Strong research environments
Below, a selection of strong research environments at Uppsala University are presented.
Uppsala Institute for Sustainable Transformation
A research initiative designed to mobilise the University’s breadth to enable world-leading research on complex challenges for society.

Centres of excellence
Five research environments at Uppsala University will receive grants as part of the Swedish Research Council’s excellence initiative.

National competence centres
Research within areas important to Sweden's competitiveness.

Research centres at Uppsala University
There are several strategic research centres at Uppsala University which have multidisciplinary, comprehensive perspectives.

Strategic research areas
Uppsala University coordinates initiatives in seven strategic areas pinpointed by the government.

KIC – Knowledge and Innovation Communities
European research consortia for innovation and entrepreneurship. Uppsala University participates in the areas of energy, health and raw materials.

Internet of Things Sweden
National initiative to transform Sweden into a leader in the use of the Internet of Things. Coordinated by Uppsala University.

Democracy and Higher Education
Research programme that will help create the conditions for a democratic and robust society and strengthen academic freedom.

Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Programme – Humanities and Social Sciences (WASP-HS)
Research projects with a focus on the ethical, economic, labour market, social and legal aspects of the technological shift.

Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE)
Research projects for a sustainable society through advanced materials research.

Research areas
The University’s research areas divided by subject area and department.
Find researchers
Contact information in the University Directory.