How can I use the database?

The GaW database does not answer any research questions. However, with its help you can search, present, and compile data, important steps in building a foundation from which to answer research questions.

Screenpic new database

The headings in the GaW Database are available in both English and Swedish. Some pre-selected categories and variables that indicate what is recorded are only in Swedish, and so far, all source texts published in the GaW Database are Swedish.

In the GaW Database, you can, for example, search for words in free text and see the faithfully transcribed text where the word appears. You can search for performed activities through various selections and combinations and have the data compiled in tabular form.

For example, you can search for only rural trading activities performed by unmarried women during a certain period or all men who made shoes and see if they were also called cobblers (skomakare) or were attributed some similar professional designation. In addition, you can always go back to the original source text and search for the individual cases and the metadata registered for both an activity and an individual, as well as get source references to the original source.

To learn more about how to use the database, we recommend reading about the fundamental principles for inputting data and what kind of metadata has been recorded in;

“The principles of entering data into the Gender and Work Database”, PDF, 1001 kB Pdf, 1001 kB..

We welcome suggestions for potential improvements at

A woman sewing

In working with source material, a historian must always use source criticism. A database is an added layer between the original source and the individual researcher, a condition that must be approached with an additional battery of source-critical questions (for example, questions regarding selection). At the same time, GaW can be used as a tool for source-critical analysis. The user has access to both the original source material, as well as documentation of the registration process. Furthermore, GaW presents the opportunity to compare and contrast different sources.

When considered alongside the individual source, the database has a substantial added value due to:

  • the amount and variety of data collected
  • the classification of this data

The contents of the GaW database reflect the sources that are registered within it. This reflection, of course, is dependent upon the research project Gender and Work and also, to a certain degree, upon the interests of the individual researcher. The over-riding advantage of GaW is that it can systematically demonstrate the ways that a variety of source material contributes to the emerging picture of the past. Moreover, it is always possible to return to and check the original source material.

Read about sources in GaW

Both researchers, students and the general public have access to the open database and can search for source texts and contextual and individual metadata in various ways. A new database application is under development. If you are curious and want to learn more, please visit the Swedish version of this page.

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  • Are you interested in using GaW to analyze and/or to make your source material accessible? Please contact us!


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