About SNP&SEQ Technology Platform
The SNP&SEQ Technology Platform in Uppsala, Sweden aims to offer genotyping and next generation sequencing services of highest quality using the latest technologies, to academic researchers in Sweden.
The facility was established 2001 focusing on SNP genotyping. After obtaining funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation 2007 the facility expanded with Illumina sequencing service. The SNP&SEQ Technology Platform is accredited by SWEDAC according to the European quality standard ISO/IEC 17025, as a guarantee to our users of our high quality standards.
SNP&SEQ is funded by SciLifeLab, Uppsala University and the Swedish Council for Research Infrastructures (VR-RFI).
The National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) is hosted by Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), a Swedish national center for molecular biosciences with a focus on health and environmental research. We are a part of the Genomics Platform at SciLifeLab.
NGI is one of the largest facilities at SciLifeLab both in terms of the number of projects and number of users. It provides access to technology for massively parallel sequencing and genotyping at all scales, and associated bioinformatics support to researchers based in Sweden.
NGI was launched on January 1st 2013 and originates from the Swedish Research Council RFI infrastructure SNISS. NGI follows the VR RFI guidelines for national infrastructures and, besides SciLifeLab, we are supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and host universities. In addition, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has provided critical capital support for new instruments and computational infrastructure.
Guaranteeing the highest quality
We at the SNP&SEQ Technology Platform, take pride in our work to be able to provide our users tailor made, cost-effective and expedient solutions for all types of genotyping and sequencing projects. Our background in research gives us a unique understanding for academic researchers needs and wants, and we recognize the importance for our users to recieve service of the highest quality. Follow the link to learn more about our Quality system.