SVT 11/3 2023 (in Swedish)
18 miljoner kronor till projekt om evidensbaserad straffrätt – 17/11 2022 (in Swedish)
Straffrättsprojekt får 18 miljoner i forskningsanslag – Infotorg juridik 14/11 2022 (in Swedish)