Energy conversion
Increased electrification can be part of the solution to the problem of society’s dependence on fossil energy sources. Increased electricity production is needed to supply electrically powered transport, but also for certain industrial processes, for example, the production of hydrogen by electrolysis – the splitting of water molecules.
Uppsala University has long had strong clusters in renewable electricity generation such as hydropower, wind power, marine-based power and solar cells. The research ranges from materials, components and systems to meteorological conditions and environmental impacts. The University also has strong environments in nuclear energy and fusion research.
Research areas
Hydro power
Focus on understanding and further developing old hydropower generators.
Wind power
Research on wind resources, aerodynamics and new generator technology.
Marine based power
Environmental aspects of wave power parks, hydrodynamic modelling, and electricity systems and generators.
Solar cells
New materials and structures for more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solar cells.
Nuclear energy and fusion
Nuclear fuel and experimental methods for studying properties of fuel.