Sample delivery

Please note that samples cannot be submitted to the facility until your project has been accepted in the NGI Order portal, you have received a project code, and received, signed and returned your agreement.

After submitting your project to the NGI Order portal you will receive a confirmation and a project code from one of our project coordinator at the SNP&SEQ Technology Platform. The project coordinator will evaluate the setup of your project and make sure we have all of the information needed to proceed. As soon as you have a quote and signed and returned your agreement to us, you will be able to submitt samples for sequencing. If you are planning to submitt you samples by post or a courier service, please contact us for more information.

Samples can also be delivered to the facilitie's office for Sample Drop-off for Illumina sequencing, situated at the ground floor at SciLifeLab main entrance C11, BMC.

Opening hours for Sample Drop-off:

  • Friday 9-11 am
    Changes may occur due to national holidays and during holiday periods.

Please read the sample delivery checklist below before submitting your samples!

Checklist for sample delivery

  • Make sure you have submitted your project in the NGI Order portal.
  • Make sure your project is accepted and you have received, signed and returned your agreement.
  • Make sure you have received a project code, please use this project code in all email correspondence with us.
  • If you are submitting samples for library preparation and sequencing, please fill in form: BLA‐32605 and send to
  • If you are submitting ready‐made libraries for sequencing, please fill in form: BLA‐32606 and send to
  • Check the quality of your samples, and make sure that our specifications are met. If a Bioanalyzer or equivalent has been used for quality control of your samples, please submit these files (as pdf) together with the samples.
  • All samples should be delivered in a 96 well microtiter plate sealed with PCR-film. Free plates will be sent to you when you project is accepted in the NGI Order portal but can also be picked up at the SNP&SEQ Platform.

The documents, BLA-32605 and BLA-32606, are available at: Always check the website for the latest version of the documents.

Sample requirements

Depending on the application, DNA, RNA, cDNA, ChIP-DNA, bisulfite-treated DNA, enriched DNA or PCR-products are all acceptable starting material. The amount and quality of the samples are pivotal to the outcome of sequencing run were different requirements correspond to different library protocols, please contact us for further information. We will verify the amount and quality of each sample prior to library preparation, or prior to sequencing if a library is submitted to the platform.

SNP&SEQ does not perform DNA or RNA extractions,

